Watch For Antics (Psy-8)
FOCAL POINT Keep always in the backs of your minds the following: We want the truth, not a dramatic revision of the facts Organized crime is afoot and can and often does interfere with any and all aspects of a case Some of the ways in which organized crime works can have a “far zone” aspect to it which does not follow a western analytical mindset, it can take on a dance of its own, can have dark humor, mystical or quirky aspects Emotion-Hinging Slant (Found in dark pink) In addition to antics, watch for words in the media which redirect our focus and emotions toward a desired sensibility or orientation. It is not that the writers are necessarily off base with their ideas or intentions. What we have to watch for is how we might be persuaded to choose one of a variety of possible responses or conclusions to the situation at hand. Emotionally driving content can usurp our objectivity. In addition, as part of the antics aspect of this section, in the hands of professionals, anti-American agendas can be played out through the media in ways calculated to persuade large groups of people that America is hapless, shot, abusive and its legal system full of holes and often wrong. What better way to encourage support of criminals and those bent on taking down the USA? Emotion can play a part in persuading people to believe certain ideas even if they do not have adequate facts. False media, whether or not it arrives on our doorstep with an emotion-hinging slant, can include something like this from the Denver Post: (2017/10/11) Police officers lives at risk because of a false media narrative Here is a one depiction of false media using racial tensions as the backdrop From (2016) Black LIES Matter, by Taleeb Starkes. Excerpt from one of the first parts of this book: Have you noticed the persistent pattern of outrage that manifests from the black community whenever a black life is taken from a white person, especially a white cop? Also, have you noticed the same culture-vultures arrive without hesitation to gluttonously feast during these incidents? They figuratively pick apart the black body until it is a carcass - leaving nothing for bacteria to compose. These opportunists are arsonists, and their mission is to start racial infernos. In other words, they racialize, not harmonize. Undoubtedly, you’ve noticed this trend - even if you are a bleeding-heart liberal. One must understand that these “call to action’ reactions are not spontaneous. They’re calculated maneuvers by an ever-present Race Grievance Industry (RGI) an industry whose only product is victimhood - and it’s manufactured without pause. The RGI’s sole purpose is to profit from racial strife under the guise of pursuing racial peace. Its modus operandi is rooted in a lie that refuses to die: blacks are permanent victims of racism, and no amount of effort will overcome it. The lie is rinsed and repeated in different ways, but the message remains unchanged - America is a racist labyrinth specifically designed to stifle black advancement. From Amazon writeup on this book: In Chicago a.k.a “Chiraq," the first ten days of 2016 yielded 120 people shot. Baltimore’s 2015 ended as its bloodiest and deadliest year — on a per-capita basis. In 2014, Detroit’s police chief called upon law-abiding citizens to take arms against its burgeoning, violent, criminal subculture. Unfortunately, these cities aren’t anomalies. Year after year, a seemingly unshakable reality of violence plagues black communities nationwide. In fact, since 1980, blacks have routinely accounted for almost half of America’s annual homicide victims, and more than half of the perpetrators — all while being a minor thirteen percent of the national populace. Yet, a certain black-based industry — which specializes in nurturing comfortable lies while burying uncomfortable truths — propagates a notion that “racism” is the foremost issue facing black Americans, and white cops are blood-thirsty enforcers. Moreover, this cunning, race-peddling entity knows that it's easier to lie to blacks than to convince blacks that they've been lied to. Thus, black "lies" are good for business... black "lives" are good for nothing (except exploitation). In the New Mexico portion of the police section: Watch for Antics seen in blue italics note areas in some police names sections on the website (Note from PF: this refers to PF-NM; there are applications in general, however). They are often opinion-based, instinctive or intuitive ideas that there might be irregularities or quirks in this issue, although usually there are no known facts. It’s a hunch something might be off and that it might follow certain trajectories. LIST OF REAL, SUSPECTED OR POSSIBLE ANTICS 2020/06/07-08 Running Strings Running strings is about how people cooperate with one another in a secretive, illicit and defiant manner to perform operations against the grain of the mainstream (legal) side of the USA. Closely connected to the acts themselves are why they do it. The concept of running strings correlates with Strands of Interconnection, but considers various groups cooperating at certain trajectory points. Each has separate agendas, cultures and outlooks . They are like separate instrumental sections which become an orchestra at the point of cooperation. The rest of the time they are like bands or loose interest groups. The most comprehensive thread connecting all of them might be drugs. The next most unifying theme might be an anti-American feeling. This rebellious attitude pervades the different groups for different reasons, but the common thread is in the USA but not of the USA…or THIS is my USA, not THAT. An example would be minorities or disgruntled and bitter veterans (see below). The next most common theme might be a male-first or all-male, anti-female approach. To sum this one up might be the banner of “Guys Rule, Gals Drool.” At the local levels, running strings is about how one specific interest group connects among its own members. It includes surveillance (keeping tabs) and communication. Covering the veteran groups: Let’s consider two types: Traitors and Rugged Man types. Fundamentalist Christian can be an extension of the ruggeds. Fundamentalist Christian veterans can have strict ideas about what constitutes a real United States, and their version might not agree with the American Constitution and Bill of Rights. They might feel certain things need vigilante responses when the government won’t take care of it. There might be austere and formalized ideas about relations between women and men, including roles and modes of communication. There might be strong attitudes against gays. When it’s all said and done, the men might say it’s less about gender differences and more about power; if a woman is trying to compete in a man’s world, then pull out all the props - they’ll give it to her like a guy, and it can be rough - that is, if they can get an edge, they will take it. They might tell themselves it’s about business, but there is an underlayer of hostility toward women who want equality. Men with this attitude can run strings through the community and across state lines against people who have gotten on some kind of watch list. This might be on some kinds of policing. Maybe they interact through certain organizations. Not all of the men are religious. Some might be strong advocates for lesser government and angry over certain kinds of funding or social services. Some might feel it needs to go toward men who fought in wars. Others might feel that people who used the funds or services need to be punished and the money and goods taken for their own endeavors. Running strings can include secretive vendettas involving break-ins and theft. The other kind of veterans might the stereotypical Flag, Cross, and Man as Head of Household type. Traitor veterans can be part of drug, alcohol, party and “fuck ‘em all” attitude. This attitude is about “fuck USA and fuck bitches.” Both kinds can run strings along belief systems and approaches. They might have points of interconnection over “Guys Rule, Gals Drool” when they deal with a woman. Minority groups: Hispanics will be the fictional example here with some likely real world ramifications. Many feel stereotyped. Three types of Hispanics will be considered: modern, slick “politico” types; Hispanic Catholic ethnoreligionists; and the shadow government types. A gray zone of illegal immigrants, mixed border families and drug sales connections can pervade all three. It can be the Hispanic custodian cleaning male and female bathrooms and floors in a grocery store. It can be the Hispanic security guard at a shopping center parking lot or in campus security. It can networks embedded inside Catholic and other charities. As for blacks, the question should be what kind of black? Many feel stereotyped. Common sense tells you southern blacks are one thing, California blacks another, New York ones another, legal immigrants yet another…college educated ones, poor but Christian, no-nonsense, no trouble ones…; some blacks with extended drug or criminal histories... Right now, what we are pinpointing are the Black Lives Matters groups and their approaches. Native Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans and others can be supporting this group. Their banner might be “Life in the USA is about fighting for our own.” Bylines might be, “White Americans don’t like us, white cops beat up on us and kill us; we have to force our way to the top because whites try to keep us down and out; we’d better put our own people in to replace the whites and keep the whites from getting back in - it’s about power.” A sense of historic grievances spurs and sustains the emotional pulse. A watchful eye for ongoing mishaps at the hands of whites; an unwillingness to admit fault; in the most virulent stages of a Black Lives Matter experience, minorities might lie, exaggerate, cheat and try to pull out all the stops. But behind all this, or running alongside it, can be dangerous terrorists. Likely some people who support the organization and its allies truly have experienced corruption and cruelty from white cops and in places where there is a white establishment. But it can be a matter of mafia connections manipulating outcomes, bribing or bullying police chiefs and departments; killing off or intimidating witnesses, changing or destroying evidence…. In either case, we can be seeing people running strings to rebel against real or perceived tyranny or the law and normal mainstream American protocols for fair play. We can assuredly agree that mafias can be racially driven or color blind. And not all organized crime fits the label “mafia” as it can be more of a sense of non-Americanism. Some of it is about immigration as colonizing. Some of it is Islam wanting to change America into its image. Some Russians and Nordic people feel theirs was the first America. Many Native Americans want their lands back after 500 years.; they are willing to join forces with non-Americans, even Islamic groups, Chinese and Russians, to fight the United States. Some feel it is the principle of the thing. A fictional example about running strings with possible actual ramifications would be rogue Marine and Navy higher ups. An example is the Fat Leonard Case, but we can consider other over-arching problems. Disgruntled over war and American leadership, some anti-American sentiments likely started during the Vietnam War. Yet another scion might have sprouted up later; it might have a power and money aspect through petro and by creating allies with certain countries. On one hand, they might be part of a “northern white guy thing” involving old Nordic areas, while also conspiring with all races. Their banner might read Make money”; “Don’t work for others”; “Guys rule”; and Have a plan, Work the Plan. If such covert traitors to the American system exist in this manner, COVID-19 might be one thing that helps to break up their sinister game. Both traitors and ruggeds are basically turning their backs on the United States. One might work with drug dealers, drug producing countries and oil companies. The other might work with a comparatively small tight network mostly inside the contiental United States/ All these groups - and more - can be running strings as a counter-movement to the United States. At some point, we all have to make a stand. America might not be perfect, but it can be argued it has redeeming core elements and that there is a lot worse out there. We can argue Stop beating up on the USA. Stop eating away at ourselves. Let us roll up our sleeves, and try to make this a better place. The problem is that everyone wants to rule the world, or at least everyone has a different idea about what generates a happy space. People have different ideas about what freedom or peace is. Not to mention all the variants of what God is or is not. Perhaps the question we can ask ourselves are: Country or no, who am I when I die? and Can I make peace with my country while maintaining my soul, so there is something of integrity inside me when I leave this world? What will sustain me for the long haul? And, Can I leave something better than I left it? As mentioned elsewhere, this is the idea that a localized crime unit, a gang, or a more encompassing cartel are working together in a tightly knit way in an area of operations. The example I have used is that of Hispanic networksin the Flagstaff and Cottonwood, Arizona areas. It is likely they have extended members across state lines and throughout certain employment sectors. Social services organizations including Catholic types of charities and homeless shelters for women and children are part of it. Store parking lot surveillance can include actual security guards or people who have businesses or contacts among the businesses. Cameras can be official ones or secretive ones. There is also the possibility people are parked in their vans or other vehicles around the area watching who comes and goes. They might be looking for easy takes and vulnerable types. Hospitals, Urgent Care, large health insurance companies and student loan companies can be cooperating, in this scenario it is Hispanic workers inside the employment sectors with ties to mafia-like people. Mexico based call centers for places like Home Depot and large food service corporations like for colleges, public schools and prison systems - finding that everyone answering the phone has a thick Hispanic accent. Walmart links - between the surveillance in the main building and the gas station areas. What can be going on in the surveillance is that someone is really watching you, then comes up to you and either directly intimates you stole something, or they ask weird questions. What is happening is that they are turfing the store and think of it is as mostly theirs; surveillance is not just a job, it’s protecting a gang-like homeboy operation. If you look like a “type” they can be more invasive in watching you, checking you out. There are a number of odd experiences by Walmart customers. Strange things that show up in the news, like police arrest people or wrongly assume someone is writing a bad check. Watch the CheckRite system - it seems likely connected to something corrupt, as well. You sense that Hispanic males are edgy around their properties - they are always watching, keeping tabs of who drives by. They call someone in the police force on you, so someone in the polic is in on a gig with them. These examples all correlate with running complex and tightly interconected systems with high organization and excellent channels of communication. Running strings is something that has a cultural or ethnic link in this example. They are organizing to benefit among themselves both for financial reasons but also as minority power against whites and mainstream America. In order to combat this sort of thing, people need to ask the right questions and know where to look. For example, you have a Hispanic male cleaning the male and female bathrooms at the grocery store. He is also a watcher and potential communicator with other members of his network. He’s kind of invisible, as he moves around at will and can have his own schedule. Another one to watch for, again, is the parking lot and store security guard(s). These two types can be eyes and ears, relay communications. People who sit around in their parked cars around grocery stores, malls and Walmarts can be another contact point. FBI agents supposedly working around these same parking lots might not be legitimate. One of the ethnic connections might be the Hispanic Catholicism with historic and ethnic roots in the area. They might have an attitude of cliquishness and defiance against mainstream America for tendencies or habits as well as secrets. They might be looking for converts as vulnerable or poor women or others. What likely happens is such people get a little bit of help at first but also get sucked into the controls and might also become abused. So-called religious help, maybe a little charity. Really, to break this ethnic religion/shadow government operation, a person needs to sit back, take a breath, and kind of absorb the nuances. First, identify how they are defiant. Second, identify how they validate their reasoning to themselves as to why they do what they do. Get a feeling for body language and language. Are they mostly speaking Spanish among themselves? What are their expectations about cultural codes, ie, gender relations? How do women find a sense of power by having “legitimate” jobs while offering a lifeline to their shadow government group? Can you get a sense of how, if you tried to ask questions of any of these people, they would likely lie or evade? In addition, are other illegal groups in the area, including dirty cops or agents, interconnecting here and there with this ethnic shadow group? For example, a Hispanic mechanic might let a dirty FBI agent come look inside the car of a customer by handing over a key; all of this can happen when the customer has left the car and area, thinking it is being repaired. There can be a quiet agreement between one group of players and another. Things disappear in the process, like keys or papers from the vehicle. What has happened here is that policing agencies might be treating the United States like an extension of Mexico or some other third world country. They don’t respect American legal processes. The shadow government, ethnic Hispanics in this example see themselves as “other”, in America but not really of America. They look at how the policing agencies are checking someone out secretly like that as maybe the customer is wrong about something, but maybe the agencies are like other corrupt cops they have met over the years. They stay out of it, they keep their distance, and keep their mouths shut. They don’t tell the customer the car has been searched while the person was away. They might sense something is off but say to themselves “That’s American business, we Hispanics have our own affairs.” The two worlds collide and somewhat collaborate but go their separate ways. The “customer” is victimized by both the shadow government ethnic Hispanics and the secretive “American agents.” The agents might be linked to loans by sharks under the guise of American business; the sharks retaliate and control by sending “agents” out to keep an eye on things. Yet another set of thugs might be sent in to steal and vandalize. The agents and the extended thugs, along with the loan sharks, are running strings. I feel these kinds of activities are running inside Arizona but also across state lines. We might find that some of it is linked to certain kinds of almost-papermill online colleges giving out student loans. In addition, watch for hospital emergency or other bills being excessively large with little provided in return; even watch for someone at the ER being drugged, taken out and raped and beaten, brought back to the hospital with no memories intact. This last is far out, but comes up as a fleeting possibility; you sense something along these lines might have happened but cannot say for sure. Any of it might be linked to some military veterans in the area you rubbed wrong along the way. That again comes up as a fleeting possibility If male veterans are involved, it can be part of an anti-female thing. The school in question has a military orientation with likely veteran workers and instructors on staff, as well as students. This is one way both “college” and “military” could interconnect. The reasoning might be retaliation over student loans they don’t believe the student has handled right, but also because loan sharks want their money back. They try to get the money back by grabbing things purchased, even if they were not purchased with student loan money - they could be gifts. But these thugs are going after anything the student has in possession. The reasoning behind these activities might get lost in “legit” police operations in that a target is “being investigated” with a possible arrest “pending” - however, most real cops would figure out quickly something is very off with all of this. Illegal searches, stealing people’s stuff, being mean to the target…the list goes on. Out of the various networks discussed above, the people you might most likely get some answers out of would be the most legit local cops both locally and across state lines. They will probably have some bits and pieces of information they can and will share. Try to identify what agents, if any, have interacted with them regarding this target. The first ones that come to mind are FBI, DEA and Homeland Security. Local officers in this day and age might feel the FBI sometimes helps but also that there might be corrupt agents. FBI agents might tell the local officers part of it, but not all of it. If there are illegal activities involving student loans with school, DOE and student loan service providers, people might have to start asking new questions. Who ultimately is providing the loans? Are almost-papermill online schools working with off the chart “collection agencies” or using so-called legit agencies as pseudo-collection departments? Look into two main groups at the schools who could be connected to, or behind, the antics: minorities and, when the military is involved, veterans. How do mafias in other scenarios go after monies? What kinds of retaliation have we seen elsewhere in these matters? Have you seen them try to get at someone’s money through other activities, like hospitals? How might they be running strings through healthcare related operations? Have you seen any of this down in Mexico or Latin America? Try to make those correlations. We might not yet have seen it here in the states, but if we have seen it over there, we can better put two and two together if it is showing up here now. Between 2018-19 there was a particularlly strong modern Hispanic political component vying for power in the state. Some of these antics might be related to that political group. 2020/05/15 Possible War games between competing Military branches where one or more branch is/are infected with drug and other criminal activity. There can be threads of interaction between military branches and the local police departments. When you start seeing loud excited headlines about such and such military group or personnel being found out for rapes and/or drugs, watch out. Find out who is brandishing the news on this in this manner. Identify if there are common threads for such things from that writer/news group. Are we getting the truth or a vendetta between criminal organizations posturing as the voice of the legal system? As mentioned before, be on alert to one “good guy” going after a real or so-called bad guy’s goods: they could be wanting to get hold of the drugs to sell them for a profit. We could be having competing cartels, in other words. As also mentioned before, cartels and/or anti-American groups could be using the antic Making the Other Guy Look Bad in these matters. It can be tempting to believe the news at first glance. We need to habituate a cool-down period and objectivity in our news reading. Things might be as they seem. Things might not be as they seem. Remember, some people have reported that even well known news groups like the New York Times have not reported their news right. It’s possible we only get tiny glimpses of such errors and omissions. The other problem is sometimes a news organization seems to have authentic news people. It is very difficult for us to know who is who and what is what. Also remember there can be behind-the-scenes extortion of our news people, politicians, police and military leaders. News might become skewed for this reason. The more the public becomes aware of these possible pitfalls, the more likely things will leak and open up. Just remind ourselves: 1. We Americans are worth honest news with a sense of fair play. Humanity is worth it, as well. 2. Examining large amounts of a variety of pieces of news can help us see trends and catch errors and omissions. 3. Dishonest news is a form of violence. It eats away at the fabric of society. 4. News that is honest enough but catches people at a bad time can be hazardous to the safety, well-being and careers of interviewees and the people they are responsible for. Operations and lives can be at stake. Leaders who have parts of their lives less than showpiece material can be removed from an operation in which they otherwise had certain knowledge, experience, insights and leadership capabilities which would have been useful. Derogatory news stories can make them go away when they are needed most. 5. Truth to the media has an attrition quotient. Military and Police people, once harmed by the media, will often be reluctant to open up again to the news and the public. The media, in its hunger for a salable product, can be too aggressive and self- serving. High aggression + smear jobs = Less truthspeak from critical insiders later. 2020/05/02 SPLC: The SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) could be targeting people on their blacklist; they could have extensions into the police force and correlated policing agencies. How police people get involved could be when they belong to a minority related group, like a Latino one. In this case, minorities could be operatives. One way for investigators to catch them would be to watch who they are watching; how many times they get into someone’s file, who gets sent to respond to that TI’s call- ins to the police. etc. Correlating material would be if that officer has been seen to be a hothead or has issues regarding whites, women, the USA, etc. Corporate conglomerates: In addition to a mostly SPLC/minority connection, there could be a corporate connection, with the corporation being run by minorities with anti-American agendas. The corporations could be linked through an extensive network system. Corporations can ask police officers and/or private investiators to go after someone for things many of us would have a hard time believing, because it can seem petty and vindictive. For example, maybe they don’t like how many product returns or refund requests have occurred within their networks, so they hire or request an investigation. However, when you turn around and investigate the probe itself, you discover something even more sinister than the corporation’s grievance issue; you discover who controls the corporate conglomerate. For example, you find links to CAIR/Hamas or major drug cabals out of Mexico who have infiltrated large department franchises and banks in the USA. As an extension of this, maybe you find a Somalian black finance company link out of Minnesota. Switching Names: Repeating the concern about the possibility that criminals are being protected by putting someone else as the front guy in police work; so a criminal does the shooting or other crime; the cop gets blamed; a deal is made behind the scenes; the media are either in on it or are given the wrong story and the wrong name; cops in this situation could be bullied, threatened or bribed, so it is extortion. There is a Sleight of Hand aspect to it. There could be a particularly insidious habit of getting white cops in minority dominated states or areas to be the fall guy. Yanking Their Chains: Misusing Drug Addicts or Ex-Cons For Dirty Cop Work: Here the idea is that a dirty cop or related policing system official uses people with questionable current or past histories to exploit them against TI’s (Targeted Individuals). The members of the public could also be people who have been part of some plea agreement; that is, let off the hook as part of some under-the-table you scratch my back, I will scratch yours, like they won’t get in trouble as long as they help the dirty cop/dirty cop network out, this sort of thing. This means in investigating illicitly a targeted individual (like by the SPLC or Corporate Conglomerate listed above), the dirty cop could be accessing a list of known drug addicts/ex-cons in the area, and/or he could discover them when he looks up their record during his investigations. It also could be someone that enters the life course of the TI in some way that the police become involved. At that point, it becomes a zone of influence issue in that the dirty cop puts pressure on these drug addicts/ex-cons and tries to get them to go along with his dirty investigation in some manner or another. It also could be that the dirty side of a police department has a network of addicts/ex-cons already in the area they have been working a drug chain or similar criminal thing with. So there is already a gig. When the TI enters the web in some way, through some kind of contact, things are triggered in terms of how that TI is responded to both by the public network but also by the police themselves. In this case, the TI is “handled.” People who have troubles with the law and addictions, in other words, could be especially vulnerable to dirty cops pushing their buttons against other members of the public the dirty cop is targeting. It will likely take outside agencies to catch the dirty cop or dirty cop network in such matters, including working with a few whistleblowers at the local level. One place to look for this sort of thing seems to be mechanics shops, for some reason. Part of the connection could include military veterans, but this might not be the only network. For example, if there is a male-first network of men who are angry with women or have a porn thing going on (ie, they show pictures taken on the sly of nude women, such dirty networks might include blacklists of women who enter their terrain across wide geographic spans. Male police officers with a military background could be part of this chain. But there could also be a minority thing against male or female whites. Some of these male/minority networks can sometimes work together for mutual agendas. Whatever the case might be, local police persons or others in the policing system might have warning bells go off about who is tagging a person for investigation. Something can feel off. The guy seems vindictive, with an agenda. He seems obsessive/compulsive about a person he is investigating. He makes little comments here and there. You catch something with his laptop open. You overhear a conversation over the phone or with someone else as you walk into the latrine. Maybe he’s Hispanic, she’s white, and you sense he feels himself to be judge and jury in the way he investigates her; maybe he told you she reminds him of his mother, ex-wife, or ex-white female schoolteacher back in the fifth grade. In other words, these are people he hated. Maybe he is talking to members of the public behind her back, including the drug addicts/ex-cons, to sway them against her, to make them feel she is being investigated for something serious. Maybe he says things like, Be Careful; She’s Dangerous or deemed mentally unstable. In other words, maybe he’s breaking rules and laws in the way he’s handling the investigation. Maybe he is stacking the chips against her in the process so people don’t question his investigative tactics. 2019/10/18 This insert was originally put in the Christopher Oskins section but has been moved here for general discussion in the watch for antics material: In addition, we can ask if there have been several layers of dubbing by different hands over time. One thing to ask is whether one officer is being replaced by another one in the imagery and discussion, including name changes. We can ask if there is a fall guy. If a given officer is the actual one in question, we can ask if he has had a history of similar issues. The point here is that if a white officer or an honest officer is “odd man out” in a police force, he might be contending with gangs or biased people int he police force. If a bad deed occurs surrounding another gang member, the biased police officers, or opposing gang members, might try to pin a rap on that “odd man out” police officer. Perhaps one group of officers in New Mexico who keep getting targeted are white, but we need to stay open minded on this subject to not miss any race of honest police officer who might be targeted in this manner. Two ideas were scoped in this discussion: a replacement cop to cover the actual wrongdoer, and also possible dubbed material overlaying earlier police camera footage. Both of these ideas are an extension of other material here and throughout Police Factor, but are reapplied here to hone in on some concepts. This is an also an extension of the “invisible fingers” idea found on River Gold, and the overall idea of “quirkiness” found in the list of what Police Factor is about. -Out-victiming the victim: the new fake “victim.” That is, the antic is about using a sense of persecution for high dramatic effect, even if the person believes it himself. An example would be a person who blows an incident out of proportion and uses relatives and friends to back him up. In this case, it’s also when the person applies a certain approach on either someone of his own race or on another race; let’s say a Hispanic officer was berating a fellow officer, whether white or also Hispanic. If a white who was standing by watching speaks up about it and says the berating Hispanic officer is off base, the Hispanic then turns the issue around and name calls the fellow white officer as a white supremacist. In other words he out-victims the actual victim, or pretends the white person has no right to speak up for the other guy he was berating. When the Hispanic pulls in a group of people to back his side of the story up, you can suddenly find all these so-called supporters with an equal sense of victimization or high minded justice. This antic has to be responded to by sensing: 1. high drama 2. exaggerations of lies to back up the “new” victim - the person the other guy or gal tried to stand up to for his doing bad things or being out of order 3. pulling in people to back his new story, people who lie or exaggerate, or indicate how great the officer is 4. a tendency to try your attention toward one thing and away from the actual facts of the incident and the actual complaints. The idea is to get you believe the arguments based on emotion and a pre-arranged sense of justice and not on careful honest analysis based on facts. By getting repondents stirred up, it can distract. 5. Drawing in an audience to back the dramatists version of the new so-called victim. When we start catching the games starting to work themselves up, we can start applying counter-measures. 2019/06/23 How does reverse discrimination and cultural differences create problems in New Mexico police forces: do whites get victimized? Is their jealousy? Where do cartels fit into this picture? Two antics to consider: whites sympathizing with tribes using corruption to get ahead over old white systems; one way is to hire non-white sympathizers as a white manager. Another antic is to use extortion while under the thumb of HIspanic cartels. 2019/06/23 there are a list of antics in the River Gold’s psychic attack section. Whether or not psychic or psychotronic material is involved, you can use the section to get a feeling for additional the games people play. If you are psychic or open to the subject, start planning how you yourself could get across the anti-psychic barrier. That is, if you are a police manager training police people, you know that you don’t want a world of cartels exercising psychic and/or psychotronic attacks on your trainees and officers out in the field. You also don’t want dishonest cops in your outfit messing with other officers and the general public. What kinds of things can you do to help bridge the gap in understanding about the psychic thing? Start with the attitudes and approaches of the deepest cynics and write down your own notes on how they think and operate. What kind of road blocks do they set up to further discussion and self-protective measures against psychic/psychotronic attack? Do you personally understand the difference between a cynic and caution? We all need to be cautious, but sometimes things can go too far. 2019/06/12-13 monkeys in the tree top/background noise: consider evolutionary tendencies. Something almost preternatural: that some Hispanic/Native behaviors include a shamanic link to the ancient ties to animals, the broader natural world and instinctive human behaviors, we can sense a rhythm to some behaviors that might otherwise invisible. Some of this might have been brought up from Mexico or South American during early New Mexican history. Included with this is the idea of anima, where the soul of the animal-man might be tapped into or vibrated into movement. For example, a shaman might move a cat across the room or to go sit on a person’s lap and cuddle. That shaman might tap into a person’s anima to sense how he was thinking and where he was going during a crime. This anima might be an animal-human pulse. In some ways you might say it is the heart of the person. It goes beyond words to feel this deeper aspect, and not all persons can do it. But it links to the idea of the blood passion, where he or she is at in their truest most native aspect as well as their emotions. Watch for background players: that is, sensitively investigate into a group of players not immediately visible. These can be network masters. They can be like smooth operating rings of swinging monkeys flashing in coordinated rhythm in the high tree canopies. In the jungle, monkeys have a series of sounds, body language and scents (pheromones) and are sensitive to the same in other animals. When warned, they instinctively shift tree limbs, move closer together as a concentrated group looking outward or farther apart as a fanned group circling around. They also sound out various responses. When you are dealing with crime network masters, watch for background players in the sense the main guy or gal might not be doing the bad deed himself or herself directly, but can be quietly linked to sideline people who are. There can be both verbal and non-verbal signals. There can be pre-arranged plans for this specific issue, or generally pre-planned ideas about multiple scenarios. They might be getting a new situation, but past experiences have created a mutual sense of how to respond quietly together without drawing attention to the fact they are in fact coordinated. They have reached a point they instinctively know each other’s ways and how to respond. So someone can be pulled over and beaten up and stolen from; the real players plant and say things to make it look like other members of the police force did it. They are good at staying in the background; they are background noise in the sense they were high performers but not easily discovered. This can also hold true in faked court cases in which the same main (most apparently “clean” looking) guy is suing the police department. He sues with his player buddies in the background. No one knows they are around. He holds things together smoothly, presenting a faked professional presence. They make it look like other members of the police force did it. Quietly together they sue the rest of the police force and share the proceeds of the big bucks lawsuit. In summary in this example: 1. a dirty cop works with a network of players but holds things together by not personally getting caught doing something. He presents a smooth face. The players can be inside and outside the police force. 2. the same dirty cop sues against other police people and departments, pretending he was not involved in the bad deed, and they were; he then sues them for saying anything against him which would suggest he is lying; he acts victimized and sues for their retaliation against his “whistleblowing.” This example is how a dirty cop can use the system and cover his player bodies, but also slip through the system as an abusive cop. An Example of one way to investigate for background If Hispanic with Native American ties in New Mexico; as mentioned elsewhere, check for having a beef or chip on shoulder as deep-seated sense of racial injustice and abuse from older incidents in life: -check for Catholic sexual abuse - Irish, white Italian, etc. perpetrators, no one helped Hispanic/tribal member get out of abuse; the Hispanic Catholic abuse connection can be tied to hierarchies, power games, a sense of domination/submission, and learned habits about covert activities including keeping a smooth face on deeply troubled underwaters; the assumption everyone is dirty and can’t get out; an abiding anger over having been invisible as one of the “browns” with no healthy recourse for personal assistance -check for tribal connections linked to anti-American agendas -check for family or personal past abuse from whites - in public school, police -check for links to college professors with known La Raza or similar anti-American tendencies, especially if such are “helping” get the message out to the public through media - this can be an important source of ‘players’ We need to ask ourselves if the main player came from a highly abusive background; whether he personally is known to have received abusive discrimination from whites and therefore has a “chip on the shoulder” and whether there have been signs of being linked to Hispanic/Hispanic-tribal criminalistic networks inside or outside the force over his many years in law enforcement; whether he has a background with pueblos or other tribal peoples along with Hispanic ones and where his roots lead us. 2019/06/11 drug related antics between so-called good guy policing departments and other departments involving taking drugs away from that department to be used surreptitiously by the other department. They make the other department or police persons look like dirty cops needing outside intervention. Follow the trail of the drugs between departments or agencies. Also watch for ring-involved police making arrests of non-police people to eliminate other drug competitors. 2019/06/10 be sensitive and aware of the concept of possible psychotronic voice to skull and non-technical psychic telepathic suggestions -added 2019/06/10: understand the idea of players; players on this website are linked to organized crime and gang networks -added 2019/06/10: know what information dominance is in terms of discrimination in which players try to suppress someone’s ideas and self-defense regarding racial bullying and other antics. It can include non-white or white players, but the idea needs to be applied to racial bullying by Hispanic, tribal and other non-white groups more carefully with fresh eyes in modern times as demographics have often shifted. 2019/06/10 Watch for players, reverse discrimination, any racial type of discrimination involving religious networks, police surveillance rings around store franchises linked across town, including false witness and shallow/loose thinking in franchise-related incidents, often related to excessive hyper-vigilance by players in franchises because of all of shoplifting. Speaking up on this does not mean you yourself shoplift, but they could try to pretend you do because you speak up that there is likely police related abuse.. 2019/06/10 Hispanic networks inside and outside the police in at least New Mexico and Arizona, including the Navajo-Hispanic continuum in the Farmington, New Mexico area, running antics against a targeted white person. These networks can include Italian Mafia types connected to the Catholic Church, with all of it linked to Catholicism club ethno-religionism mentalities. Watch for loose, shallow, overly quick ideas behind the idea to go after someone. This can include following them around town using both police and non-police affiliates as a form of gangstalking. Again, what you have to watch for are not only the networks themselves, but also the way the thinking is often unprofessional and shallow, using an emotionally driven vigilante system. There can also be a sense of elation in being told they can target a white for doing something by targeting that person in a way they feel has normally been reserved for “persons of color” to treat that person as small, dirty, unstable, mentally ill or otherwise a low-life. There are various discussions of “low-lifing” and related topics on River GOLD ( The shallow reasoning needs to be nipped in the bud by investigators, other members of law enforcement and other investigators. Look for a variety of players, including Hispanic female detectives, male leaders in the local Catholic system, Hispanic male city bus drivers. Part of it can be trying to force someone to “get Jesus” but it can involve much more than that. The racial reasoning can be that a white has spoken up against reverse discrimination; in a one-sided information dominance mentality, the players not only try to shut that white up but also to go after that person on false pretenses, trying to make the situation and person look much worse than is actually the case. -police officers who are odd man out can be attacked from corrupt people within the department (one thing they might be doing is pinning it on someone else who is not a player) -sending someone else to talk to a member of the public who is going against the grain; this is really a power play and form of intimidation; the real instigators are hiding behind the person they send. For example, if an instigator is a male supervisor, he might send in a woman; he might or might not tell her the real reason why he is doing this - he uses a secondary issue. If a supervisor is Mexican or Native American, he might send in a young white male officer known to have strong sympathies for either or both races. -organized crime buying people off to make up stories against a targeted individual; brokering future lawsuits by artificially building a “case” - ie, encouraging a non-white to build up a story against a white -machismo in largely Mexican American police departments in New Mexico, Arizona and parts of other areas in the Southwest; machismo is its own land of thorns, defiance and slippery trails and can make getting down to the nitty gritty (ie, facts and figures, who did what, etc.) extremely difficult. -watch for racially driven power trips; for example, a Navajo male can feel his family was part of a downtrodden class and now it’s their turn; he has a badge, fancy technical equipment (including surveillance) and a nice shiny, modern, powerful 4x4 department vehicle - he drives around town looking cool. He alsohas a sense of Native pride in which he thinks it’s both his turn and the destiny of his people to take back their lands and take charge of an area; he feels he is a member of a protected class and that the American laws don’t apply as much to him - he knows white and Hispanic police officers have beaten up on members of his people and otherwise not played fair, so he feels he does not have to play fair with white members of the public. He uses extensive tribal family member networks both inside and outside the police force to keep an eye on targeted people. He thinks keeping an eye on someone means stalking them with every available means for trivial issues. He spends more time stalking someone for speakingout against reverse discrimination or religion than trying to investigate real criminals in the area. The networks he uses to “keep an eye” on a target can include religious networks. He might have been called on to keep an eye out might a white male Mormon with strong Native American ties, a member of this tribe or anyone else; he himself might not have instigated this, but then again, he might have. The networks can include people who work inside banks, the local post office, private or police shoplifting surveillance in grocery store chains and more. Once he hits management, he makes sure he only hires Navajo first. Navajo preference in hiring has become second nature and he doesn’t think anything about it. Based on his background, the religious connections could be Mormon, Catholic or fundamentalist Protestant. Linked with his Navajo pride, he can also adhere to one of several forms of tribal spirituality, one of which involves witchcraft, animal sacrifices, peyote usage and more. We have used a Navajo example here, but it can be any person’s tendencies to think and operate outside the law based on certain discriminatory criteria. This can include having an issue with a certain sector of the population or feeling elated over new authority. It can mean carrying around a chip on the shoulder. It can also mean having a shallow understanding of personal and group power. The individual has not been apprised of the pitfalls of reverse discrimination by his supervisors, or if he has, he has not fully understood the laws and professional ethics. He does not pay heed to newspaper articles and other warnings about police abuses, feeling those are mostly about white discrimination and do not truly apply to him, too. He has learned many whites are afraid to speak up these days to Navajos for fear of being impolite or seeming discriminatory. He can count on white police officer buddies married to Navajo women to back him up. He knows businesses and government departments are leery of getting involved in discrimination lawsuits, so he can usually count on white managers to look the other way. He assumes most whites lump all “browns” together and as such he suspects he mostly goes unnoticed. He might pass tests during pre-certification coursework, nod his head, smile and act compliant enough during employment screening and post- hire training, but he still has not gotten it - he doesn’t think the rules fully apply to him and this new police officer is a danger on the streets. -members of the public can be connected to organized crime who pull strings against an officer or another member of the public -members of the media can be connected to organized crime and working for anti-American agendas -retaliation against an officer for being a whistleblower is possible -retaliation by a network of officers against a member of the public along certain trajectories: religion (including but not limited to ethno-religionism), race, homosexuality (female homosexual women in the force and outside of it angrily target another women, homosexual community against someone), he-man heterosexuality; retaliation can include gangstalkers around town watching a target’s every move to watch for vulnerabilities and the use of Making The Other Guy Look Bad (See River Gold). The attitude among this police network can be “I’ve been waiting for that bitch/asshole to trip up, let’s go him/her.” There can be a boy’s/girl’s club vigilante’s emotional aspect to it. -using superficial thinking and logic to justify going after someone, not following professional and ethical protocols, not checking things out right -media can be and often are honorable truth speakers ; they and their families can be intimidated, harassed, bribed and put in danger. This can mess with the news stories presented to the public. -on the other hand, police officers can be part of organized crime like a police mafia and can mess with information that would otherwise be available to the media, courts, public and victim families -watch for culturally driven antics in organized crime -watch for suicides, which might be faked via retaliation and evidence-removal antics -watch for stories with silly seeming non-violent objects in the hands of victims in police shooting cases -cases with indictments of police officers when signs are strongly indicative they were actually guilty -watch for “Arabian Nights Effects” (See River Gold dot net) and otherwise curve ball antics in the story lines, look for patterns over time in this sort of thing -watch for shadow government types of court cases and retaliatory executions of potential whistleblowers involving hyperstate extraordinary layers, possibly even outside our normal expectations of time/space - because organized crime got hold of high tech stuff with big bucks. -some of the players can be the Italian Mafia in high end military/weapons supply corporations, along with their various supply sources and labs, with links to horse racing, gambling, casinos -watch for “The Program” (this one might be to teach certain whites a lesson before eliminating them) or similar gangstalking and Stasi-like programs directed at certain people of any race who are on some kind of black list - think outside the box In summary, Watch for Antics means to check for extraordinary games being played both inside police but also as organized crime networks against the police, including any possible forms of discrimination, including reverse discrimination like Hispanic/Native American-Hispanic reverse discrimination and Italian mafia connections. * Updates: 2023/03/29; 2020/05/02 material added; 2020/01/04 Emotion Hinging Slant section added to this page. 2019/12/31 added to the summary of what this section is about; 2019/06/12 monkeys in the trees; 2019/06/04 some additions and a little editing
Definition Related Concepts Contextual --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINITION (Site-Specific Phrase) There is something about a person, group or situation that seems off. RELATED CONCEPTS The Zone of Influence; Invisible Fingers; Two Horns, Co-Opting, Cons-Piracy, Sending in the Crows, Arabian Nights Effect (Psy Section) CONTEXTUAL Examples Like a piece of hidden humor, you catch a quick smirk. Or someone bolts after you give them a one-time assistance or credit. There is an odd energy in the room, or items seem out of place, facial expressions look a little off-kilter. The company name connotes it is of the USA but the workers are all from other countries. There seems to be a gig with the male police officers around a female homicide victim. Or cops seem to come in part way, but not all the way. The background check company seems to be the same thing as the company you are applying to, even helping or actually making hiring decisions (background checks should be done by objective third party groups). No one is out on the city streets, no cars, the kids have all gone inside, window blinds are all pulled shut, everything is too quiet. Someone wants to give you lots of free stuff on top of a basic sale.
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