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Shaking the Boughs of the Tree (PSY-30)
Definition Related Concepts Contextual ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINITION Trying to shake things loose for help or information. RELATED CONCEPTS This is its own space. Closest thing is Make a lot of noise or shake things loose.. CONTEXTUAL First envision what happens when you shake a medium-sized tree limb packed with leaves and late summer fruit, or with late leaves - that is, of late fall to early winter with yellow, red and dry brown leaves read to fall off. Leaves, fruit and some dust, cobwebs, bugs, outer shells of dead bugs, bird feathers and some other things could shake out and down. Now envision going in to an uncertain, troubled or dangerous environment and you consciously or semi-instinctively start shaking things around. You do this to make nose to use attention as protection or to shake people and insights loose as new or validating information. As for the first, the reasoning or the result can be to draw a wide spray of attention to yourself for protection and help. Like someone screaming, waving arms loudly or turning on the car or a personal alarm when someone attacks them, either in a public area or someplace like a remote area but when a walker, jogger or car comes by. Secondly, shaking things up might make certain people do and say things they would not otherwise do, possibly dropping some hints or releasing some usable information, or bringing things out into the open, or pushing things to a head. It also can also reveal players that were otherwise hidden or unknown.
Emotions might flair, people might become overtly retaliative and show their true colors. Someone’s family member might have been harmed by this same group and decides to investigate or speak out. Whistleblowers anywhere or anyhow linked to the situation might speak out. It also draw the attention of helpful knowers, sympathizers or policing types. These can be other similarly victimized persons or family members, friends or regionals, people who have heard some things. It can be people inside the organization who know what is going on and who have seen others victimized. It can be policing or feds, like those who work a district or neighborhood and have seen similar problems. Updates: 4/12/2023--an old concept (like from earlier sister sites) has been reworded and restarted here today.