About-a (Home) Brief IntroductionAbout-b List of Topic MenusAbout-c (Reading Materials)About-Current InputPolice Factor covers policing, border protection and national security. It is put together by someone who is not a police officer, agent or other professional, but a member of the public. This website is a small library of sorts, collecting together various resources involving police and national security work. It is also a blog site with intermittent comments and opinions.
Examples of What is Covered Noble CausesPolice Vigilanteshttps://opentextbc.ca/ethicsinlawenforcement/..noble-cause-corrupMiranda Rights New Mexico Encyclopedia of Lawhttps://new-mexico.lawi.us/miranda-warning…http://www.mirandarights.org/Police Ethics Analytical Look https://leb.fbi.gov/articles/featured-articles/police-corruption-an-analytical-look-into-police-ethicsDe-Escalating Use of Force-Agree w/ Chiefs? https://www.policeone.com/chiefs-sheriffs/articles
Reading List and Focus In order to offer a broad response to crime, conceptual tools like these are needed:•Systems Approach •STOP Gangs/Cartels•Responsiveness•Softening •Turfing •Zone of Influence•Masters of Networking (Running Strings) •Criminal Co-opting and Supplanting - Shadow Government (Org. Crime) •Monkey See, Monkey Do
Americans for Change
JANUARY 20, 2025 *Wanton Violence Does Not Solve Life’s Problems*