Notebook - associate of 9/11 hijackers
CBS News dot com
2021/08/28 Notebook tied to associate of 9/11 hijackers said to contain plane drawing, flight calculations
By Cathering Herridge
2021/08/28--https //www cbsnews com/news/new-declaration-on-notebook-from-home-of-associate-of-911-
Serendipitous events (Or Part of the Plan by Plot Overseers)
FBI Director Mueller III came in just a few days before 9/11
John O’Neill started working at the World Trade Center not too long before 9/11
O’Neill, John
Disparate Hypothesis
The writer poses a question about John ONeill (See also PBS below), WTC head of security and former FBI
Counterterror Chief:
Excerpt: And while I was a bit taken at how quickly – and confidently – the fingers were pointing only
hours after the 9/11 bombings, I was positively shaken by the first red flag that popped up. His name
was John O’Neill – or more precisely, he is the seam that shows. Dated September 12, in a Washington
Post article by Vernon Loeb, it was revealed that O’Neill, who died in his capacity as head of security for
the World Trade Center, was also formerly the New York FBI Counterterror chief responsible for the
investigation into Osama bin Laden. That could perhaps be written off as one of those freak
synchronicities. There were the other items – reported quite blandly, in that “there’s nothing to see
here, folks” tone – that gave me that sinking feeling. Apparently, O’Neill had a falling-out with the
Ambassador to Yemen over his investigative style and was banned from returning there. But then there
was that other nugget that I had trouble digesting – that O’Neill had resigned from a thirty-year career
in the FBI “under a cloud” over an incident in Tampa – and then left to take up the security position at
the WTC (only two weeks before!).
2018/03/09 Watching “The Looming Tower”? Meet the Real John O’Neill. By Patrice Taddonio
https //www pbs org/wgbh/frontline/article/watching-the-looming-tower-meet-the-real-john-oneill/
Excerpt: When the Twin Towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001, among the thousands killed was the one man who
may have known more about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda than any other person in America: John
O’Neill. The FBI’s leading expert on Al Qaeda, O’Neill had sounded the alarm about the group’s threat to
the United States long before 9/11. His story is dramatized as part of the new Hulu series, “The
Looming Tower,” in which he’s played by Jeff Daniels. But you can meet the real John O’Neill in the
classic FRONTLINE documentary The Man Who Knew — which is streaming online, for free, above.
https //www pbs org/wgbh/frontline/article/watching-the-looming-tower-meet-the-real-john-oneill
Steven Markhoff
“The book is highly recommended for its historical significance in understanding the ‘War on Terror’ and why the U.S. has lost
credibility overseas. However, it’s often like reading a compendium from the Nuremberg Tribunals. It is not smooth to digest unless
you like reading legal briefs and encyclopedias. I give it 4 of 5 stars, not because of its sometime awkward format but because its
narrow context missed key co-conspirators. This is my one big issue with the book. Were the Nazis evil because of a few dozen bad
apples at the top or because millions went along? Why pile guilt on Bush rather than spreading it to minions, who also took an
oath to defend the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic.”--Victor Madeson, Valor Publishing
[Note from PF 2021/12/13: This author might have a bias for Iraq and the Middle East, but use the in-depth research as needed;
the bias can include the concept of seeing the President in “ dereliction of duty in regards to condoning the Iraq War.” It is the
feeling of PF that Bush did indeed have big oil proclivities and hidden games going on, but that his intentions and approach were
not entirely anti-American, and that he was struggling to grow, understand and know how best to respond to Iraq by the pre-Surge
phase; it is also felt he might have been under the thumb of a partial takeover and not fully his own man; dummy replacement of
political figures should always be considered as possible for presidential protection/security or as a secret abduction/takeover
Steelworkers - Mohawks - 9/11
White Wolf Pack dot com
2012/09 The Mohawks who built Manhattan - Photos
The main narrative is that the Mohawks helped with the aftermath of 9/11. That very well might be true.
However, consider the following: Some Mohawks might have been complicit in the 9/11 attacks, others might
have been innocent. A help session afterward among enemies might also be a disposal team or applying
other subversive activities. Consider an old Canada - British - French connection that was oppositional to the
United States. This Canadian link can have both tribal and UK links. Very few knew the steel structure and
perhaps overall layout of the WTCs better than the Mohawks who worked on them. Mohawks are saying they
had personnel at the WTC’s at the time of 9/11 and saw the terrorist controlled planes coming so close they
could read the call signs or other images on the planes. This seems possibly fishy. Consider whether
Mohawks were working with other steelworkers in the area, including Muslim ones. Consider a civil rights
connection to various groups in the New Jersey and New York areas. Consider whether they helped move
things across the Canadian border into Canada from the New York crash sites. Identify whether there is or
was any link between steelworkers and trash people, as in metal recycling.
http //www whitewolfpack com/2012/09/the-mohawks-who-built-manhattan-photos html
Partial Hidden Takeover of White House and Pentagon
Partial hidden and non-disclosed takeover of White House and Pentagon during 9/11; hidden influences
on President, Rumsfeld, Rice behind post-9/11 global maneuvers, “deck of cards”, etc. - someone in the oil and gas
world was yanking their chains
Note from PF on 2020/02/17Some people who might have been impacted: George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice,
Cheney might have escaped it; Whoever did it, might have actually orchestrated the fake-seeming
“Deck of Cards” and actually wanted the US to attack Afghanistan and Iraq for them, putting our people
in harm’s way for some kind of oil and gas related takeover operation. Rumsfeld might be pinched and worried about
grandkids, Rice might have been attacked in her office, Bush Jr either survived or was killed an almost lookalike dummy put
in his place, one with kind of Middle Eastern nose; it is felt here that some Native Americans and Hispanics in New Mexico
had something to do with 9/11, as New Mexico Tech has come up in other places - it is suggested it needs to be seen as part
of an old civil rights, anti-American Vietnam Era issue, what we are seeing in the Black Lives Matter movement today in
2021 likely has connections to this decades old trajectory of hidden warfare against the United States. Also remember that
Venezuela has been one of the “Hispania” countries linked to Middle Eastern Petro. Puerto Rico has come up around
Alaska cartels and Army National Guard/Anchorage PD. Khalilzad might have suspected or been part of what was going on.
The big honchos are likely linked to petro and more than one military, including the US Navy and perhaps some Army.
Which country is originating this, or which main oil conglomerate, should be a primary question. Saudi Arabia has come up
with Aramco. Also there has been a suggestion of a heist in the WTC material. Rumsfeld might have been under duress
which was why he was acting pinched and strangely. Mexico has shown billionare activity and could have been part of the
takeover and over up, likely an ongoing antagonist against the United States, including in the recent White House ordeal
involving Trump, it is likely the egos of Mexicans are involved in various displays in the media and the impeachment
attempt. Watch the news for signs of “America, you had it coming” and follow those hints to their source.
Earlier Pre-9/11 and UAE: Dubai Ports World and UAE (United Arab Emirates)
Sfgate dot com
2006/03/08 Bush and the Ports: The Honeymoon Is Over. Cinnamon Stillwell
Excerpt: When the story broke that the Bush administration had approved a British-owned company's sale of
U.S. port operations to one headquartered in the United Arab Emirates, all hell broke loose.
The company at hand, Dubai Ports World, is owned by the United Arab Emirates, so not only would we be
handing over operations of our ports to yet another foreign company, but also to a foreign government. The
fact that the deal was approved without the legally authorized 45-day investigation normally required when
acquisition by a foreign government and security concerns are involved, certainly doesn't help. Then there
was President Bush's claim that he knew nothing about the deal until after it had been approved, which
wasn't terribly reassuring.
On top of it all, the original report that only six ports were affected by the deal turned out to be misleading. It
is in fact terminal operations at 21 ports that are at stake, which would give the United Arab Emirates control
over almost every major shipping terminal on the Eastern Seaboard. For some reason, much of the media
continues to report the lower figure.
The firestorm over the ports deal has exposed a rift on the right and a political opportunity for the left. On the
one hand, you have the Bush administration and loyalists in the Republican Party and conservative media
defending the ports deal. On the other, you have Democrats, Republicans, conservatives and liberals all
justifiably concerned about a Muslim country, ally or not, having control of 21 U.S. ports in a time of war.
Earlier Pre-9/11 Environment (Singapore-USA)
Singapore Window: Lee's memoirs reveal covert aid to Khmer Rouge (10/02/2000)
Excerpt: South China Morning Post AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE in Phnom Penh: CAMBODIA'S genocidal Khmer Rouge and allied
non-communist insurgents received massive sums of largely covert aid from China, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia
and Thailand in the 1980s, according to Singapore Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew.As much as US$1.3 billion was spent
supporting rebel groups fighting Vietnamese and allied Cambodian forces after Hanoi's invasion of Cambodia, which
toppled the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979. "Our representative on the Thai-Malaysian-Singaporean-US group that met in
Bangkok to co-ordinate our programme estimated that the United States dispensed a total of about US$150 million in
covert aid to the non-communist groups," the former Singapore leader said in his recently published memoirs.
1988: Hendrickson Affair 2006 (est) - Current: Fat Leonard Case 2015: Asian Summit/Obama
2015 Asian Summit - Obama
Bilateral relations
Hendrickson Affair (1988)
Free Trade Agreement (2003)
Visa Waiver Country
Military Relations: Singapore has long standing military relations with the United States. The United States sells arms to
Singapore and provides access to its bases to train the Singaporean armed services outside of their small city-state.[14]
Under the US-Singapore Strategic Framework Agreement, some US Navy littoral combat ships are to rotationally deployed
to Singapore.[15
Some sources listed on this wikipedia page:
Crossette, Barbara. (1988-05-08), "Singapore Asks Removal of U.S. Envoy", The New York Times, retrieved 2010-03-03
Brabenec, James. (2010-11-24), "Singaporeans get HIMARS qualified.",, retrieved 2011-03-17
Tomkins, Damien. (8 June 2011), "US Reaffirms Asia Role", The Diplomat, retrieved 2011-09-05
"Singaporean student numbers at US varsities hit 10-year high". Retrieved 11 February 2012.
"Channel Newsasia". Retrieved 11 February 2012.
Ambassador CHAN Heng Chee, Washington, D.C.: Singapore Embassy, retrieved 2010-03-12
Kirk Wagar. retrieved 2016-12-16
Bittersweet farewell for US ambassador to Singapore Kirk Wagar, hours before Trump's inauguration. MSN. 2017-01-
McFarland reportedly offered Singapore ambassador post. The Hill. 2017-04-01. Retrieved 2014-04-10.
Straits Times: The hidden journey of a Singapore JI detainee. By Shefali Rekhi, Assistant Foreign Editor (04/07/2013)
Excerpt: What is it that turns an individual to terrorism? And how difficult is it to get them to return to a life of normalcy?
The life stories of those who take this journey and return offers insights…The training was to prepare JI members to be
operationally ready to overthrow the regional governments and establish a Daulah Islamiyah based on Syariah.
Related Navy Corruption
Robert C. Martinage, acting undersecretary of the Navy….and others
Stripes: Navy civilian’s affair uncovered during contracting probe
Washington Post: Navy’s second ranking civilian resigns amid criminal investigation. By Craig Whitlock. (2014)
Excerpt: In that case, three senior Navy intelligence officials who reported to Martinage are under investigation for an
alleged contracting scheme that charged the military $1.6 million for homemade silencers that cost only $8,000 to
manufacture, court records show. Involves Mark S. Landersman mechanic (brother of one of the Navy intelligence officials
under scrutiny) and others.
Wikipedia: Tailhook Scandal: Macho culture which belittles women
New York Times: Revisiting the Military’s Tailhook Scandal. Michael Winerip. (05/13/2013)
Related Issues: Old Vietnam material, Cambodia - Khmer Rouge; Corporation Corruption Other Parts of Military
Other Corporations - Military contractors (supplies, technology, ships and human intervention/protection services)
General Dynamics
Corp Watch: General Dynamics Corporation
Senate Committees Investigation - 9/11, Torture
9/11 papers hacked
Irish Times
2019/01/02 9/11 documents hacked from insurers and lawyers
FBI and other law-enforcement agencies investigating the hack by ‘The Dark Overlor
Excerpt: The FBI is investigating the theft of 18,000 insurance and legal documents relating to the September 11th attacks
on the World Trade Centre by a hacker with a long record of holding companies to ransom, according to two people familiar
with the matter. Posting under the name “The Dark Overlord”, the hacker or hackers claimed on New Year’s Eve that they
had taken emails and non-disclosure agreements relating to the 9/11 attacks that were sent and received by groups
including insurers Hiscox and Lloyd’s of London and the law firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, now called Husch
Blackwell. The Dark Overlord said it would sell the documents for bitcoin, inviting Isis, al-Qaeda and nation states to bid for
them online.
Updates: 2021/10/12-Irish Times2021/10/05-cleared some of the excess bold, added John O’Neill, general editing; 2021/03/10 editing; 2021/03/01 Steelworker
section added, along with Mohawk link to 9/11
General 9/11-1
Resources Listed (separate page, In 2b)
Links List
Presidential Negligence in Not Preventing 9/11
Steven Markoff: Book The Case Against George W. Bush
Conspiracy Theories (More under No Planes)
Steelworkers - Mohawks
Hidden Partial Takeover of White House, Pentagon
Pre-9/11 Buildup and Signs Afterward of Earlier Problems
Insidious Ties to 9/11
Jemaah Islamiya and link to Al Qaeda training in Afghanistan
Plot against Navy in January 2002, very shortly after 9/11
Dubai Ports World and UAE (United Arab Emirates)
O’Neill, John - Killed at 9/11 site - FBI agent closely linked to information about
buildup to 9/11
9/11 papers hacked from insurers and lawyers
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption