The Wall of Silence is a theoretical concept which reflects the desire groups have to
ensure conformity among adherents and to make sure people outside of the group are not
successful in questioning or stopping their activities. This wall is enforced through
sabotaging efforts against anyone who tries to break out or fight back. Sabotaging
efforts include direct physical abuse, murder, ridicule, harming reputations, calling
someone crazy and isolation. It can include the sneaky use of surveillance to steal
information, ideas and goods/money, or to be able to jump ahead to block those trying to
fight the system. The more technical forms of control include the use of electronic
devices and computer software to hook into people’s brainwave and body electric
systems to monitor and influence thoughts, behavior and actions. Esoteric control
includes the use of professionally organized and trained remote viewing or other psychic
viewing. This might or might not include psychic influencing.
Watching, following, jumping ahead and blocking actions relate to the idea of being stuck
in a situation or place the victim cannot get out of. If someone feeling victimized is trying
to avoid trouble spots or pull out of bad places inherent to the negative system but finds
that the offending party or system is continuously keeping watch or blocking things, this
is part of the containment practices of The Wall.
The Wall can also hold together a body of people so sure of their point of view or way of life that
they cannot let new ideas in or flexibly discuss alternatives. In other words, it is a two-sided
impermeable wall, hard to let new information in and hard to get secrets or real information out
Silence enforcement can be encouraged through the use of labels placed on those who do not fit
in; these labels act as isolating barriers so that the person is treated as an untouchable.
Untouchables can be thought of as unreachable because an image has been put out through
various forms of communication that they are too dangerous, radical, mentally ill, strange, dirty,
low class, or too this or that to be reasoned with or talked to. Untouchables are kept at arm’s
length, talked at rather than to or with, and can find themselves walking around in a zone of
libeled unbelievability (hence isolation.)
The Wall can also be enforced by so-called do-gooders who tell themselves they need to hold
support back (ie, emotional support, financial support, group belonging support, etc.) from that
individual until they “get real help” - for example, join the standards of the cult, religion,
social/cultural orientation, political organization, or misguided/illegal system. A misguided
system can have limitations which the people inside of it are not aware of - they don’t realize
they are working from inside a box. They use a line of thinking but do not see the line. They also
use a set of principles organized around a central theme but don’t realize the central theme
might have flaws. An illegal system is one in which something like the United States
constitution has been reworked to the ends of a take-over group not in alignment with the will
and well-being of the general public. Special interests are being taken care of at the expense of
the majority. Certain people are doing well and making money while others are being sucked
dry, quietly and slowly taken out of commission or quickly eradicated.
These do-gooders can come across as sincerely helpful and that their efforts at getting you to
just be normal are for your own good; the amount of self-deceit that goes on creates an enticing
barrier against truth and fair play. Things stop having flow and become locked up;
communication becomes a thud rather than a river. This wall style is the most insidious of all
because do-gooders of this type are the least likely to question their own motives - after all, they
are doing it for your own good, right?
Distancing strategies used against political dissidents, people questioning the negative system, or
anyone deemed a likely troublemaker
When someone is dealing with the offensive tactics of The Wall, what many people think of as
the application of common sense and good psychology can keep victims from getting real help.
This is because the victim might be displaying odd behaviors which look like one thing but are
something else, but no one is around to properly assess the behaviors or situation. As a result,
mislabeling, misdiagnoses and just plain wrong errors in judgment can and do occur. In addition,
people behind The Wall can be tweaking this situation to the detriment of the victim (ie, trying
to make that person look unstable, crazy, incompetent, dishonest, not trustworthy, etc.)
These types use mental programs called “psychology” (actually usually pop psychology) to
remove themselves from things they tell themselves are the evils of codependency, aiding an
addict, or keeping the mentally ill in their delusions. These mental programs act as barriers to
responding in real time to the individual as a real person. The programs are scripts which draw
more attention to themselves than to the person supposedly being helped by such behaviors.
The scripts take on a life of their own. Such walls convince people they are “doing the right
thing” when in fact they are chastising the individual and dehumanizing him or her while
keeping things at such a distance no one is really having a dialogue - it is all a monologue. The
scripts give people the false sense of being professional or “adult.” In fact, they are not engaged
in the connection with the other individual in any real or meaningful way - in fact, they have
dropped out emotionally and mentally.
Using scripts and arms-length behaviors toward someone deemed problematic or crazy is a way
of controlling the situation without getting involved. It can reach the point the barrier kills the
human spirit on both sides of the line. Keeping someone at arms length like that maintains a
sense of false security and does not leave room for self-evaluation. Someone can stay stuck in
viewpoints which prevent caring or thinking things through more deeply. This behavior can be
more destructive than helpful if there is a sense of loftiness which is actually a shield for hiding
personal limitation. That limitation can include the inability or unwillingness to see a broader
picture. It is important to not rely too heavily on so-called good psychology and scripts as an
antidote to supposedly difficult people with problems.
People can be punished or kept isolated by so-called official practices and statements which
encourage an air of suspicion or unworthiness throughout certain systems. Blacklists can keep
people from boarding airplanes or being able to access certain services. Hidden system-wide
notes about a person’s character or mental capacity can act as a character destroying system
which blind-sides that person everywhere he or she goes. People need to know how they can
legally question, investigate and stop these practices.
Worried about money or focused on jobs/income can help the tactics of The Wall because people
are more worried about survival or success than on negative systems. People might tell
themselves money and security are the priorities to the point they overlook, ignore or accept
negative Wall practices. They may tell themselves things are not that bad or that it is the price
one pays to have a piece of the pie. They might assume it is that certain troubled or bad people
are getting “it” while they are being the good ones staying out of trouble. They might also tell
themselves that by behaving in certain ways as associated with having money, the negative
system will smile favorably upon them or leave them alone. They might be trying to look like
part of the human landscapes which receive the less negative attention, whatever that is, so
their approaches for staying safe might be dependent on the best camouflage tactics of the time
period, not on some universal favored spot in the sun.
Money might be a soothing torch which gets people by in certain ways in certain periods, but
remember, the Jews sent to the death camps often had money and were successful: in fact, in
many cases, their success was their downfall because the Nazis resented it so much. In addition,
there were Jewish bankers in places like Berlin who were supporting the Nazi cause up until
things got really bad because they thought it would benefit themselves. They did not look after
their own cultural/religious group but themselves. Money is not a cure-all against tyrants and it
might not ultimately keep you safe. On the other hand, it might!
2023/02/05; 2021/01/13 page copied from rivergold dot net; on rivergold dot net updated 2018/11/04; 04/03/2017
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption