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Operation Restore Old Fort
OPERATION RESTORE OLD FORT Retrieve Troubled Areas to US Territory* (updated 01/15/2024) Reclaim Americanism from Hostile Groups Priorities: #1 San Diego County,California #2 Next Priorities: New Mexico, Arizona, Hawaii and Oregon #3 Following Priorities: Texan blue districts, Rapid City, South Dakota, Chicago, Twin Cities in Minnesota, all or mostly black or Hispanic/Latino controlled cities and states (left-symbolic generic fort; lower left- insignia/coat of arms lower right, 3rd old Fort Union, NM with US flag in back; 2nd old Fort Union with US flag in back (Star Civil War era *) Name changed formally on Jan. 15, 2024 from an emphasis on New Mexico only to troubled areas in general, but keeping the New Mexico old fort and eagles motif as a focal point. The American state of New Mexico has been taken over by Democrat tribal, Hispanic, Latino and Marxist-leftist groups as well as truly radical far right multi-racial religionists groups as the other main component. There are a lot of Mexican and Latino nationals getting jobs at the expense of other Americans in the state, with other sanctuary tendencies. New Mexico is no longer American in theory or approach, and the same thing can happen to other states. Hawaii is like New Mexico but worse. OBJECTIVE To reclaim Americanism in troubled U.S. areas in such a way we create holding points for operations and expanding retrieval and control. The idea is to get American-style law and order and fair play back Old Fort Symbolism, Meaning and Vision At this point, Operation Restore Old Fort is a grassroots civilian conceptional tool and approach. The symbols include an old fort with a United States flag on top in the middle of a frontier wilderness and also old New Mexico insignia involving a larger American eagle with its arm wings around a smaller Mexican eagle. Historic Tie-In With both family and American history in mind, we turn to the wild west and the power of the early American frontier movement. US Takes Lead and Ownership of Much of Old Mexico Territory in late 1840s 1846-1848 Mexican-American War February 2, 1848, signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. According to the treaty, which was subsequently ratified by both national congresses, Mexico ceded to the United States nearly all the territory now included in the states of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado for $15 million and U.S. assumption of its citizens’ claims against Mexico. (see more history below) Application Illegal Immigration with Hispanic and other physical and cultural takeovers of US need to be stopped; we need to take back our country. Mexican Nationals as Illegal Immigrants breaking into country, along with Latin American, Caribbean, African, Middle Eastern, Russian, Eastern Europe, around 150 countries total. The problem includes terrorism, urban terrorism, crime, sexism related to Hispanic machismo and Muslim cultures, over-population, unfair practices toward Americans including white ones, cultures at odds with American system. Less Democratic Takeovers Also people decrying old white European colonialism, slavery and US western expansionism are not replacing the American system with anything better and things are becoming less democratic. There are a lot of black and Hispanic gang-style hierarchies and power trips in a addition a continuous buildup of anti-white racism which if allowed to continue, will likely end up in mass violence. We are seeing increased ego-driven obsessive-compulsive relentless witch hunts from certain kinds of Holocaust Vengeance Jews, blacks and Hispanics targeting white political leaders, usually Republicans. We Americans need to continue to learn from historic slavery or Holocausts by not doing that ourselves, rather than by sending or receiving endless blame games and demands for retribution. Vision The notion of the Old Fort is symbolic, in the sense we can imagine in our minds one of New Mexico's old forts, like Fort Union with one of its photographed very tall pole flags (see photos right). Sense how that was often a beacon of light and a sign of safe ground in the old wild west. At some point, we might use an actual old fort in New Mexico or elsewhere, or as a replica to further apply this notion in some way, as a headquarters, resource or educational center, or as a strategic operating base. For now, it is the concept that counts. Safe Harbor, Order and Protection The old forts of the Wild West were a sign of civilization and safe harbor. Forts, like military operational bases in overseas combat zones, are safety nets for Americans, with a presence of law and order, medical care and basic American-style civil accord, and at times a place to convene for special social gatherings . The fort is a space of contained order, higher principles and self-protection. How many Americans have run toward an American base waving a US flag in the middle of a fierce overseas battle zone and sighed with relief when they finally got inside? Nothin' like the good ol' USA. Take the Lead Further, it depicts the notion there cannot be too many cooks in the kitchen and that Americans need to go ahead and take the lead. Do not second guess one’s leadership by being self-effacing, wishy-washy or by apologizing for American history. Revitalize gusto A central theme in Old Fort is the freshness, spark and thrust behind the American spirit to claim the large swathe of territory then referred to as New Mexico. Higher Principles This eagle motif shows the wisdom, viability, nurturing/fostering aspect and governance self-confidence of the American presence in respect to the democracy-republic and humanity in general. It is also an indication of Americans knowing who they are and what they are about. See History for more specific information on motif). For many of us, a US Safety Zone on the western frontier (then as today) also included some kind of positive spirituality which encourages compassion and the hope for something more out of life than just banging away at each other. ALIENS AND CRIME Other Troubled States Although New Mexico is a primary objective, other southwestern border states need work including California, Arizona and Texas, as do sanctuary city states like Colorado, Oregon and Washington DC. Other troubled states include Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota and Illinois. Yet other states have pockets of urban terrorism and militant racial identity politics. The idea is to help support border protection, stopping illegal immigration as well as gangs, cartels, human and weapons trafficking and the spread and usage of harmful illegal substances. Encouraged: US flag-waving and signs depicting pro-Americanism as part of this approach. Clarion Call to Not Hire Aliens As part of this reclaiming USA and prevention of immigrant takeovers and high crime/anti-American rebelliousness effort, letters are being sent out to ask various businesses to refrain from hiring illegal and marginally legal immigrants. These are across San Juan County in northwestern New Mexico and parts of La Plata County in Colorado southwestern. Fast Food and Pizza Since fast food and pizza businesses are often found hiring aliens in various areas, I am asking those in San Juan and La Plata Counties of the Four Corners Area to cooperate in a united measure to support border protection, deter illegal immigration, break up "brown and black" racial cliques in hiring practices (to encourage the notion that true diversity does in fact include white people), Please hire Americans first. For Americans Be kind to your fellow Americans, feel compassion for them, give them a leg up, make it easier for actual Americans (not illegal trespassers) to find affordable shelter, and think creatively on behalf of challenged Americans before you even consider helping foreign trespassers. Put Americans first across the table and show these illegal trespassers Americans Have Smarts. We are not doormats, gullible or easy to take on millions of foreign invaders The Paper Problem: Whose Paper is It, Anyway? To get to the point about how so many marginally legal trespassers need to be handled like actual illegal trespassers is to discuss the migrant paper permission problem. Biden era paperwork like student/work visas and naturalization/citizenship credentials should be seen as phony because Joe Biden is a two-bit dishonest salesman. When order and the real American system is restored, these papers will be thrown in the trash and the foreign trespassers expelled immediately from the country. Biden Era Papers are phony. They are rubber-stamped pieces from a paper mill. Any fool can hand out a cheap piece of paper and act like it is legitimate and special. That's how fake money gets created. Dishonest Americans playing along handing out those fake papers should be held accountable for harming their fellow Americans. The people handing out the papers are as bad as the Biden Administration itself because they too are turning their backs on the American people. It is all thoroughly dangerous for Americans to give so many foreigners jobs and special privileges. Letting in all those trespassers get in is bad, but giving them papers that allow them to get and do anything that an American can get and do is extremely bad. Find the government paper mills and tell them you want them to stop passing out those fake papers. Write your congressmen and tell them you won't hire people with Biden Era nonsense papers. Write the social service centers pressuring people to get jobs and tell them you will hire Americans, but you won't hire these foreign trespassers. Stand up to the attorneys and courts who want to exert phony laws on you to try to force you to hire trespassers by pretending you are racist if you don't hire these people from other countries. Make as much noise, put up as much flack and unite as much as possible against all the schemes designed to help illegal immigrants and deprive Americans of their heritage. Know many trespassers paid cartels fees to get here and so of course now want jobs to pay back the human trafficking monsters who are making billions off these games. When you see an illegal or marginally immigrant, ask yourself which cartel they might owe money to and how that would get paid to the bad guys if you gave them a job. Also cartels are manipulating who gets jobs so they can get their money, and really listen to that part. It is behind the scenes in corporations and such - people acting like the wizard in OZ, watching some all-seeing screen, moving people around like a chess board. They are manipulating chess pieces to get at American money and to help funnel humans to this spot and that. Wizard of Jobs: Corporations: Monopolies, Cartels, Black Lives Matter Types If you owe money to one of their huge interconnected corporations, they could be trying to get you hired at another corporation, hoping your paycheck will go into paying them back and also to get you spend your money at their company (which is part of the large corporate pool). If you are white, this can be a way to turn whites into slaves to these corporations run by China, black people and a clique of like-minded non-white people. Black Lives Matter had a website that explained how they wanted to exploit whites like that. They like to pretend they once were slaves and so now it's time to turn whites into slaves. Their ancestors might or might not have been slaves, but most American blacks living today have never been slaves in the USA, but could have been slaves of blacks in African or other nations. Their arguments don't hold up. No American of any race should be exploited like that by corporations in the USA. HISTORIC CONTEXT Black slavery was still around and even President ames Knox Polk had slaves! New Mexico became US territory before the Civil War! New Mexico did not embrace slavery because of earlier Mexico precedence,and there were only a few black slaves in the state. However, adjoining territories like Arizona did have more of a slavery issue. Slavery was in the legislative works but did not take off. LETTERS TO COMMUNITY April 27, 2023 Dear San Juan County [New Mexico] Folks, I have sent material to some of you before but no one is on a permanent mailing list. The main criteria for getting sent things is a US flag or other pro-American insignia in the front yard or on a vehicle(s) parked in front. I am a long-term resident whose Protestant people go way back, including to the late pioneer days. One of them, a great uncle, was a World War II US Army Air Forces bombardier, Orian Thomas Wynn, who was killed during an airborne bombing mission fighting Nazis and their allies over Austria in April 1944. He had been stationed in Italy. He was part of a series of critical missions attacking Nazi supply platforms of various kinds as a buildup to D-Day in France and the subsequent winning of the war. I have two things to talk about here today, and then will discuss keeping illegal immigrants out of our American jobs. First, I highly recommend a book I came across while doing research, Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in US History, by Todd Bensman. ISBN 978-63758-570-2, finished writing late 2022 and published 2023, so current, about $10 Kindle and $20 paperback. I have one copy available for loaning, hope to get more. You might be able to get it at the library directly or through interlibrary loan. I encourage people focus on Chapter 4 early on. It sheds light on how double-speak entered into the immigration and border protection scenario. That is, it talks about how things went from a more normal Democrat Party to a far left pro-immigrant one in a short while around 2019 and helps fill in the gaps on that whole topic. One of those gaps is the antifa movement as an attack system targeting ICE agents and bloodying Trump supporters. We often hear about alleged or real far right extremists in the media but not how these ICE and Trump types were targeted in violent and life-threatening ways by antifa. The chapter further describes how Americans have had a real number played on us regarding border and immigration issues. By better understanding the various gigs and putting the pieces together, we can more effectively stop illegal immigration. In addition, it can give us better resolve and focus in insisting on removing the illegal and fake(marginally legal) ones already here. I ask that people read the chapter to get a basic feeling, and unless you have a photographic memory, plan on rereading once or more to really absorb it. I do not know Todd Bensman and do not get any kind of promotion fee for recommending his book, and am not a member of the group he works for, CIS dot org. Operation Restore Old Fort: Retrieve New Mexico to US Territory (also see insignia/coat of arms on NM early US history in the Input/Comments section of Police Factor dot com) Secondly, I have created a concept referred to as Operation Restore Old Fort: Retrieve New Mexico to the US. The idea is to regain a firm American presence in New Mexico and in other areas with too many illegal immigrants and also an overall rebellious anti-American aspect. In addition to the unpleasantness and problems associated with these areas, there is also always a problem with too much crime, drugs and domestic violence. There is also a problem with increased Mexican, Latin American and other foreigner infiltrations in the New Mexico government and businesses. Beyond this, there is a problem with reverse-racism against white New Mexico residents, including those who were born in the state with ancestry that go back to the late pioneer days. With both family and American history in mind, we turn to the wild west and the power of the early American frontier movement. At this point, Operation Restore Old Fort is more of a grassroots civilian conceptional tool and approach. The symbols include an old fort with a United States flag on top in the middle of a frontier wilderness and also old New Mexico insignia involving a larger American eagle with its arm wings around a smaller Mexican eagle. First and foremost, Old Fort signifies that original fresh American drive and gusto at the time of the takeover of lands from Mexico, and the subsequent treaty and setup of American authority in its new territory. We Americans today need to rejuvenate the spirit behind the neophytic spark and thrust which determined itself to claim the large swath of territory then referred to as New Mexico but which later also became part of other nearby states. This eagle motif shows the wisdom, viability, nurturing/fostering aspect and governance self-confidence of the American presence in respect to the democracy-republic and humanity in general. It is also an indication of Americans knowing who they are and what they are about. Further, it depicts the notion there cannot be too many cooks in the kitchen and that Americans need to go ahead and take the lead. Do not second guess one’s leadership by being self-effacing, wishy-washy or by apologizing for American history. Although New Mexico is a primary objective, other southwestern border states need work including California, Arizona and Texas, as do sanctuary city states like Colorado, Oregon and Washington DC. Other troubled states include Minnesota and Illinois. The idea is to help support border protection, stopping illegal immigration as well as gangs, cartels, human and weapons trafficking and the spread and usage of harmful illegal substances. In the process of applying Old Fort, people need to stay clear of substance usage that spurs unclear thinking, mood swings and violence. The idea that wanton violence does not solve life's problems is to be applied. This includes the notion that we use brains first, brawn second. Also remember the Celts lost to the Romans partly because their culture encouraged individualist bombastic warrior which failed against the organization, training and planning of the Romans. We can see that among some Americans who are like David fighting Goliath without the magic stone flinger. In some ways the bravado behind the bumper stickers showing weapon threats and which branch of the military people were in are like the individualistic braggart-swaggart wielding Celts. Big Tech and its organizers (China, antifa, Radical Islam, La Raza/UnidosUS etc.) are like the Romans and Goliath, so we have to use our heads and not wind up like the Celts. We need to spread the reminder to young people that being an American is a wonderful thing, a blessing and that we must count our lucky stars. Large numbers of foreigners are going to great lengths to get inside our country because of what we are doing right. The American system is the key and we need to hold onto it, protect it and retain it mostly for ourselves here. The American system allows for two worlds, the old school (more original Americans) and the diverse cosmopolitan ones who might have come later. The old school ones have been the backbone of this nation, but the reality is we are in a diverse mosaic inside our borders. The American system is a type of cultural lingua franca which allows different kinds of people to come together harmoniously under the rule of law and order to take care of the business of life and then go home at the end of the day to be their own unique self or group, as long as it does not hurt others. This way people are not overly dominated or wiped out, or put into an individuality-erasing melting pot like in Marxism. I think Washington Examiner's Restoring America series is a good idea and I agree with most of it. I suggest people read it. I encourage US flag-waving and signs depicting pro-Americanism as part of this Operation Old Fort approach. Stand Tall for the USA Nothin’ Like the Good Ol’ USA HISTORY OPERATION RESTORE OLD FORT -RETRIEVE NEW MEXICO TO US TERRITORY *Wikipedia-Insignia; Fort Fort Union 67E311B6FB71BE31&gid=60D355CF-155D-451F-6751D324A6A43E0B Image Above: Early New Mexico territorial seal depicting larger American bald eagle wing arms outstretched over smaller Mexican eagle (See Seal, Coat of Arms information below) Old Coat of Arms and info rritory The Territory of New Mexico was an organized incorporated territory of the United States from September 9, 1850 until January 6, 1912. It was created from the U.S. provisional government of New Mexico, as a result of Nuevo México becoming part of the American frontier after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It existed with varying boundaries until the territory was admitted to the Union as the U.S. state of New Mexico. This jurisdiction was an organized, incorporated territory of the US for nearly 62 years, the longest period of any territory in the contiguous United States. Seals, Coat of Arms On the Seal: Territorial symbols Illustrated coat of arms of the New Mexico Territory, published in State Arms of the Union in 1876 A coat of arms of New Mexico was adopted by the territorial legislature in 1887, formalizing an earlier design, introduced in the early 1860s, already used in the territory's great seal.[11][12] The legislation, titled "An Act adopting and establishing the coat of arms and great seal of the territory", was approved by Governor Edmund G. Ross on February The coat of arms of the territory of New Mexico shall be the Mexican Eagle grasping a serpent in its beak, the cactus in its talons, shielded by the American eagle with outspread wings, and grasping arrows in its talons. The date MDCCCL [1850], under the eagles, and above that, on a scroll, the motto: Crescit Eundo. That the great seal of the territory have the coat of arms thereon, being the same seal now used by the secretary of the territory, and that the same be adopted and established as the official seal and coat of arms of the territory of New Mexico. The "American" bald eagle's outstretched wings over the smaller "Mexican" harpy eagle represents the territory's change of sovereignty. The territorial motto, Crescit eundo (Latin for 'It grows as it goes'), was later added to the seal. The same design was later adapted for use in the seal of the new state of New Mexico in 1913. Updates: 2023/05/24 Historic Context on Polk and slavery added; PAGE STARTED-4/29/2023
PAGE MENU Objective o Symbol, Meaning Historic Tie-In Application Less Democratic Vision Safe Harbor Take Lead New Gusto Higher Ways o Alens, Crime States Fast Food Aliens For Americans Phony Papers Wizard of Jobs History-NM o Old Coat of Arms
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