War Zone Iraq 2006-2009 Applications to BLM (RRT-13-Case Study)
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption
The Magic of a Good Mix
Songs from around the world
depict a unifying aspect. Music
is a universal language. As such,
let us have a lingua franca, a
cosmopolitan approach in the
public domain, a way to conduct
affairs and communicate so basic
rights and needs shared by all
humans are addressed. It is a
way to get along with each other
despite differences. But at the
end of the day, we are able to go
home and bask peacefully in our
individuality and culture. The
American system is that unifying
approach. We need to be in
synchronized agreement on
certain key issues. Many of us
have a “true” red-white-and-blue
America in our hearts and
preferences, but the nation has
many types vying for dominance.
Terrorist-cartel, Communist
Chinese, Radical Islam, Marxist,
East European neo-Soviet style
takeovers or radical religious
control are not options.
See Magic of a Good Mix
Music from Around the World
CFR dot org
[PF Note: this has a brief visual timeline that is both good for new learners and as a review for some with a little
more background. Some parts seem to be contested by other sources, like the first Samarra mosque bombing
setting off waves of sectarian battles. Some suggest such were expected but it was relatively quiet. Also, this
expression “He [Maliki in Apr 2006] forms a unity government with Iraqi Kurds and Sunnis: does not adequately
portray the Iraq government situation in 2006.]
Takeovers and Losing Control in Iraq: How to Recognize Similar Signs in USA and Do Something About it to Turn
it Around
One important chapter in these matters is Chapter 19 “the Enemy Within” (Endgame) in which once again in the book
we are given strong indications good quality committees were in fact set up to review the situation and make
practical suggestions. What we can learn and apply from this is that the Americans and their Allies do in fact know
what is wrong, but there is a disconnect in applying it in planning and in stopping the takeovers.
Key Concepts:
Put out fires at onset so you are not backed into a corner later with limited options
Multiple antagonists in-country can create a “perfect storm”
Prioritizing Fronts/High Intensity Areas can result from having multiple antagonists multiple places; limited funds,
human and weaponry/technical assets; low political support; uninspired leadership; ignorance at the beginning
Unprotected borders
Insufficient control of antagonist leaders in-country
Insufficient awareness of how antagonists network to take over locations and operations
Foreign plus Citizen antagonists: how different, how interconnected
Get good at breaking up gigs
Bad Foreign-Originated Leaders Linked to US Processes
Some Key Concepts:
If it smells and pricks like a thorn, it likely is one
One of our questions should be: Could this guy come back to haunt us?
Names of those applicable to this discussion
Nouri al-Maliki - Nouri Kamil Muhammad-Hasan al-Maliki
Iraq prime minister 2006-2014
as American-sponsored Iraqi Leader after ousting Saddam Hussein •The episode opened a window into Maliki’s
machinations his efforts to build up his credentials with the Sadrists (see below), and the challenges of shaping
politics in Iraq. A bedrock principle of counterinsurgency was persuasion of militias to put down their arms and
join the political system - essentially diminishing the number of irreconcilables detrmined to fight to the end.
But the case of Qais al-Khazli showed that, in his political struggle with Sadr, Maliki was tempted to reconcile
with factions that were actively kidnapping and executing Americans.” (p. 354). [PF Note: Red added for
Some people closely tied to putting Maliki in power: Michael Douglas Barbero, Khalizad; Maliki was sworn in on
May 20, 2006;
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi-Iraq’s Al Qaeda leader after US 2003 invasion
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
Zalmay Khalizad seems suspicious
Application(s) involving Leaders
Inside USA Foreign-Originated Legislative and other leaders in US are showing signs of complicity with radical
Muslim and leftists. Ethnically oriented Legislators and other leaders (like governors and Attorney Generals) are
doing the same.
Planned Organizers/Operatives
Iran’s Quds Force.
Applications involving Operatives
Black Lives Matter
La Raza
Jewish Holocaust Revenge Movement
The Sadrist Movement
named after prominent clerics from the al-Sadr family – emerged in Iraq in the 1990s amid the Shia Muslim uprising
against President Saddam Hussein after his defeat in the Gulf War. A product of decades of suppression of the Shia
population under the Sunni-led Baath Party, the revolt was violently crushed by Saddam. The US invasion of 2003 and
the overthrow of Saddam resulted in the formation of the anti-US Mahdi Army, the Sadrist Movement’s militia wing.
The Sadrists, however, set violence aside when they participated in the general election of 2005 as part of a wider
coalition of Shia parties. The Mahdi Army was disbanded in 2008, only to be revived as the Peace Companies around
2014 to fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Sunni militant jihadist group. Since 2003, the Sadrist
Movement – in its militant and political incarnations – has been led by Muqtada al-Sadr, whose persona and public
statements are often imbued with messianism and millenarianism.
See Reuters below
MULTIPLE ATTACKS (Whether Coordinated Simultaneously or Not)
Suicide Bombings
Coordinated Riots
Several key Clerics
Applications: One of our questions should be: Could this guy come back to haunt us?
Some of the above were listed as “trouble” early on, but even when caught or could otherwise have been grabbed,
managed to get out of US hands only to cause trouble later for many years.
2021/06/29 In Iraq, an old U.S. foe grows his political power
The political movement of nationalist hi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has quietly come to dominate the apparatus
of the Iraqi state. This could pose problems for the United States and Iran.
By JOHN DAVISON and AHMED RASHEED in BAGHDAD Filed June 29, 2021, 11 a.m. GMT
2005-General Casey decided to do a mini-surge at the Syria-Iraq border, feeling leaks there were allowing terrorists
and their supplies to enter the country. He knew the Baghdad area also had serious problems, part of which was
suicide bombers. He placed US manpower and weaponry along two western border main fronts - both were road
and trade routes following the country’s two main rivers. Some terrorist rat’s nests were in these border towns.
Given two or more high intensity areas, having to prioritize; more to one takes from the other
US borders experiencing planned hybrid warfare and incidental immigrant surges with intentional US leadership
malfeasance and likely also incidental negligence or inadequacy (in 2023 and before)
Focused, planned military American responses coupled with diligence have in fact been proven to be effective in
Iraq’s border problems; some US leaders are asking for military intervention at US borders now
Get as good at breaking up human gigs as Ordinance Teams find and break up IEDs and EFPs
-ideas: corporate antitrust; real deal oversight boards; closing down businesses hiring a lot of illegal immigrants;
military intervention at US-Mexico border and in sanctuary cities stop DACA; use and live motto Deport Don’t
Transport; cut off funding to sanctuary cities; if FBI is compromised and using operatives at Jan 6 riots along with
planted photographers we need to know it. Iran might have been bringing in Iranians to help resettle Iraq and could
be among those using hybrid warfare against USA. How do Muslims co-opt an area? Legislation against gangs in
department stores.
Reverse-Racism, Civil Rights as Warfare
Start Here
Leaders there & US
Names Applicable
Old Thorns Keep Growing
Multiple Attacks
Links List
Some important points to consider on
the earlier Iraq-US war zone, 2006-09, is
that a variety of issues were involved.
Iran was interfering. It was not only
supporting fellow Shiites in Iraq, the
largest Muslim faction there, but at times
they actually also funded Al Qaeda in
Iraq, a group involved in sectarian wars
against the same Shiites Iran usually
Al Qaeda was a major attacking force
taking over large parts of Iraq. It was a
mixture of Iraqi and foreign types,
including terrorists and thugs, but was at
least marginally Sunni. They tended to
dominate largely in the Anbar region in
the western sphere of Iraq, gathering up
Sunni alliances through Muslim-style
influence or murderous bullying.
A serious Shiite threat in the country
were the Sadrists and their linked Mahdi
Army, as well as a long-term and well
known Shiite religious leader, Grand
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. The Americans at
key moments felt stymied until Sistani
gave his support or backed off from
dissent. He was always in the
background as a mover who kept a
serious eye on the Iraqi government.
The Sadrists held territory in a city slum
area in northwestern Baghdad, the
largest city in Iraq. The Sadrists were
under a charismatic leader whose father
used to be a prominent cleric.
The Endgame. The Inside Story of
the Story of Iraq. 2012. Michael R.
Gordon and General Bernard E.
Trainor. Vintage (div. of Random
House), NY.
US Study Commissions on Iraq
Endgame. Chapter 10, “The Red
Team”, pp 158-163. Red Team was
realistic but Gen. Casey fought it.
An effort to quietly fire up US and
British leaders failed.
Endgame. Iraq Study Group-Jim
Banker and Lee Hamilton Chapter
15 “Some Friendly Advice”
Endgame. JSAT Chapter 19 “The
Enemy Within:pp 354-366. Comes
with Petraeus in 2007 Surge early
planning. The JSAT was realistic
but ultimately its ideas were
diluted One problem was OCINC.
Endgame. Joint Campaign Plan, p.
363, Petraeus and Crocker. JSAT
Review was its foundation. This is
where the JSAT plan was “toned
down. significantly”
Charlie Allen’s critical assessment
in 2004
Links List
https //www cfr org/timeline/iraq-
https //en wikipedia
Shiites had rapidly taken over the Iraqi government and its ministries, aided
by the US unwittingly in their putting Maliki in the head position as prime
minister. He kept supporting Shiites against Sunnis and Baathists, and was
secretive and evasive with the Americans starting early on. He set up Iraqi
divisions and spurred raids without US input or knowledge.
As a Dawa, he had opposed and been abused by Saddam’s old Baathist types
and he was afraid of any hint of their lingering power. He had found asylum
from Saddam outside of Iraq and kept ties with Iran. Americans saw
indications he was targeting and not including Baathists and Sunni in the
developing Iraqi government. Although the Dawa most certainly received
unfair and brutal treatment under Saddam Hussein, Maliki* was showing
every sign of authoritarian actions himself.
Certain Iraqi police units were known to be particularly brutal.
This study looks at how states of co-opting in Iraq can look like what is going
on in the USA, especially as it relates to BLM. This includes synchronized
riots and takeovers of police and ministries. Some of this is already covered
in the Iraq section. One of the resulting tragedies of this Iraqi-US nexus was
that a variety of ranks and job duty positions of otherwise honest and well-
intended “normal” American military personnel were put in compromising
situations which ate away at their better first instincts, overall integrity and
honor. In training Iraqis in an effort to be able to leave democratic-style ways
with locals for the job of running and protecting Iraq when they left later,
things kept going off-course and counter-stream, although a few were
convinced and stayed loyal to the western approach.