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Silk Road, US Think Tanks Against Chinese Aggression (China-4)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SILK ROAD - WHAT IT IS, IMPLICATIONS Forbes 2020/01/14 china-artificial-intelligence-superpower In 2017, the State Council of the People's Republic of China (also known as the Central People's Government) published the Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (here you can find the original document in English). This strategy is part of the even bigger national "Made in China 2025" plan and will also be linked to the new (digital) Silk Road. https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/2020/01/14/china-artificial-intelligence- superpower/?sh=2c50d2252f05 WE Forum 2022/05/25 China’s $900 billion New Silk Road. What you need to know https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/06/china-new-silk-road-explainer/ China tries to win over critics of the new Silk Road https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/05/are... China tries to win over critics of the new Silk Road Hambantota port was taken into Chinese hands after Sri Lanka defaulted on debt payments. Image: REUTERS/Andrew Caballero-Reynolds China has invested billions of dollars in building highways, ports, and railways in more than 60 countries since 2013, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Why is China building a New Silk Road? | World Economic Forum Dec 14, 2020 How will a modern Silk Road affect China’s foreign policy? Jul 05, 2020 Guarding the Silk Road. How China's private security companies are going global Dec 08, 2019 Heritage dot org China's New 'Silk Road' Is Based on Its National-Security Agenda https://www.heritage.org/asia/commentary/chinas... The future of the Iran Deal, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, trade, refugees, the fight against ISIS and Al Qaeda, and the Paris Climate Agreement are all hot button issues. The Diplomat The New Silk Road: China Reclaims Its Crown - The Diplomat https://thediplomat.com/2014/11/the-new-silk-road-china-reclaims-its-crown China’s New Silk Road idea has echoes of the ancient past, ... China Continues ‘Severe and Complex’ Fight Against COVID-19 March 25, 2022 ... Fighting Back: Trade Unions in … SCMP Lessons for China in failed US Silk Road initiative - SCMP https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/... May 08, 2017 · By contrast, China has recently funded and established a number of new dedicated regional banks to promote its vision, including a US$40 billion Silk Road Fund under the auspices The Guardian China's Xi lays out $900bn Silk Road vision amid claims of empire ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/14/... Beijing hit back at critics, with its official news agency attacking the “naysayers” and “fear mongers” it claimed were hovering over Xi’s plan like buzzards. The Belt and Road ... Forbes Another Belt And Road Project Bites The Dust As China’s New Silk … https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2020/02/... In January of 2019, hundreds of people protested in the streets of Bishkek against China’s excessive forays into their country, calling for a reduction of … THINK TANKS FOR US INTERESTS, AND OTHER REFLECTIVE MATERIAL CSIS 2021/02/09 Competing with China’s Digital Silk Road https://www.csis.org/analysis/competing-chinas-digital-silk-road Excerpt: Former U.S. secretary of state Dean Acheson’s call to create “situations of strength” is reemerging as a compass for U.S. foreign policy. But that phrase also aptly describes the challenge that China’s global economic activities present, especially in developing and emerging markets, where it is delivering digital infrastructure that shifts the strategic landscape in its favor. The Biden administration needs a strategy for competing with China’s Digital Silk Road that begins at home. Fear Won’t Stop China’s Digital Silk Road - CSIS https://www.csis.org/analysis/fear-wont-stop-chinas-digital-silk-road The Iron Curtain, some warn, is being replaced by China’s digital silk road. Competing with China’s telecom giants, however, will require Western officials to focus more on economics than security. In its campaign to limit Huawei’s technology in 5G networks, the United States has built its case around espionage risks. Hoover 2018/11/29 China's Influence & American Interests: Think Tanks https://www.hoover.org/research/chinas-influence-american-interests-think-tanks The Hill 2021/07/12 The US needs a ‘Digital Marshall Plan’ to counter China’s Digital Silk Road. BY ORIT FRENKEL, KENT HUGHES AND JENNIFER A. HILLMAN, OPINION CONTRIBUTORS https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/562435-the-us-needs-a-digital-marshall-plan-to-counter-chinas-digital-silk- road/ Excerpt: uring the G7 summit in Cornwall, President Biden and other allied leaders announced a global infrastructure plan to counter the Chinese initiative. The program, which the White House calls the “Build Back Better World (B3W),” has the right ambitions but is not sufficient to the task. 2020/02/25 How best to counter China’s ‘Belt and Road’ plan BY JOHN LEE, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR https://thehill.com/opinion/international/484481-how-best-to-counter-chinas-belt-and-road-plan/ National Interest China's Big Mistake: It Thinks It Can Beat America In a War https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/chinas-big-mistake-it-thinks-it-can-beat... The U.S. Navy’s submarines—the unsung main defenders of the current world order—must hold the line against China for another 20 years. After that, America can declare a … Trump Fox News Trump team vows to hit back against Russia and China’s 'Polar … https://www.foxnews.com/world/trump-team-set-to... in its 2018 first-ever arctic strategy, beijing declared plans to create a “polar silk road” – an inflation of its already controversial belt and road initiative – for smooth transmission of... Historical Wikipedia historical Silk Road https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk_Road From this revelation, monks were sent by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian (ruled 527–565) as spies on the Silk Road from Constantinople to China and back to steal the silkworm eggs, resulting in silk production in the Mediterranean, particularly in Thrace in northern Greece, and giving the Byzantine Empire a monopoly on silk production in medieval Europe. Updates: 2022/05/31-- PAGE STARTED--Silk Road, US Think Tanks;
Silk Road, What it is, Implications o China-artificial-intelligence-superpower-Forbes-2020/01/14 o China’s $900 billion New Silk Road. What you need to know-WE-2022/05/25 US Pushing back against China’s Silk Road o Think Tanks for US Interests, and other Reflective Information Competing with China’s Digital Silk Road-CSIS-2021/02/09 China's Influence & American Interests: Think Tanks-Hoover-2018/11/29 How best to counter China’s ‘Belt and Road’ plan-The Hill-2021/07/12 Trump China vs. Critics of Silk Road
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