General Information, Activity-Prev. “Monthly” (BORDERS-1a)
CCP’s unrestricted warfare model - See Start Here
Apparent US govt paying immigrants - (watch for fake news)
Migrant Deaths or Abuse Along Border
Border Agent Incident (Lorenzo Hernandez)
Guns - borders - USA sales to Mexico etc
Trump [separate page - moved to Trump section 2021/11/15]
Mexican Tricks: Games Being Played
See Comments -
Who is Answering the Phone? Manning the Front Desk? Handling
Paperwork in Back?
How they get access to your private and personal info, family members,
personal habits, plans, etc.
Mexicans Abusing, Ignoring, Thwarting American Border Protection System
and other American laws
GOP 10 Point Plan to End Border Crisis
Layout of Plan
GOP Governors Involved with Plan
CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare Model: See Start Here #4
Follow the money, not just drugs. Less money in cartel pockets means fewer
chemicals and drugs, less violence and weapons, and less ability to corrupt the
rule of law."
Fox News
2020/11/12 Chinese 'cartels' quietly operating in Mexico, aiding US drug
crisis By McKay.
https //www
2) Mexico’s disdain for American laws for USA border protection - although
dated, it’s applicable. Excellent article!
City Journal
2005-Autumn Mexico’s Undiplomatic Diplomats: It’s time for Mexican
consulates to stop aiding and abetting illegal immigration. [Also listed
under Mexico’s Tricks below]
https //www city-journal org/html/mexico%E2%80%99s-undiplomatic-
diplomats-12891 html
Excerpt: Mexican officials here and abroad are involved in a massive
and almost daily interference in American sovereignty…They are there
thanks in part to Mexico’s efforts to get them into the U.S. in violation of
American law, and to normalize their status once here in violation of the
popular will. Mexican consulates are engineering a backdoor amnesty
for their illegal migrants and trying to discredit American immigration
3) Illegal Aliens Taking US Jobs Put Americans First in America: Strongly
against illegal aliens and Biden/Harris style amnesty, feeling America needs to
focus on American citizens? Check out this website:
2020 March Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs
https //www fairus org/issue/workforce-economy/illegal-aliens-taking-
4) Chinese cartels quietly operating in Mexico. As part of the CCP's
unrestricted warfare model, they have progressed significantly against
America with their enhanced role in the drug business. They can make
multibillions and, at the same time, undermine the security of America,"
claimed Derek Maltz, a retired special agent in charge at the DEA. "A kilogram
of fentanyl can kill 500,000 people, so the administration should look at the
death rates and treat this as a serious national security threat as opposed to
only a public health crisis."
Fox News
2020/11/12 Chinese 'cartels' quietly operating in Mexico, aiding US drug
crisis. The next US administration will have to counter the growing
operation, which is claiming a growing number of American lives
https //www foxnews com/world/chinese-cartels-mexico-us-drug-crisis
Excerpt: the growing presence of Chinese drug lords and cartels below
the southern border is one that is killing an unprecedented amount of
Americans. According to multiple Mexico-based security and
intelligence professionals, the bulk of the deadly work is carried out by
the "Los Zheng" wing, identified as having "the largest presence in
Mexico for the trafficking of fentanyl and methamphetamine." As per
intelligence findings by security firm Fortress Risk Management,
obtained exclusively by Fox News, the Zhengs operate through
seemingly legitimate shell companies that offer veterinary services,
clothing sales, clinical laboratories and maintenance of computer
systems in Mexico.
…"You can't bring anything into the country without paying off
someone," Calderon asserted. "There are a lot of 'fixers' and guards
assigned to these entry ports making a killing from China too." Experts
emphasize that it is a well-oiled machine in which each player has a
distinct role and piece of the pie. Chinese-led money laundering
procedures inside Mexico are said to be igniting faster growth and
movement of the drug, which was initially developed for use as both an
anesthetic and painkiller up to 100 times more potent than heroin.
Yet in cases such as Los Zheng, legitimate pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies are used as "fronts" or as a blurring between
the legal and illegal missions.
…"For the past 12 years, Chinese criminal organizations have become the
backbone to the drug cartels with chemicals supplied to the cartels and
laundering tens of billions of the cartel profits in North America and
Europe," said Richard Higgins, author of "The Memo: Twenty Years Inside
the Deep State Fighting for America First," president of HTG, LLC, a
strategic security and information warfare consulting who previously
served on the National Security Council as the director for strategic
planning. "Chinese-organized criminals south and north of the border
are very sophisticated using WeChat and other forms of encrypted
5) SIA’s Border terrorist threats. Keep at top awareness terrorist threats
Although dated now, take a look at this article discussing what Department of
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had been trying to do to focus on a
terrorist problem and to educate the public.
SIA’s Special Interest Aliens
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption
LINKS LIST (Borders-1a)
https //www1 cbn
https //www cbp
https //cis org/Report/Terrorist-
https //cis
https //www city-journal
undiplomatic-diplomats-12891 html
https //theconversation com/nixon-
https //dronedj
https //www fairus
https //www foxnews
https //www foxnews
https //www globalsecurity
relations-us-border htm
https //thehill com/blogs/congress-
protection corruption]
https //www heritage
https //insightcrime org/news/hide-
https //insightcrime org/news/hide-
https //www kvia com/news/new-
https //lawofficer com/news/border-
https //www mexpro
https //www motherjones
https //www newsmax
https /www newsweek com/border-
https /www newsweek com/border-
http //www nmborder com/
https //www npr
https //www pbs
https //www pogo
https //www policeone com/border-
https //saraacarter com/gop-
https //sofrep com/news/mexican-
https //www southernborder
https //www thespectrum
https //tucson
985e-9d421c4d3587 html
https //www washingtonexaminer
https //en wikipedia
https //www wola org/analysis/wola-
CIS dot org
2018/08/13 Terrorist Infiltration Threat at the Southwest Border
The national security gap in America’s immigration enforcement debate. Todd Bensman
https //cis org/Report/Terrorist-Infiltration-Threat-Southwest-Border
Excerpt: Secretary Johnson saw a need to educate the general public about what was about to happen.
Public affairs staffs would craft messaging that the new program would "protect the United States and our
partners against this potential threat." However, no known Public Affairs Office education about SIA
immigration materialized as Secretary Johnson and most of his agency heads were swept out of office some
months later by the election of Republican President Donald Trump. Whatever reputed threat about which
the Obama administration wanted to inform the public near its end remains narrowly known. So, too, are
whatever operations developed from the secretary's 2016 directive. Perhaps notably, the cross-border
migration of people from Muslim-majority nations, as a trending terror threat, has gone missing during
contentious national debates over President Trump's border security policies and wall. Most discourse has
been confined to Spanish-speaking border entrants rather than on those who speak Arabic, Pashtun, and
Urdu. So what is an SIA and why, in 2016, did this "potential national security threat" require the urgent
coordinated attention of agencies, with not much word about it since? This Backgrounder provides a factual
basis necessary for anyone inclined to add the prospect of terrorism border infiltration, via SIA smuggling, to
the nation's ongoing discourse about securing borders. It provides a definition of SIAs and a history of how
homeland security authorities have addressed the issue since 9/11. Since SIA immigration traffic is the only
kind with a distinct and recognized terrorism threat nexus, its apparent sidelining from the national debate
presents a particular puzzlement.
https //cis org/Report/Terrorist-Infiltration-Threat-Southwest-Border
CBP dot gov
2020/08/11 Arizona Border Patrol Agent Arrested
https //www cbp gov/newsroom/speeches-and-statements/arizona-border-patrol-agent-arrested
A Tucson Sector Border Patrol Agent was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Border Corruption
Task Force (BCTF) late in the afternoon of August 9, 2020. The agent was taken into custody for suspicion of
narcotics trafficking.
The Hill [see more under Legislation below]
2017/05/16 Why is Congress proposing to increase customs [and border protection corruption]
https //thehill com/blogs/congress-blog/homeland-security/333698-why-is-congress-proposing-to-increase-
customs-and[border protection corruption]
Mother Jones
2020/01/23 Torture, Rape, and Kidnapping at the Border: A New Report Lays Bare the Horror of Trump’s
Asylum Plan: Less than 1 percent of 24,000 so-called Remain in Mexico cases have resulted in asylum
protection. By Camille Squires.
[Note from PF: See Media/Alt News for more on Mother Jones]
https //www motherjones com/politics/2020/01/migrant-protection-protocols-remain-in-mexico-trump/
2019/11/29 Exclusive: Border Patrol Knew About Harrowing 'Game Of Smiles' Sexual Assault Claims, But Did
Not Take Action, Former Official Says. BY CHANTAL DA SILVA
https /www newsweek com/border-patrol-game-smiles-sexual-assault-1447434
Excerpt: U.S. Customs and Border Protection leadership knew about an alleged sexual assault in which a
female Border Patrol trainee claimed to have been raped by at least one instructor and multiple male peers
at a graduation party—but they did not take proper action in the years following the incident, a former
internal affairs chief has told Newsweek. James Tomsheck was head of internal affairs from 2006 to 2014
before being removed from the role amid criticism of his team's handling of allegations of inappropriate use
of force by Border Patrol agents.
Insight Crime
2021/02/20 Hide and Seek: How Drug Traffickers Get Creative at Sea. Katie Jones
https //insightcrime org/news/hide-and-seek-drug-traffickers-creative-at-sea/
2019/07/18 Journalist Digs Into Years Of Corruption, Dysfunction At Border Protection Agency. Terry Gross
https //www npr org/2019/07/18/743028537/journalist-digs-into-years-of-corruption-dysfunction-at-border-
[Note from PF: Graff seems to be sympathetic to the causes of immigrants]
Excerpt: One former CBP commissioner actually told me on the record that they made mistakes and, in fact,
hired cartel members. And what you began to see by late 2009, running through 2014, was both a huge rise
in on-the-job excessive force complaints, shootings that fell far outside the protocols for modern policing,
and also this incredible wave of crime and corruption of agents participating in drug smuggling and human
trafficking themselves, of taking bribes, of looking past illegal immigrants crossing through their
checkpoints. It got so bad that by 2013, actually, the DHS officer who was in charge of investigating
misconduct in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas felt that he fell so far behind in investigating CBP misconduct
that he began falsifying records and was indicted himself.
2018/04/13 13 CBP Employees Arrested for Corruption this Administration BY MIA STEINLE
https //www pogo org/investigation/2018/04/13-cbp-employees-arrested-for-corruption-this-administration/
2011/08/22 Border corruption cases grow: Patrol's surge in hiring, drug gangs' stepped-up infiltration efforts
seen as factors. Brady McCombs
https //tucson com/news/local/border/border-corruption-cases-grow/article_836254a0-34aa-5298-985e-
9d421c4d3587 html
Articles on Legislation involving Corruption Issues
(Brief, A few points)
Career Professional Speaks Up on Border Patrol Corruption and Corresponding Legislation
The Hill
2017/05/16 Why Is Congress proposing to increase Customs and Border Protection corruption? By James
https //thehill com/blogs/congress-blog/homeland-security/333698-why-is-congress-proposing-to-increase-
Excerpt: During my 40-year career in law enforcement I served as a police officer, U.S. Secret Service Special
Agent, and Assistant Commissioner at U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), heading the Office of
Internal Affairs. In these positions, I was guided by one principle: law enforcement’s vital mission must be
accomplished with integrity. From those decades of experience, the cases that most disturb me are people
who applied to work at CBP - the country’s largest law enforcement agency - and admitted in the screening
process to committing serious criminal offenses, including drug smuggling, rape, and infanticide, or
confessed to seeking employment as infiltrators paid by transnational criminal organizations or
cartels…Based on my experience, I have an urgent obligation to speak out against a law Congress is close to
enacting that would weaken CBP hiring standards imposed by the Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010. The
House Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act (H.R.2213), scheduled for a floor vote on Wednesday, and
the Senate Boots on the Border Act (S. 595), scheduled to be considered that morning by the Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, would exempt certain law enforcement and
military applicants for CBP positions from the polygraph examination only recently mandated by Congress.
Mandatory polygraphs for all CBP law enforcement applicants, which are standard at the FBI, DEA, ATF, and
Secret Service, were a congressional response to widespread corruption and other policing abuses at CBP
that followed a rushed hiring surge last decade. Damaging compromises of CBP integrity ensued, including
cartel infiltration achieved by hired applicants who did harm to the United States. I know from first-hand
experience that the bills moving in Congress, backed by current CBP leadership desperate to hire more
agents, would exacerbate corruption and abusive misconduct by adding unsuitable personnel who conceal
criminal pasts - and/or have future intent to compromise CBP's mission - so as to threaten our national
security. Indeed, a random sample of 1,000 polygraphs conducted after applicants were cleared by CBP's
background screening concluded that 65 percent of these applicants failed the polygraph, with many
providing detailed descriptions of their involvement in criminal activity.
Wola Report 2017
2017/12/14 Lessons from San Diego’s Border Wall by Adam Isacson and Maureen Meyer
https //www wola org/analysis/wola-report-lessons-san-diegos-border-wall/
Excerpt: " The border doesn’t need a wall. It needs better-equipped ports of entry, investigative capacity,
technology, and far more ability to deal with humanitarian flows. In its current form, the 2018 Homeland
Security Appropriations bill is pursuing a wrong and wasteful approach. The experience of San Diego makes
that clear."
https //www wola org/analysis/wola-report-lessons-san-diegos-border-wall/
Old Issues Involving Borders, Immigration - Other Administrations or Time Periods - on Border or Immigrant
Heritage dot org
2006/03/01 The Real Problem with Immigration... and the Real Solution. Kirk Johnson and Tim Kane
https //www heritage org/immigration/report/the-real-problem-immigration-and-the-real-solution
Excerpt: he real problem with undocumented immigrant workers is that flouting the law has become the
norm, which makes the job of terrorists and drug traffickers infinitely easier.
CIS dot org
What Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had been trying to do to focus on a terrorist problem and to
educate the public.
https //cis org/Report/Terrorist-Infiltration-Threat-Southwest-Border
Sea and Port Corruption - Hiding Contraband on Ships
Insight Crime
2021/02/20 Hide and Seek: How Drug Traffickers Get Creative at Sea. Katie Jones
https //insightcrime org/news/hide-and-seek-drug-traffickers-creative-at-sea/
Websites/Agencies Border Issues
The Conversation
2019/05/05 Nixon and Reagan tried closing the border to pressure Mexico – here’s what happened. By Ailleen
https //theconversation com/nixon-and-reagan-tried-closing-the-border-to-pressure-mexico-heres-what-
Global Security dot org note from Police Factor: excellent overview, gets us right into a wide range of border
issues fast
Foreign relations US border
https //www globalsecurity org/military/world/mexico/foreign-relations-us-border htm
Mexpro note from Police Factor: this is being added as an addition to our knowledge of NM borders in general
(2017/08/21) Where to Cross the New Mexico/Mexican Border
Posted August 21, 2017 by Roxanna Brock McDade & filed under Border Crossing.
https //www mexpro com/blog/cross-new-mexicomexican-border
Excerpt: There are only three border crossings into Mexico from New Mexico, and all cross into the Mexico
state of Chihuahua in the western half of the state. If it’s important to you to be able to get to the border
quickly and get on your way to your Mexico destination, it may be worth your while to know what roads to
take (both going north and south), what services are available and how busy the crossing. Save time by
getting the low-down from Mexpro.
https //www mexpro com/blog/cross-new-mexicomexican-border
New Mexico Border Authority
http //www
Excerpt: The New Mexico Border Authority is an executive branch state agency that provides leadership in
the development of the state's international ports of entry as well as serving as the Governor's advisor and
point of contact for those interested in opportunities at the ports of entry. This agency also facilitates new
infrastructure, trade opportunities, job opportunities, job training capabilities and many other activities that
contribute to development of a productive economy along the New Mexico border
http //www nmborder com/
US Border Patrol dot com: private website, not associated with government
also see New Mexico gangs section
http //www usborderpatrol com/Border_Patrol90 htm
2019/04/15 Video: trial for man accused of kidnapping off duty border agent begins
https //www kvia com/news/new-mexico/trial-for-man-accused-of-kidnapping-off-duty-border-agent-
Law Officer dot com
2017/06/11) Border patrol agent kidnapped and tortured in New Mexico
https //lawofficer com/news/border-patrol-agent-kidnapped-and-tortured-in-new-mexico/
Police One
2017/06/21 2 arrested in off duty NM border agent attack: Agent Lorenzo Hernandez said the suspects, who
asked for a ride, pulled out weapons and instructed Hernandez to follow their orders. By Carlos Andres Lopez.
https //www policeone com/border-patrol/articles/374294006-2-arrested-in-off-duty-NM-border-agent-
Southern Border dot org
Deaths by border patrol
https //www southernborder org/deaths_by_border_patrol
Migrant deaths along the Mexico US border
https //en wikipedia org/wiki/Migrant_deaths_along_the_Mexico–United_States_border
2019/07/02 The flow of guns from the U.S. to Mexico is getting lost in the border debate. Gabriela Martinez
https //www pbs org/newshour/politics/the-flow-of-guns-from-the-u-s-to-mexico-is-geting-lost-in--border-
Once the guns are purchased, traffickers face the next challenge: smuggling them across the border without
getting caught. But traffickers have ways to surmount this obstacle as well.
MEXICAN TRICKS Mexicans Abusing American System, Avoiding Laws, Evading, etc.
City Journal
2005/Autumn Mexico’s Undiplomatic Diplomats
https //www city-journal org/html/mexico%E2%80%99s-undiplomatic-diplomats-12891 html
Drone DJ
https //dronedj com/2020/05/05/drones-try-to-smuggle-over-300k-in-drugs-across-us-border/
CBN News
https //www1 cbn com/cbnnews/us/2021/march/news-confronts-hostile-smugglers-at-dangerous-point-on-
CIS dot org
https //cis org/Bensman/Congressman-and-Journalists-Report-Historic-Surge-ExtraContinental-Migrants-
News Max
2021/09/27 Rep. Tiffany to Newsmax: Criminal Activity Among Unvetted Afghans 'Predictable'. By Sandy
https //www newsmax com/politics/tom-tiffany-afghanistan-refugees-crime/2021/09/27/id/1038032/
Sara Carter
2021/06/11 GOP lawmaker visits Darien Gap ‘pipeline’ that pumps tens of thousands of migrants to southern
border. By Jenny Goldsberry
https //saraacarter com/gop-lawmaker-visits-darien-gap-pipeline-that-pumps-tens-of-thousands-of-
Washingon Examiner
2021/06/15 Harris needs to visit horrifying Darien Gap to see true migrant pipeline, congressman says
by Tori Richards, Investigative Reporter
https //www washingtonexaminer com/news/harris-visit-darien-gap-migrant-pipeline
The Spectrum
2018/04/04 Caravans, churches and criminal sanctuaries. Michelle Malkin
https //www thespectrum com/story/opinion/2018/04/04/malkin-caravans-churches-and-criminal-
Excerpt: But the parade of immigration lawlessness marches on -- with reckless aiding and abetting by
churches across the U.S….When they're not serving as human traffickers masquerading as human rights
activists, these travel agents for amnesty busy themselves constructing shelters along their illicit pathways
that span the globe. Catholic groups have sponsored and subsidized such nation-sabotaging campaigns for
The Vatican itself donated at least $20,000 in 2009 to erect a shelter for Central American illegal aliens
sneaking through Ixtepec, Mexico, where they hopped on freight trains into our country.
Some groups mentioned in article:
Pueblo Sin Fronteras
The Vatican
Catholic Extension
Jesuit-affiliated St. Joseph Catholic Church of Seattle
the Fourth Universalist Society of New York
Springfield, Massachusetts, the South Congregational Church
Las Vegas, the incoming Catholic Bishop George Leo Thomas choing the left-wing U.S. Conference on
Catholic Bishops, Thomas pledged to support and advocate for the so-called illegal alien Dreamers and
welcome them into the church.
https //www thespectrum com/story/opinion/2018/04/04/malkin-caravans-churches-and-criminal-
2016 How Mexican Cartels are winning tech war
https //sofrep com/news/mexican-cartels-winning-it-war/
Fox News
2021/10/06 GOP governors unveil 10-point plan to end border crisis, urging Biden to act Texas Gov. Abbott
says Biden 'has caused a humanitarian crisis and chaos on our border'. By Adam Shaw.
https //www foxnews com/politics/gop-governors-10-point-plan-biden-end-border-crisis
Layout of 10 Point Plan
Washington Examiner
2021/10/06 Republican governors unveil 10-point plan for ending border crisis
by Anna Giaritelli,
https //www washingtonexaminer com/
Governors Involved - GOP 10 Point Plan to Secure Borders
Abbott, Doug Ducey of Arizona, Brian Kemp of Georgia, Brad Little of Idaho, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Greg
Gianforte of Montana, Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma, and Mark
Gordon of Wyoming — laid out a plan to reinstate many of former President Donald Trump’s immigration and
border strategies. The policies would “restore security and end the crisis,” according to a copy of a document
shared with the Washington Examiner before the press conference.
The governors' full Joint Policy Framework on the Border Crisis is copied below:
Continue Title 42 public health restrictions: The Biden Administration should continue to invoke Title 42 to
refuse entry to individuals coming into the country due to the COVID-19 public health risk, which was initially
issued by the previous administration. Title 42 currently expels approximately 44% of apprehensions. In July,
more than 18% of migrant families and 20% of unaccompanied minors tested positive for COVID-19 upon
being released from Border Patrol custody. Reports estimate that the Biden Administration has placed
approximately 40,000 COVID-19 positive migrants into American cities.
Dedicate federal resources to eradicate human trafficking and drug trafficking: Due to the rapid increase of cartel
activity, the Biden Administration should dedicate additional resources to eradicate the surge in human trafficking
and drug trafficking, arrest offenders, support victims, and get dangerous drugs—like fentanyl and
methamphetamine—off our streets.
Resume the deportation of all criminals: The Biden Administration should enforce all deportation laws of criminally
convicted illegal aliens. Upon taking office, President Biden issued an Executive Order ordering the U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement to prioritize only the deportation of aggravated felons, gang members, or terrorists,
leaving other criminals to remain in the United States.
Re-enter all agreements with our Northern Triangle partners and Mexico: President Biden should re-enter the prior
administration’s agreement with the Northern Triangle countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras) and
Mexico. The countries agreed to enforce their respective borders, fix their asylum systems, and receive migrants
seeking asylum before they journey north to the United States. Upon taking office, President Biden issued an
Executive Order terminating the agreements.
Provide notice and transparency to states on unaccompanied minors and migrants: The Biden Administration should
instruct the Office of Refugee Resettlement to notify states when the federal government is transporting migrants
who will be reliant upon their state’s social safety net. Currently, an unknown number of migrants, including
unaccompanied minor children, are being secretly transported into states without notice to those who will ultimately
have to provide resources to them, such as healthcare, education, benefits, and more.
Send a clear message to potential migrants: President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Biden Administration
officials at every level should state clearly and unequivocally that our country’s borders are not open and that
migrants seeking economic opportunity should not attempt to abuse or misuse the asylum process. Prior to and
after taking office, President Biden blatantly encouraged illegal immigrants to come to the United States.
Deploy more federal law enforcement officers and National Guard troops: Due to overwhelming needs at the border,
the Biden Administration should deploy more and provide greater resources to U.S. Customs and Border Protection
officers and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. In line with the prior four presidents who deployed
National Guard troops to the border, the Biden Administration should request additional military assistance and
invoke Title X to reimburse states for their troops serving at the border. Due to a lack of federal resources, Arizona
and Texas have had to initiate an Emergency Management Assistance Compact to request law enforcement
resources directly from states, receiving offers from eight states, to arrest and detain illegal trespassers.
End catch and release and clear the judicial backlog: The Biden Administration should end the Obama-era policy of
catching and releasing apprehended migrants into U.S. cities along the South Texas border, leaving illegal immigrants
paroled and able to travel anywhere in the country. In addition, the Biden Administration should dedicate additional
judges and resources to our U.S. immigration courts to end the growing backlog and expedite court appearances for
illegal migrants. Reports indicate backlogged cases total more than 1 million, the most ever. Upon taking office,
President Biden issued an Executive Order reinstating catch and release policies that incentivize illegal immigration
and make deportation laws difficult to enforce.
Fully reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols: The Biden Administration should comply with recent federal
court rulings and fully reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) established by the prior administration,
which require asylum seekers to return to Mexico to await their court hearing outside of the United States,
serving as a deterrent to cross. Upon taking office, President Biden issued a directive to terminate the MPP, and
although litigation may continue, the Biden Administration should halt any attempts to appeal and fully reinstate
the policy
Finish securing the border: The Biden Administration should reopen construction contracts to continue building
the border wall and invest in infrastructure and technology, such as lights, sensors, or access roads, to complete
the border security system. Upon taking office, President Biden terminated the national emergency at the
border, stopped all border construction, and redirected funds to build the wall.
Updates: 2023/06/10 editing, organizing links list for this page; 2022/06/22 Sanctuary Cities section moved to separate page in Borders section; 2022/03/13
Borders-1b for states started-states moved off Borders-1a; 2022/03/07 dated article CIS-2018 added to Start Here section; 2021/12/2 updates in Start Here added
Fox News CCP type of warfare, Fox News follow the money; 2021/10/19 editing; adding Texas border issue articles and adding links to topics in Texas section;
10 pt plan; sanctuary cities definition added, CIS map; 2021/10/18 added Sanctuary CIties; 2021/10/05 Darien Gap Pipeline added; 2021/06/26 added articles to
Texas section; 2021/03/14 some editing; 2021/03/13 added misc links to be organized later; some other editing 2021/03/11 Editing, City Journal-2005 Autumn
article added; 2020/10/29 corruption section added including articles from The Hill, Newsweek, Mother Jones and POGO. 2020/06/11 The Hill-2017/05/16-
added; some editing technical; added see also tunnels-smuggling; 2020/03/25 Rolling Stone-2018/04/18 article added; 2019/12/18 El Paso Times-2019/11/04
added; 2019/09/20 articles added - KOB (2019/01/27); NPR (2017/02/23); Tucson (2019/08/24) 2019/09/06 two articles dated 9/5/19 on border wall added -
Sfgate, Ariz Repub. 2019/09/05 US Border Patrol dot com added (non-govt listing); also added “In this section” index at top of page; Page started 2019/07/23