This section is purposely brief and is meant to only highlight some of the technology available to watch, stalk,
harass and kill people.
Notice that surveillance on a target and weapons against that person can go hand in hand.
Directed Energy Weapons
Frequency Weapons
http //www.earthpulse.com/src/subcategory.asp?catid=1&subcatid=4
http //www.jacobsm.com/projfree/protection.html
https //supersoldiertalk com/neuro-electro-magnetic-frequency-weapons/
https //taboodada.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/1110/
Related Subjects
Note: sources in this frequency weapons section might seem to be (and might actually be) kooky, suspicious, or
unreliable, making it feel it is hard to sort out disinformation and misinformation from anything real. I suspect
there is some truth to the concerns.
Biohazards of Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF). By Dr. Nick Begich Reprinted fr. Earthpulse
Flashpoints Series 1 Volume 1.
http //www earthpulse com/src/subcategory.asp?catid=1&subcatid=4
Excerpt: In reporting on the HAARP project the issue of extremely low frequency (ELF) impacts on
human health has been raised. The debate on the impact of ELF is still ongoing in international
medical circles. However, recent research points to the fact that these frequencies when shaped and
transferred to humans cause significant reactions. In our book, Angels Don't Play this HAARP:
Advances in Tesla Technology, we explore some of these reactions. HAARP is not the only system
available for taking advantage of these new technologies. The military has developed smaller weapon
systems for use in battlefield applications. These new weapons were disclosed in documents authored
and compiled by the United States Air Force. The Air Force documents indicate that these weapons
can be used for mind control, inducing heart attacks, causing electronic failures and creating
computer malfunctions. More recently these new weapons have been revealed in International Red
Cross documents and in other press reports. In a CBS - 60 Minutes broadcast on February 11, 1996 a
report on some of these new systems was shown. The program discussed some of the effects of these
new weapons which included disorientation and "flu-like symptoms". This new classification of
weapons has created some level of concern on the part of military planners in trying to find a way to
introduce these systems. The United States Army has developed a concept called the Revolution in
Military Affairs (RMA) which begins to unfold the weapons introduction plan. What this document
points out is that many of these weapons will operate in a way which is in conflict with American
values. The Army realizes that the conflict with our values exists and openly discusses the problem it
presents. The Army then goes on to describe a number of ways to reshape those values so that these
new weapons can be used. The basic problem, from this writers perspective, is that the U. S. Army's
role in the American scene is not intended to "shape and form public values", rather it is supposed to
"reflect" American values. The idea that any branch of government should see their role as one of
setting the national ethic is wrong.
http //www earthpulse com/src/subcategory.asp?catid=1&subcatid=4
Excerpt: For well over 50 years, Neuro-Electro-magnetic Frequency Weapons have been perfected by
their covert use in warfare. These ‘classified’, ‘non-lethal’ or ‘silent’ weapons have also been perfected
by experimenting on unsuspecting individuals since their early development. Directing a beam of
frequencies to a human brain can cause a series of serious side-effects. ELF waves cause nausea,
headaches, accelerated heart rate without cause, to name but a few. In 1974, the first unclassified
successful transmission of the human voice directly into the skull of a living person was performed by
Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, of the Walter Reed army institute of research by transforming a hypnotist’s voice
using ELF’s. This technique was later developed into the Smirnov scramble method, and used in the
Gulf War. It is possible to hypnotize a target without the target being aware and leaving zero trace of
https //taboodada wordpress com/2013/04/27/1110/
[Note from PF: as of 2021/02/07 Taboodada-2013/04/27 was not found but Super Soldier Talk below
was, it looks the same or connected]
Super Soldier Talk
22, 2013; APRIL 27, 2013 TABOODADA 25 COMMENTS
https //supersoldiertalk com/neuro-electro-magnetic-frequency-weapons/
[Accessed from Internet on 2021/02/06]
[Note from F Here is some more added material in case the website stops being on Internet.
This looks potentially like an anti-Western website attempting to create suspicion about the
USA, Australia and other allies; however, the information, if any of it is accurate, could lend
validity to concerns about gangstalking and certain kinds of “hearing” which at first seem
psychic, but ultimately might be psychotronic. It also might explain why so many people voted
for Biden/Harris as if in a mass-manipulated haze, unable to critically separate their thoughts
from the news hype against Trump and Republicans)
By emitting frequencies that oscillate in a certain frequency range a victim can be manipulated.
There are 6 types of brainwaves: Delta is the frequency range up to 4 Hz and is associated with
sleep. Theta is the frequency range from 4 Hz to 8 Hz and is associated with drowsiness,
childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Alpha (Berger’s wave) is the frequency range
from 8 Hz to 12 Hz. Sensory motor rhythm (SMR) is a middle frequency (about 12-16 Hz)
associated with physical stillness and body presence. A target will have trouble moving
whenever this frequency is applied. Beta is the frequency range above 12 Hz. Low amplitude
beta with multiple and varying frequencies is often associated with active, busy or anxious
thinking and active concentration. Gamma is the frequency range approximately 26-80 Hz.
Gamma rhythms appear to be involved in higher mental activity, including perception, problem
solving, fear, and consciousness. A frequency weapon’s shape depends on how frequencies have
to be directed to the target. The US Patent and Trademark Office holds a vast amounts of
patents for machines which can be used in direct or subliminal mind-control systems. One of
these is a Hearing System, US Patent #4,877,027, by Wayne Brunkan, October 31, 1989. A method
for directly inducing sound into the head of a person, using microwaves in the range of 100 MHz
to 10,000 MHz, modulated with a waveform of frequency- modulated bursts. Another is the
Method and System for Altering Consciousness, US Patent #5,123,899, of James Gall, June 23,
1992. A system for altering the states of human consciousness involving the use of simultaneous
application of multiple stimuli, preferably sounds, having differing frequencies. Yet another is
the Superimposing Method and Apparatus Useful for Subliminal Messages, US Patent
#5,134,484, Joseph Wilson, July 28, 1992. and Method of Changing a Person’s Behavior,
Subliminal Message Generator, US Patent #5,270,800, of Robert Sweet, December 14, 1993. A
combined subliminal and supra-liminal message generator for use with a television receiver;
permits complete control of subliminal messages and their presentation.
Also applicable to cable television and computers. Auditory Subliminal Message System and
Method, US Patent #4,395,600, Rene Lundy and David Tyler, July 26, 1983. An amplitude-
controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music. And Psycho-Acoustic
Projector, US Patent #3,568,347, Andrew Flanders, February 23, 1971. A system for producing
aural psychological disturbances and partial deafness in the enemy during combat situations.
Enough about the frequency weapons.
https //supersoldiertalk com/neuro-electro-magnetic-frequency-weapons/
Alleged Protection From Frequency Weapons
Farquhar. Project Freedom Truth-Love-Courage
[Note from PF: Possible questionable and/or biased resource]
http //www jacobsm com/projfree/protection.html
Excerpt: Protection from Frequency/Psychotronic weapons is not an easy task. This is particularly so
because the vast array of symptoms that are caused by attacks from these weapons duplicate
symptoms that can be created from other (natural) non-malicious sources.
Those of us who know they are targets of secret government experiment and torture are at present in
the minority. The majority as yet are unfortunately very unaware that they are under serious threat
from a remote source.
The mainstream understanding within society are presently unaware of the use of these weapons on
innocent civilians. They will therefore be unable to discern whether or not any negative symptoms
experienced have been created by natural non-malicious sources, or the malicious intent of the Mind
Control Police within the Freemasonic Secret Society Brotherhood-controlled intelligence services.
Our first line of protection is therefore to know that these Frequency Weapons (FW) are used by the
intelligence agencies on society for the purpose of Remote Mind, Emotional and Physical
manipulation - Toward Social Control Experimentation and Murder. If we do not acknowledge this very
basic fact, we are leaving ourselves wide open for the major physical and psychological destruction of
our being.
By contacting as many government, legal, social and media officials as possible regarding this human
rights abuse we may certainly help enlighten those who do not truly know what is going on within our
so-called democratic society. However, the bottom line is this: As the Freemasonic Brotherhood is
inextricably interwoven into the highest levels of government, legal, social and media industries, as
well as all other facets of our society, we cannot expect any real supportive force to stop these terrorist
attacks via the use of Frequency Weapons or any other form of social control…
For a successful and total expose and therefore eventual destruction of Psychotronic/Frequency
Weapons, Total Public Awareness is the key. Any active method towards this goal, is one step nearer,
not only to the destruction of these weapons but also the freedom of the human race.
Self-empowerment is also paramount to our freedom and is an absolute necessity toward this cause.
There are countless methods of self-empowerment, and only the individual can find the right way for
themselves. A self-empowered person does not expect anyone to tackle any problem or fight any fight
for them, yet genuinely and unconditionally helps others with theirs.
Unlike anyone within the Brotherhood network, a self-empowered person does not take any energy,
whether it be physical emotional or mental, from any other person, unless it is freely given. A self-
empowered person does not, within their means and capabilities, allow another person to take their
energy from them - unless it is freely given.
Self-empowerment is a continuous and never-ending process, and should be widely encouraged by
those who seek it's wonderful and powerful qualities. More and more people around the world are
now standing in their own power and becoming free. Eventually when the human race reaches critical
mass of becoming self-empowered, those who wish to manipulate and control us with all their means
will be left behind, as they will have no-one else to control. Then and only then will the people of the
world become free. The responsibility starts with each and every one of us.
It is very important to fully understand as much as possible the agenda behind the use of FW and all
other methods of social control. Also important is to understand the mental attitude of the
perpetrators of these psychotronic attacks, who are employed directly or indirectly by the intelligence
Being totally devoid of any humanistic qualities whatsoever, they have no conscience, no morals, no
ethics and are severely mentally imbalanced. They have deep subconcious fears and are devoid of
courage as they cannot face themselves. These fears are masked by the desire to control and torture
others. By having no understanding whatsoever of who they truly are and their immense capabilities
as a human being, they derive an illusory sense of power by doing what they do.
The more physical, emotional and mental pain they create in their targets through harrassment,
torture, rape and manipulation, they more powerful and important they feel they are.
They derive pleasure and power from inflicting pain and creating fear in their unsuspecting victims,
who cannot fight back. They also foolishly believe they are immune from being detected, exposed and
brought to justice which gives them a false sense of security. In reality, it is only a matter of time
before they will eventually realise that their "security" by being "protected" by their Brotherhood-run
security agencies, whom they work for, was just an illusion. They will all eventually be exposed to the
masses and will be held accountable, by the people.
In the meantime, the more we can reduce the fear response, in whatever way possible, to the
harassment, torture and rape methods of the Mind Control Police within the intelligence services, the
less power they will have over us, individually and therefore on society as a whole.
http //www jacobsm com/projfree/protection html
[2021/02/07--Note from PF: This website is still up on the Internet as of this date]
Havana Syndrome
2020/10/20--The Microwave Weapons That Could Explain Why ‘Havana Syndrome’ Report Is Not Being Released )
David Hambling Aerospace & Defense
https //www forbes com/sites/davidhambling/2020/10/20/the-microwave-weapons-that-could-explain-why-havana-
Excerpt: UPDATE December 6th — The New York Times has obtained the official 'Havana Syndrome' report —
which appears to confirm the theory that microwave or radio-frequency devices were involved. American officials
in Cuba and China have experienced ‘Havana Syndrome’ : hearing strange sounds, then suffering dizziness,
headaches and memory loss. A new report in New York Times suggests that the cause of the syndrome is being
covered up by the State Department. A deep dive into the murky history of microwave weapons may give clues
about exactly what is being covered up. The incidents, first reported in Cuba in 2016, have been controversial from
the start. Victims typically hear a burst of high-pitched, grating noise with no obvious source before suffering other
symptoms. Other people in the same building do not experience either the sound or the other effects. Some have
dismissed the incidents as psychogenic illness, what used to be…
https //www forbes com/sites/davidhambling/2020/10/20/the-microwave-weapons-that-could-explain-why-havana-
Updates: 2022/05/10 excess bold corrected; 2021/02/07 PAGE STARTED in last 30-60 days, moved from rivergold dot net; some editing and
deactivation of links, supersoldier talk was added and some more more material added from its sister website added here earlier, forbes-
2020 /10/20 was added
Weapons- DEW, Frequency (TECH-3)
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption