cell phones
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
Marijuana Farms: N. California, S. Oregon & Rural (CARTELS-7b)
CARTELS SECTION 1 Overview 2 Various Gangs o 2a La Familia- Zetas o 2b FARC 3 How to Stop 4 Female Gangs 5 White Supremacy 6 Native Amer. & Hawaiian Gangs 7 Pot Farms/houses o 7a General o 7b N. Calif /S. OR 8 TCOs 9 Psyops, Calculating 10 Cybercrime 11 New Mexico o 11a Introduction o 11b cont 12 Books 13 Links List See also o Borders/Tunnels
CALIFORNIA: NORTHERN CALIFORNIA-SOUTHERN OREGON NEXUS; RURAL, WILDERNESS AREAS Rural, General o Chinese Criminal Groups-CA/WA o Pot Farm PollutionEcology Activism Northern California o Emerald Triangle o Butte County Southern Oregon o What’s legal on pot in OR o Maps of S. OR counties o Klamath Falls From KGW-2021/10/26 Potato Factory Warehouse Two Uhaul Trucks Bonanza-near Philpott Lane Legal Issues, Convictions Related Issues, Nearby Areas, o Oregon Coastal Cartels-Courier-2023/02/27 o Near Los Angeles o High Sierra Inyo County, Sierra Area o Mojave Desert Underground Illegal Grow ---------------------------------
Rural, General Chinese Criminal Groups Cannabis 2020/10/06 California linked see Cannabis-2020/10/06 Breitbart 2020/06/29 Chinese Criminal Groups Continue Controlling Marijuana ... 2020/06/29--https //wwwbreitbart com/border/2020/06/29/... Illegally cultivated grow farms in California and Washington state are operated by Chinese nationals, according to a report from the U.S. Customs and … LA Times 2019/08/21 Mexican marijuana traffickers are poisoning California forests with a banned pesticide, officials say. Piper McDaniel https //www latimes com/environment/story/2019-08-21/mexican-marijuana- traffickers-banned-pesticide-carbofuran-california- forests#:~:text=At%20least%20one%20man%20fled%2C%20but%20two%20su spected,to%20manufacture%20and%20distribute%20large%20quantities%20 of%20marijuana Butte County, California Butte County is a county located in the northern part of the U.S. state of California. In the 2020 census, its population was 211,632. The county seat is Oroville. Butte County comprises the Chico, CA metropolitan statistical area. It is in the California Central Valley, north of the state capital of Sacramento. Pot Farm Pollution LA Times-2019/08/21 Press Herald-2013/08/01 Cal Wild dot org Sierra Nevada - California Sierra Nevada area information Britannica Sierra Nevada | U.S. Mountain Range, Physical Features https://www.britannica.com/place/Sierra-Nevada-mountains The Sierra Nevada is a major mountain range in western North America running along the eastern edge of California. It extends 250 miles northward from Mojave Desert to Cascade Range and varies from 80 miles wide at Lake Tahoe to 50 miles wide in the south. It is home to giant sequoias and a recreation … See more Inyo County, Sierra Area Inyo County is southeast of Yosemite National Park and home to the Owens River Valley. Spanning 10,192 square miles, it is California’s second largest county, after San Bernardino County. About half of that average is within Death Valley National Park. From FTW USA Today-2020/08/20 FTW USA Today 2020/08/20 Massive illegal pot farms discovered in California wilderness. Pete Thomas https //ftw usatoday com/ 2020/08/ massive-illegal-pot-farms-discovered-in- california-wilderness#:~:text=Vast %20groves%20of%20marijuana%20were%20discovered%20in%20three,destro ying%2042%2C306%20marijuana%20plants%20at%20the%20undisclosed%20l ocations. High Sierra mentioned in article Press Herald 2013/08/01 Calif. pot farm pollution: Too dangerous to deal with? By Tracie Cone The Associated Press Marijuana farms proliferate in the high Sierra, where armed Mexican cartel operatives clear wilderness areas, divert creeks and poison wildlife. https //www pressherald com/2013/08/01/calif-pot-farm-pollution-too- dangerous-to-deal-with/ Activism Ecology Minded - Linked to Policing of Pot Farms Cal Wild dot org https//www calwild org/portfolio/crop/#:~:text=The %20primary% 20goal%20of%20CROP%20is%20to%20cut,rangers%20on%20the%20ground% 20in%20California%E2%80%99s%20National%20Forests The primary goal of CROP is to cut illicit cannabis production on the national forests of northern California. The key objective is to secure funding for the prioritized decommissioning and remediation of up to 2,000 grow sites, along with additional funding to place more rangers on the ground in California’s National Forests. This will effectively reduce exposure rates of toxic pesticides and insecticides to communities downstream or near trespass grows, users of public land, as well as reduce wildlife poisonings. CROP is a collaboration between CalWild and the Community Governance Partnership. CBS 2019/11/17 Environmental Coalition Targets Illegal Pot Farms on California Public Land sanfrancisco NOVEMBER 17, 2019 / 10:15 AM / CBS SAN FRANCISCO 2019/11/17--https //www cbsnews com/sanfrancisco/news/marijuana-grow- environment-impact-california/ Mojave Desert Underground Illegal Grow Mercury News 2022/05/24 11-charged-in-massive-underground-illegal-marijuana-grow- found-in-mojave-desert/ https //www mercurynews com/2022/05/24/11-charged-in-massive- underground-illegal-marijuana-grow-found-in-mojave-desert/ Northern California The Emerald Triangle Courier Journal https://www.courier-journal.com/in- depth/news/investigations/2023/05/31/cartel-backed-pot-grows-linked-to- california-oregon-human-trafficking/69938369007/ The Emerald Triangle These three California counties — Humboldt, Trinity and Mendocino — make up the infamous Emerald Triangle region with a decades-old cannabis legacy. There is a map showing the triangle "We really don't know what's going on out in the forest of Trinity County," said David Brady, the county's district attorney. "We don't know if people are missing, if people are being trafficked. https://www.courier-journal.com/in- depth/news/investigations/2023/05/31/cartel-backed-pot-grows-linked-to- california-oregon-human-trafficking/69938369007/ ABC 2018/06/25 Illegal pot farms in Northern California's Emerald Triangle facing raids. Dan Noyes https //abc7news com/california-pot-farm-farming-in-emerald-triangle- marijuana/3575350/#:~:text=HUMBOLDT%2C%20Calif.%20%28KGO%29%20-- %20Three%20Northern%20California%20counties,notice%20to%20clean- up%20their%20act%2C%20or%20shut%20down Oregon Citizens Lobby 2021/10/24 Clear connections between Klamath marijuana grows and Mexican cartels by BJ 2021/10/14--https//oregoncitizenslobby org/news-alert/clear-connections- between-klamath-marijuana-grows-and-mexican-cartels/ USA Today 2021/12/19 Marijuana wars: Violent Mexican drug cartels turn Northern California into ‘The Wild West’. Beth Warren. 2021/12/19--https //www usatoday com/in- depth/news/nation/2021/12/19/mexican-drug-cartels-move-in-on-californias- shadow-marijuana-industry/8960873002/ John Haschak, a member of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, said the county has issued about 1,100 permits for cannabis cultivation. Legal Issues, Convictions Northcoast Journal 2020/07/01 Hundreds of Humboldt Cannabis Felonies Reclassified as
LINKS LIST 2018/06/25--https //abc7news com/california-pot-farm- farming-in-emerald-triangle- marijuana/3575350/#:~:text=HU MBOLDT%2C%20Calif.%20%28K GO%29%20--%20Three%20 Northern%20California%20coun ties,notice%20to%20clean- up%20their%20act%2C%20or%2 0shut%20down 2022/05/12--https/ /apnews com/article/technology- science-oregon-marijuana- legislature- 547d09248b4047da918a26d218 98dac7 2023/04/20--https //www breitbart com/ economy/ 2023/04/20/legal-marijuana- industry-shrinks-rapidly-in- california/ 2023/02/05--https: /www breitbart com/border/ 2023/02/05/mexican-cartel- style-violence-spreading-in- california-over-marijuana-grow- fields/ 2020/06/29--https //wwwbreitbart com/ border/2020/06/29/... https //www britannica com/place/Sierra-Nevada- mountains 2021/07/14--https// californiaglobe com/ articles/rural-ca-communities- on-frontlines-as-battle-against- illegal-marijuana-cultivation- intensifies/ https://www.calwild.org/portfoli o/crop/#:~:text=The%20primary %20goal%20of%20CROP%20is% 20to%20cut,rangers%20on%20t he%20ground%20in%20Californ ia%E2%80%99s%20National%20 Forests 2019/11/17--https //www cbsnews com/ sanfrancisco/ news/marijuana-grow- environment-impact-california/ 2023/02/27--https //www courier-journal com/in- depth/news/crime/2023/02/27/e l-menchos-mexican-cartel- cjng-supplied-drugs-to- portland-oregon/69864410007/ 2022/01/12--https //www theguardian com/us- news/2022/jan/12/oregon- marijuana-illegal-farms- environment 2001/01--https //www justice gov/ archive/ ndic/pubs/653/marijuan.htm#:~: text=The%20cultivation%20of% 20cannabis%20is%20widesprea d%20in%20Northern,thousands %20of%20pounds%20of%20hig h-grade%2C%20high- demand%20marijuana%20annu ally. 2015/06/14--https //www justice gov/usao-ndca /pr/ humboldt- county-marijuana-farmer- sentenced-life-prison-plus-35- years-murdering 2021/10/05--https //www opb org/article/2021/10/05/southern- oregon-is-plagued-by-illegal- cannabis/ 2021/09/16--https //www klamathfallsnews org/news/over-50000-illegal- marijuana-plants-destroyed 2022/09/08--https //www latimes com/california /story/2022-09-08/reality-of- legal-weed-in-california-illegal- grows-deaths 2021/07/11--https //www latimes com/california/story/2021-07- 11/illegal-marijuana-grows- have-overrun-the-california- desert 2019/08/21--https //www latimes com/ environment/ story/2019- 08-21/mexican-marijuana- traffickers-banned-pesticide- carbofuran-california- forests#:~:text=At %20least%20one%20man%20fle d%2C%20but%20two%20suspe cted,to%20manufacture%20an d%20distribute%20large%20qu antities%20of%20marijuana 2022/05/24--https //www mercurynews com/2022/05/24/11-charged-in- massive-underground-illegal- marijuana-grow-found-in- mojave-desert/ 2021/12/21--https //www nbc news com/ news/us-news/fire- guns-poison-illegal-marijuana- farms-pose-deadly-risks- californias-rcna7153 2020/07/01--https /www northcoastjournal com/NewsBlog/archives/2020/0 7/01/hundreds-of-humboldt- cannabis-felonies-reclassified- as-misdemeanors 2021/10/14--https// oregon citizens lobby org/ news- alert/clear-connections- between-klamath-marijuana- grows-and-mexican-cartels/ 2013/08/01--https //www pressherald com/ 2013/08/01/ calif-pot-farm-pollution-too- dangerous-to-deal-with/ 2021/10/05--https //www opb org/article/2021/10/05/southern- oregon-is-plagued-by-illegal- cannabis/ 2021/12/19--https //www usatoday com/in- depth/news/nation/2021/12/19/m exican-drug-cartels-move-in- on-californias-shadow- marijuana- industry/8960873002/ 2020/08/20--https //ftw usatoday com/2020/08/ massive-illegal-pot-farms- discovered-in-california- wilderness#:~:text=Vast%20gro ves%20of%20marijuana%20wer e%20discovered%20in%20three ,destroying%2042%2C306%20m arijuana%20plants%20at%20th e%20undisclosed%20locations https //en wikipedia org/ wiki/ Cannabis_in_Oregon
Misdeamoors. Ashley Harrell 2020/07/01--https://www.northcoastjournal.com/NewsBlog/archives/2020/07/01/hundreds-of-humboldt- cannabis-felonies-reclassified-as-misdemeanors Justice dot com 2015 2015/06/14 Humboldt County Marijuana Farmer Sentenced To Life In Prison Plus 35 Years For Murdering Immigrant Worker And Related Crimes 2015/06/14--https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/humboldt-county-marijuana-farmer-sentenced-life-prison-plus- 35-years-murdering 2001 2001/01--https //www justice gov/ archive/ ndic/pubs/653/marijuan.htm#:~:text=The%20cultivation%20of%20cannabis%20is%20widespread%20in%20Northern, thousands%20of%20pounds%20of%20high-grade%2C%20high-demand%20marijuana%20annually. Mapping Cannabis Farms in California LA Times 2022/09/08 How we mapped illegal cannabis farms in California https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-09-08/how-we-mapped-illegal-cannabis-farms-in-california Southern Oregon Map of S. OR Counties-right Legal Pot Amounts - OR Pot was legalized for recreational use in Oregon in 2015, making it legal for any person to grow up to four plants. https://www.theguardian.com/us- news/2022/jan/12/oregon-marijuana-illegal- farms-environment In 2015, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed an emergency bill declaring marijuana sales legal to recreational users from dispensaries starting October 1, 2015. State officials began working on establishing a regulatory structure for sales of marijuana, and taxing of such sales, restructuring the existing Oregon Liquor Control Commission into the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) to oversee it. Effective January 1, 2017, dispensaries were no longer permitted to sell cannabis for recreational use unless they applied for, and received, an OLCC license for such sales. During the one-month span from early December 2016 to early January 2017, the number of retailers licensed to sell recreational marijuana grew from 99 to 260, and hundreds more applications had been received and were being processed.[3] From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Oregon Klamath County Area Information Klamath County has an increasing problem with large scale illegal marijuana grows. The illegal marijuana grow related increase in water theft and illegal use of groundwater during these extreme drought years continues to be a community concern. The Basin Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team is comprised of detectives from the Klamath Falls Police Department and the Oregon State Police. BINET operates out of the Klamath Falls Police Department and works closely with the US Drug Enforcement Administration, Homeland Security Investigations, Klamath County Sheriff’s Office, Klamath County Parole and Probation, and DHS Child Welfare. From Klamath Falls News-2021/09/16 Mention of Klamath, Jackson and Josephine counties - From KGW8-2021/10/26 Klamath County Some Klamath Falls busts in Oct. 2021 One bust was at a potato shed south of town - From KGW8-2021/10/26 A warehouse in the middle of downtown Klamath Falls - From KGW8-2021/10/26 three U-Haul trucks on Highway 66 near Keno. The trucks contained more than 17,600 pounds of mostly processed marijuana buds-From KGW8-2021/10/26 Near Philpott Lane in Bonanza, Oregon. Bonanza-southern Klamath County near the Oregon–California border. The town is at the east end of Oregon Route 70, a spur off Oregon Route 140. By highway, Bonanza is about 21 miles (34 km) from Klamath Falls Klamath Falls News 2021/09/16 Over 50,000 illegal marijuana plants destroyed https //www klamathfallsnews org/news/over-50000-illegal-marijuana-plants-destroyed KGW8 (Kgw dot com) 2021/10/26 Clear links between illegal marijuana grows in Southern Oregon and Mexican cartels Many of the illegal pot grows in Klamath County have been linked to national and international criminal organizations. Joe Siess (Herald and News) 2021/10/26--https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/marijuana/klamath-illegal-marijuana-grows-mexican- cartels/283-c472128d-8f6d-48be-8e4a-ef401e73b753 OPB 2021/10/05 Southern Oregon is plagued by illegal cannabis: Authorities say it’s due to the demand for marijuana in parts of the U.S. where it remains illegal. Rolie Hernandez 2021/10/05--https //www opb org/article/2021/10/05/southern-oregon-is-plagued-by-illegal-cannabis/ Nearby Areas, Related Topics Oregon Coastal Cartel Operations Courier 2023 Cartel flooded coastal Oregon town with drugs, left grisly warning for those who might talk A deported felon, who kept slipping back across the border, was the link between the Portland area and the powerful CJNG cartel.Beth Warren 2023/02/27--https //www courier-journal com/in-depth/news/crime/2023/02/27/el-menchos-mexican- cartel-cjng-supplied-drugs-to-portland-oregon/69864410007/ Near Los Angeles (mentioned in article) NBC 2021/12/01 'We're one cigarette away': Illegal marijuana farms pose wildfire risk in California's parched national forests. Law enforcement can’t keep up with drug traffickers who grow marijuana in national forests, poisoning wildlife, siphoning water and risking wildfires. By Adiel Kaplan, Kenzi Abou-Sabe and Cynthia McFadden https //www nbcnews com/news/us-news/fire-guns-poison-illegal-marijuana-farms-pose-deadly-risks- californias-rcna7153 Excerpt: LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. …Advocates estimate that California’s national forests, four of which ring the Los Angeles basin, are home to 80 percent to 85 percent of the country’s illegal marijuana grows on public land. Every time traffickers start a grow on California’s drought-stricken federal forests, they put millions of people at risk. They use scarce water and sometimes set bone-dry woodlands ablaze. At least 13 wildfires in the past dozen years have been linked to grows. Input: 2023/07/04; 2023/07/03 Emerald Triangle; 2023/07/01-02--PAGE STARTED, part of it moved from Cartels-7a-Pot Farms-General;
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