D1:Darby-Disney (Police Names- New Mexico/Abuse-Inform
NAMES (Last Name Letter) A1A2B1B2B3C1C2C3D1 D2EFG1G2H1H2IJKLM1M2M3NOPRSTWQUV-XYZ-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•Darby Andy, Bloomfield •Dart Frank, Farmington •Davis Jani, Taos•Davis Robert Earl, Albuquerque•Dear Jeremy, Albuquerque-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D SECTION, Tables and Related InformationTable D1-D2Table all New Mexico Police Names on this website: https://policefactor.com/NMPolNames.html1See also Victim Incidents/CasesPolice - Blue Lives Matter Locations by City and Names A to Z IndexesSUMMARIES D1: BRIEF EXCERPTS/SOURCES NEW MEXICO POLICE Darby Andy,Bloomfield. Bloomfield PD. Officer. 2012 federal lawsuit by family of Ernest Yazzie.https://navajotimes.com/news/2012/0512/053112law.phpDart Frank, Farmington. Farmington PD. Detective (COF) - retired 2013. (REF) Reform supporter. Alerted police/public about inadequate child abuse investigation, 2012 lawsuit over issue. Successfully sued under the state whistleblower protection law: July 2018 State District Court’s verdict upheld, awarding Dart $200,000 for emotional pain and suffering and $4,000 in economic damages.Case(s)Case Law (Lawsuit Case)2018/07/23 FRANK DART v. CHIEF KYLE WESTALL CITY OF FARMINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF FARMINGTONhttps://caselaw.findlaw.com/nm-court-of-appeals/1899408.htmlArticlesUS News(2018/07/26) Appeals Court Upholds Verdict in Police Whistleblower Casehttps://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-mexico/articles/2018-07-26/appeals-court-upholds-verdict-in-police-whistleblower-caseExcerpt: SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — A New Mexico Court of Appeals ruling upholds a San Juan County jury's verdict in favor of a former Farmington Police Department detective who successfully sued under the state whistleblower protection law.The ruling Monday upholds a state District Court's verdict for Frank Dart and award to him of $4,000 in economic damages and $200,000 for emotional pain and suffering.The case stemmed from Dart's contention that the Police Department had failed to promptly investigate reports of child abuse and neglect referred to police by the state's child welfare agency.https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-mexico/articles/2018-07-26/appeals-court-upholds-verdict-in-police-whistleblower-caseFarmington Daily Times (2016/11/19) Retired Detective Claims Police Fail Child Crimes. By Steve Garrison.http://www.daily-times.com/story/news/crime/2016/11/19/retired-detective-claims-police-fail-child-crimes/91163876/Excerpt: “Frank Dart, a former Farmington police detective, claims the city's police department has failed to adequately investigate child abuse claims, despite a 2012 lawsuit he filed against the department over the issue. And he would like the community to support the funding needed to make those cases a higher priority, bringing the problem out of the shadows of family dysfunction. Dart, an investigator who received positive performance reviews throughout his time with the department, retired in 2013 amidst acrimonious claims of retaliation by police officials. Dart told The Daily Times in an interview the department has been slow to implement clear policies that would be most protective of the young victims. He said the department had also failed to assign an adequate number of detectives to investigate child abuse cases, which represent some of the department’s most complex criminal investigations.”http://www.daily-times.com/story/news/crime/2016/11/19/retired-detective-claims-police-fail-child-crimes/91163876/Davis Jani, Taos, Sergeant. (2016) Excessive force: Kicked handcuffed suspect. Other officer involved: Brandt Warman.Santa Fe New Mexican(2016/01/11)Excerpt from Santa Fe New Mexican-2016/01/11: In the incident that led to charges against Davis, she struck a man with her knee while he was handcuffed and being searched by another officer. The man, Frank Olonia Jr., has a history of violence against law enforcement and Davis maintains he was preparing to kick her or a colleague. The knee strike was used as a distraction technique, she said. But video of the incident depicts a volatile and heated incident during which Warman rushed Olonia after the man threatened his family.In his decision to fire Davis, Town Manager Rick Bellis wrote she lost control and lowered herself to the level of the belligerent suspect. He described Davis as contributing to if not escalating the situation to a melee…Davis said the cases showed how three white men were accused of misconduct in the same timeframe as her case but treated differently.“Women are held to different standards in a career that tends to work like a good old boys’ club,” she said.2016/01/11--http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/fired-taos-sergeant-argues-discipline-for-police-misconduct-has-been-inconsistent/article_e2ae00c4-7ffd-5591-839f-5ad40502c8f8.htmlTaos News(2018/06/15) Taos Sheriff hopeful settles discrimination suit with town. By John Miller.https://taosnews.com/stories/taos-sheriff-hopeful-settles-discrimination-suit-with-town,48985(2015/08/13) Taos Police sergeant charged with assault batteryhttp://www.taosnews.com/stories/taos-police-sergeant-charged-with-assault-battery,30822A Taos Police Dept. sergeant was charged with petty misdemeanor counts of assault and battery Wednesday (Aug. 12) following a New Mexico State Police investigation into allegations she roughed up a man while responding to a noise complaint. Sgt. Jani Davis entered pleaded not guilty….http://www.taosnews.com/stories/taos-police-sergeant-charged-with-assault-battery,30822Davis Robert Earl, Albuquerque. APD Officer. (Older -1970s and beyond)Real Crimes From Real Crimes: “07/04/1987: Convicted APD Officer Robert Earl Davis and four other men escaped from Santa Fe Prison. Davis later stated that Corrections Officer Lt. David Owens smuggled in a gun to help with the escape.” 06/19/1992: Former APD Officer Robert Davis assisted murderer, Thomas Wayne Crump, to escape from Torrance County Jail. Crump used a car owned by Davis’s wife, in exchange for a promise that Crump would kill Davis’s enemies on the outside.” Real Crimes: http://www.realcrimes.com/Corruption_Overview.htm Dear Jeremy,Albuquerque. In connection with Mary Hawkes case. Dennis Shoemaker $90,000 lawsuit settled in 2015. Albuquerque Journal (2015/12/31)Suit involved fired officer, settled -- involves Jeremy Dear. By Ryan Boetelhttps://www.abqjournal.com/698765/suit-involving-fired-officer-settled.htmlDennis Shoemaker filed the lawsuit in April in connection to a January 2013 incident in Downtown Albuquerque. Dear has had a history of being involved in use-of-force cases in which his camera wasn’t recording, including the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old woman, Mary Hawkeshttps://www.abqjournal.com/698765/suit-involving-fired-officer-settled.html(2016/06/23) Lawsuit Reveals more details in Hawkes shooting2016/06/23--https://www.abqjournal.com/796554/lawsuit-reveals-more-details-in-hawkes-shooting.htmlExcerpt from Albq Jrnl 2016/06/23-lawsuit reveals more details: Danny Hawkes is a retired police officer and judge, and the Hawkes family includes numerous law enforcement officers. Her foster brother was an Albuquerque police officer at the time of the shooting.The Hawkes family’s lawsuit, which was filed in state District Court and is seeking damages for Mary Hawkes’ death, was critical of the police investigation.It pointed out several inconsistencies in officers’ statements. For example, one officer said he was in his patrol car when the shooting happened, but lapel camera footage showed he actually was about 30 feet away from Hawkes and Dear when shots were fired.The lawsuit also said there was no DNA evidence, fingerprints or blood on the firearm that police said Hawkes was holding at the time she was shot.(2016/06/23) A trip to hooters and a chinese massage.2016-06/23/2016--https://www.abqjournal.com/796555/a-trip-to-hooters-and-a-chinese-massage.htmlDeBaca John, Santa Fe, Officer, Lawsuit considered with shooting of Roberto Mendez 2013 found not justified but DA did not prosecute in 2015. Mendez later caught in robbery in 2013. See also Stephen Fonte. KOAT2014/10/03 Grand Jury: Santa Fe Officer Involved Shooting Not Justified. By Mike SpringerExcerpt: Grand Jury: Santa Fe officer-involved shooting not justified. Man shot has yet to decide whether to pursue lawsuit2014/10/03--http://www.koat.com/article/grand-jury-santa-fe-officer-involved-shooting-not-justified/50595052015/01/29 Jury finds shooting unjustified; Roswell DA won’t prosecute cops. By Matt Howertonhttps://www.koat.com/article/jury-finds-shooting-unjustified-roswell-da-won-t-prosecute-cops/5061809Raw Story2015/01 New Mexico prosecutor refuses to indict cops after grand jury calls shooting unjustified. By Tom Boggionihttps://www.rawstory.com/2015/01/new-mexico-prosecutor-refuses-to-indict-cops-after-grand-jury-calls-shooting-unjustified/Santa Fe New Mexican (Informational on Roberto Mendez’s robbery)2013/11/21 Man shot by police in August is held in armed. By Chris Quintanahttp://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/man-shot-by-police-in-august-is-held-in-armed/article_da6e0aba-6944-544e-bc24-c827459ab3d9.htmlExcerpt: Santa Fe police on Wednesday arrested Roberto Mendez, 25, on a charge of armed robbery, just three months after he was shot in the cheek during another run-in with city officers.Delgado Israel, Socorro, Socorro PD/Officer, Oppression, tampering with governmental records. KVIAhttp://www.kvia.com/news/names-of-socorro-police-officers-arrested-have-been-released/55619331 Disney Michael,Albuquerque. Deputy (BCSO-Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office) 1990s- Selling drugs. Real CrimesExcerpt From Real Crimes: “Former BCSO Deputies Darryl Burt, (once an undercover narcotics agent) and Michael Disney were taken into federal custody as the result of drug raids in their homes, after being videotaped selling drugs in a parking lot across from Eldorado High School. Both men were working at The Wild Side, Disney’s drug paraphernalia shop. At the time of the raid at Burt’s house, Burt and a 17-yr-old male took off through the bedroom window, both wearing only boxer shorts. A loaded 45-caliber handgun, a Fix-A-Flat can filled with cocaine, and a BCSO badge and credentials were among the items found in Burt’s garage. Both Burt and Disney later pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute. The men were described as partners in a heavily armed El Paso-to-Albuquerque drug trafficking operation. Burt was sentenced to 2 years and 9 months on a cocaine distribution conviction in US District Court.” …“04/03/1999: Albuquerque Journal: Former Sheriff’s Deputy, Michael Lee Disney, appeared before a US Magistrate on charges that he threatened DEA Agent Mike Marshall because of Marshall’s testimony against him.”Real Crimes: http://www.realcrimes.com/Corruption_Overview.htm Updates: 2020/03/19 further tech editing and index links at page top corrected; 2020/03/18 technical editing; 2019/12/08 Jantzen Duran added to list. 2019/07/10 Darby Andy added to list. 2019/06/12 Jani Davis Taos News-208/06/15 article; 2019/05/21 De Baca article Raw Story 2015/01 and Snta Fe NM-2013 on Fonte (Info-Robbery). 2019/05/20 Dear and Debaca - articles; Debaca KOAT DA not prosecute in Jan. 2015; Dear $90k lawsuit settled. 2019/04/29 Frank Dart Case Law Update from 2018/07; 01/31/2018 Ellis, Brandon OFC-HOB discrimination lawsuit; 01/24/2018 Grant, Jacob (ALBQ-COP SHOT BY COP, $6.5m SETTLE) added; 01/21/18 Kassetas-STATE SNTA FE CHF NMSP added; 01/10/2018 date added to Garrison,Larry article from my high plains; 01/06/2018 Katz, Marshall NM Political Report (ABQ Free Press); 01/02/2018 Lopez, Bert 3 articles added; Largo, James Houston corr. error from Large, added article;12/30/2017 Ielacqua, Paul. Case Mine, NMLEA,Public Health NM added; 12/27/2017 Goff, Jim added;Geier, Mike Albq APD chf added; Hansen, Whitey 3 article links added incl. Arquette, Alb Jrnl; Garcia, Michael Las Cruces - added to Index (it was left off accidentally but in summaries below);12/26/2017: Goke, Marvin-Opposing Views -03/23/2016 article; Garcia, Esther - Google Scholar Cases, Leagle, Casemine cases related to Garcia’s presence and involvement in Kevin Kinney and Renae Harbin issues; Garrison, Larry-My High Plains article; 12/25/2017 Gallagos, Gilbert Alb Jrnl 07/29/2013’ 12/10/2017 Gonzales, Christopher Santa Fe firing for domestic violence; 11/26/2017 p. 2 shisrley, jake; wallace, edmund/lea county/sex abuse of inmate;11/25/2017 Howard, Sara; 11/24/2017 Simpson, Dwayne •De Baca John, Santa Fe