Denouncement of BLM (RRT-1a)
American Free Press
2012/05/28 Media Covers Up Black Hate Crimes Against Whites.
By Pete Papaherakles
https //americanfreepress net/media-covers-up-black-hate-crimes-against-whites/
Excerpt: Is the mainstream media deliberately fabricating a myth of white racism in America in order to
cover up an epidemic of black-on-white violence? While most Americans are aware of the Trayvon Martin
shooting in Sanford, Florida on February 26, 2012, very few know about the thousands of whites who have
been brutally murdered, raped, beaten and robbed by blacks as the media keeps regurgitating lies about
the Martin case. Are the lives of these innocent white Americans not important enough to report on, or is
the media purposely inciting racial tensions for a reason? Anyone who has paid attention to the Martin
shooting knows that key information about the case has been distorted and fabricated. Evidence now
shows that George Zimmerman had a broken nose, black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head. The
police report stated that Zimmerman’s back was wet and covered with grass clippings. On the other hand,
Martin’s autopsy revealed that Martin’s knuckles were scraped. Even eyewitnesses saw the six-foot-three-
inch Martin viciously pummeling the five-foot-nine-inch Zimmerman in the face while he had him on the
https //americanfreepress net/media-covers-up-black-hate-crimes-against-whites/
Washington Examiner
2010/02/14 The Corruption of the Congressional Black Caucus (OPINION NYT)
https //www washingtonexaminer com/nyt-the-corruption-of-the-congressional-black-caucus
Excerpt: Today's New York Times has a bombshell of an investigation into the Congressional Black Caucus.
Here's an interesting fact from the article -- "All eight open House investigations involve caucus members,
and most center on accusations of improper ties to private businesses." The bottom line is that it appears
the Congressional Black Caucus is devoted to two things -- spending millions of dollars on lavish parties and
raising money from corporations and lobbyists. And many of the caucus' fundraising arrangements are
suspect at best:
From 2004 to 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus’s political and charitable wings took in at least $55
million in corporate and union contributions, according to an analysis by The New York Times, an impressive
amount even by the standards of a Washington awash in cash. Only $1 million of that went to the caucus’s
political action committee; the rest poured into the largely unregulated nonprofit network. (Data for 2009 is
not available.)
The caucus says its nonprofit groups are intended to help disadvantaged African-Americans by providing
scholarships and internships to students, researching policy and holding seminars on topics like healthy
But the bulk of the money has been spent on elaborate conventions that have become a high point of the
Washington social season, as well as the headquarters building, golf outings by members of Congress and
an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort.
New York Post
2020/09/24 Face facts: ‘Black Lives Matter’ is all about hate. By Rudy Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani is the former mayor of New York City.
Excerpt: Those chilling words echo the rhetoric we hear from BLM founders and members, who make clear
that a prime objective of BLM is to “Kill Cops.” Up until now, this has been kept well enough under wraps to
deceive major corporations, professional sports leagues and countless well-meaning Americans.
We saw this in 2014, when BLM first attained national prominence. After months of anti-police rioting, a
man pledging “revenge for Michael Brown and Eric Garner” traveled to New York City, stuck a pistol
through the window of a squad car and opened fire. Detectives Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu died on the
Nineteen months later, a man opened fire at a BLM protest in Dallas, murdering five officers. BLM
disavowed responsibility, but the killer had deep links to the movement’s radical ideology, stating that he
“wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” BLM supporters certainly didn’t stop chanting “Pigs
in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” in the aftermath, either.
With another two police officers shot at the Black Lives Matter riot in Louisville on Wednesday, it’s time to
lift the veil on the whole movement: It’s a haven for unrepentant cop-killers.
These aren’t isolated incidents. It has been fewer than two weeks since supposedly “peaceful” BLM radicals
chanted, “We hope they die,” while blocking the entrance to a hospital where two Los Angeles County
sheriff’s deputies were undergoing life-saving surgery. An assailant had walked up to their patrol vehicle
and opened fire from point-blank range without provocation.
The Daily Coin (By Natural News)
2020/07/02 Black Lives Matter is a full-blown CULT, and its supporters are mindless FANATICS Ethan Huff
Excerpt: Every guilt-ridden white person out there who has joined up with the Black Lives Matter (BLM)
movement is convinced that he or she has taken the moral high ground while everyone else is still mired in
racism. But as pointed out by social justice theorist James Lindsey, BLM adherents are actually cult
members who fail to recognize how they have been co-opted into joining a newfangled religion, which we
would contend is marked by racism against whites and black supremacy.
According to Lindsey, there are three stages to the cult-joining process: initiation, indoctrination, and
reprogramming. He also delves into the mentality of cult members, the deprogramming process, and how
to leave a cult – which is helpful information for those who eventually come to the realization that they have
been duped.
During the initiation phase, potential cult members are baited through exploitation of emotional
vulnerability. In the case of BLM, this might take the form of asking the cult initiates, “Did you know you’re
complicit in racist systems?” the purpose being to shame these initiates into believing that they need
guidance on how to change.
Systemic racism, of course, is a completely made-up concept that serves the interest of denigrating
whiteness while elevating blackness. And it is precisely the emotional vulnerability that is being used to
exploit masses of mostly white people into hating themselves, as well as others like them with similar skin
“Be an anti-racist,” might be the pitch, followed by, “Help us dismantle the system and build a better world.”
This type of baiting convinces the initiate that he or she has the power to bring about systemic change
while taking credit as some kind of “hero” for the black cause, making white people with white guilt feel
better about themselves.
Once the white initiate has been initiated, next comes the full reprogramming
After breaching this “feel-good” threshold, the cult initiate is advanced to the indoctrination stage, where
he or she is brought into the “inner circle,” so to speak. After humiliating the white initiates through
declarations of “white fragility” and other anti-white concepts, these easily-duped whites are told to cut ties
with those who do not agree with them and basically commit to the new cause without wavering.
For white members of BLM, this can look like publicly denouncing one’s own whiteness, or publicly
shaming one’s white friends in heartless acts of betrayal. This demonstrates that the initiate has moved on
from the initiation phase to the indoctrination phase, where he or she will then learn the ways of higher-
level activism.
“This process progresses over time, usually months, demanding more costly sacrifices, costly signals, and
doing work for the cult and its doctrinal mission,” Lindsey writes. “Costly sacrifices and signals are
particularly powerful displays of commitment, and when the mark rationalizes these objectively bad
decisions and the cognitive dissonance that doing them causes, they nearly always rationalize themselves
much further into the cult.”
Later on, the cult member is advanced to the full reprogramming stage where he or she is plunged in to see
the world fully through the lens of cult doctrine. No longer is the cult member having to be told what
constitutes “rightthink” or “wrongthink,” but instead is now able to start declaring it without the training
wheels because, at this point, “woke” cult thinking comes naturally.
“Having a critical consciousness occurs when one is able to see the ‘problematics’ in everything, where
‘problematics’ are any deviation or potential for deviation from the cult doctrine anywhere in any aspect of
society,” Lindsey adds.
“This includes in speech, writing, institutions, thoughts, people, systems, knowledge, history, one’s past, and
society itself
Sky Hi News dot com [more in Start Here above]
2020/07/30 Letter: BLM movement isn’t about black lives. By John Erwin, Fraser
https //www.skyhinews com/news/letter-blm-movement-isnt-about-black-lives/
Crisis Magazine
2020/09/08 The Occult Spirituality of Black Lives Matter Dan Burke
https //www crisismagazine com/2020/the-occult-spirituality-of-black-lives-matter
#BlackLivesMatter #AdrianLeeOliver #criticalthinking
2020/07/17 Sensibly Speaking Podcast #255: The Cult-Like Core of Black Lives Matter ft. Adrian Lee Oliver
This podcast between the two men talks about cults in general, their characteristics, as well as BLM and
how it seems to be a cult, too. Chris Shelton was in a Scientology cult for a number of years, and Adrian Lee
Oliver felt he was in a family based cult run by his schizophrenic black mother who taught them to not trust
any form of authority.
Be willing to truly analyze and dialogue about racism-linked
police and system abuses to include the more traditionally understood forms of
racism (whites against non-whites) as well as reverse-racism (non-whites against whites),
as well as criminal and anti-American warfare activity; whereas racist abuse is never
acceptable, we must also be alert to biases and unreasonable assumptions in which people
claiming that form of police abuse can be exaggerating, lying and cheating; sometimes the
backlash rebuttals spur secondary violence which together compound and distort the
original issue; that is, protests against actual or alleged racist police abuse spur additional or
other-actor violence as riots and murders. China and the Russians are two known influences
of American civil rights activities, so that racial issues might not be as they seem or made
worse. We also need to watch for false flag operations designed to create alarm to push an
agenda through the branches of government or as corporate and other big ticket purchasing activity.
They try to tell us what to think and feel.
Minority power movement types might be getting into our private communications and when they hear or read
somesthing that triggers their anti-racism rules, might be using covert Stasi-like tactics to try to get you to
change your way of thinking and speaking. You might have a variety of dirty cops, FBI agents and others in on
this - or yet others outside of the policing and national security system. The idea might be to “stamp out racism,
no matter what.” They might attack unsuspsecting family members to get at you, and to try to force their notions
from those family members - to get the family members to say and act the way they want. Because this w arfare
is largely invisible, many people won’t k now what is going on; if you try to speak up on it, they will tell you that
you are paranoid, crazy, that you need to get “real help.” Such gaslighting is part of their denial system, and also
part of tantalizing warfare -the more upset you get, the more they think they are finally getting to you. They “,
when they hang up on you, or cuss at you, or block your texts, emails and phone calls - how do you get through?
This is subliminal warfare.
One suggestion here is outside intervention - to be able to tell like-minded family members that your household
for peer group are “in a zone of influence.” While the family members or other affected parties might be using
cancel culture on you personally - you are the target of unseen enemy forces using those family members - yet
others might be able to reach your family members. Whereas they won’t listen or speak to you, they might let
others into their sphere of more rational thinking. When your family members or others cannot think and
respond properly and seem to be spouting off the flat anti-racist, politically charged messages, chances are they
are under some form of subliminal mind control attack - it is like an energy infection of sorts.
The family members who were normal in the past are now gone - it’s like being a cult member even if they have
not spent time with a cult in person. Or it could be operatives have sent in minorities with this mindset to be their
sexual partners - or that extended connections to those minorities are doing this, not the mates themselves. If
China had the technology to affect people’s minds and thoughts in this way without their knowing it, most
Americans realize China would do it in a heartbeat. how can we get fellow Americans to wake up to the
possibilities in these matters?
Once people seem to be under the thumb it is next to impossible to get them to snap out of it. so perhaps by
waking people up before they are infected, it might help. You might still find you are being attacked, but it has
less of an impact on you, you can still hold your own and carry your own thoughts despite the hidden pressure.
They might be watching for signs you ware weakening and getting elated over that as part of a childish but
sinister way of pretending to themselves their hateful tactics are working. They try to hammer you, wither away
at you, to keep doing it day after day, year after year until you submit to their mind control program.
All in the name of “stamping out racism.” In the process, they become obessive-compulsive monsters, one-note
Charlies, people unable to have a dialogue or to think rationally. They get your family members to think and
operate the same way - often with out their realizing it. So how do you wake people up about this? WHen people
become angry at you, responding emotionally, spouting off, “You racist, you Trump Supporter
The opinion here is that Black Lives Matter is a race grievance industry masquerading as a civil rights movement.
It is often anti-white anti-American militant warfare. There can be a communist, Islamic and Chinese connection
to it, as well as other groups. A homosexual or transgender radicalism could be linked to it. They often claim they
are trying to end systemic racism in the United States.
The high publicity, high drama diatribes against the police, whites and the United States shows they’re lying and
cheating, over and over. Other times, they have unreasonable expectations. It can be an if-then clause like “If you
do this or that, if you show me a certain kind of respect, if you say this or that, then I won’t think you are a racist.”
There can be a sexual undercurrent so that if you don’t respond to their sexual hints they think you are racist. This
attitude can be about minority power, not equality. They can have low-grade ideas about what it means to be
boss, on top and to display a fancy leadership label. Or they can be like cartel dons with access to a lot of money.
Other times it is like dealing with a high school or college clique, where anyone who does not fit in gets
hammered. BLM-supporting political leaders often get in the door through crime networks, don’t work for the
greater good of all, and tend to have a sour attward both whites and core systems of America. They almost all
want attention - fight back constructively with gusto. There is a better way to do civil rights. We do want racist
abusive cops stopped, but we also want abusive reverse-racist cop-bashing to stop.
These combat related deaths often go quietly in contrast with decades-old civil rights bantering which received
repeated front page news coverage in 2016 and 2020, as well as at other times (like during the Rodney King riots).
Such banter repeated month after month, year after year, takes up front and center attention at the same time as
tragic combat veteran deaths of all races occur in ongoing battles and wars overseas. No race has been immune
to IEDs, EFPs, VBIEDs, suicide bombs sniper fire, mortars.
In many ways, the press given these groups is anti-American and deliberate, as it is meant to weaken the
American position at home while our military people are away. The people doing it are color blind about who
gets killed overseas, while simultaneously pretending to be color-oriented in the United States.
In many cases, these minority power groups are manned by illegal aliens and disgruntled refugees - including
those who have served in our military and/or became politicians - who misuse their time in the United States to
cause the country trouble. In addition, there most assuredly has been a corporate-wide conspiracy promoting the
same views seen in the media as another attack against the United States and the western world way of doing
They can be Islamic, Hispanic. Native American, black and certain types of LGBTq in connection with China,
Russia, and La Raza applying a focused leftist/Marxist approach in combination with a minority power movement
one. Some of these groups can be inside our military causing trouble. That leftist approach is dangerous because
it sees complete overturn of the American system and replacing it with a quasi-people’s power group as the only
solution. These groups see everything white and American as evil. The voices from this organized movement can
and often do have a collective aspect which tolerates no deviance from their agendas, and they often suppress
free speech and free ideation. The tendencies tend to be obsessively defiant and self-expressive.
Another round of Black Lives Matter protests, riots and trouble started in late May 2020, shortly after these rocket
attacks. Qasem Soleimani was assassinated shortly before the rocket attacks Jan 3, 2020. He was born Mar 11, the
same day as one of the attacks.
But there are some additional problems that are not necessarily linked to race or anti-American political ideology,
although they can be compounded by it across different divides.. These include rough treatment and handling of
our soldiers, - a culture that allowing downer talk as bad-mouthing, verbal assaults, pornographic conceptions
and sick thinking about violence. Also hazing, sexual abuse irresponsible top-down handling of squad and
platoon level combat zone presences so things get out of hand, manpower shortages, putting people in harm’s
way with inadequate manpower, supplies, weaponry, bomb-protective vehicles, and backup or medic support.
Stop Black Lives Matter!
Denouncement. Discussion covers core peaceful BLM protests as well as those who might have piggy-backed or
exploited the BLM protests for their own agendas. It is understood not everyone who rioted was directly
associated with BLM, but BLM protesters knew better from past experiences getting out of hand - from riots to
police officers getting killed - and should have found another way to express their concerns. In addition, Black
Lives Matter prerogatives in their published charter show a tendency to support their agendas at the expense of
others. For the purposes of this discussion, “BLM” stands for Black Lives Matter. Keep in mind “BLM” also is used
for Bureau of Land Management in other contexts.
List of Points: What is Wrong with BLM, Main Problems and Supporters of BLM
Hammering America through protests that often wind up riots with destruction and violence - no matter
who is actually to blame for the actual riots
Low-reaching approach to power and power symbols
Keep in the back of your minds that Black Lives Matter might actually be created and controlled by one of
two white groups as pay-backs: far right whites along with a few odd minorities as a way to get back at
America and others for eschewing Naziism, the KKK, etc. or white (or whitish) Jews paying America or
others back for the Holocaust for a variety of reasons. If true, part of it could be sort of a “ramming down
your throats” thing
Undeniable connection to gangs, cartels, urban terrorists, narocterrorists and in general any international
terrorists with anti-American agendas
Funded by anti-American groups with a lot of money, making it hard for the average citizen to compete
Not considering the real problems in black communities, many of which are in majority black population
Black surround sound: surrounding whites in white-on-black cases with blacks in political, police, judicial,
etc. positions. This includes Brown/LGBT surround sound in areas with less blacks. However, even in areas
with less blacks in a city, you need to watch for black/brown/LGBT “players” or dishonest influences around
a case.
Habitual, blatant lying about white-on-black cases, blocking and changing evidence, bribing witnesses,
Links to Muslims with anti-American agendas
Links to Black Power groups from places like South Africa, Somalia and other African or Middle Eastern
A corresponding affiliation with “brown” power movement groups, including Native Americans and
Hispanics, Latinos and Chicanos
Media “Surround Sound” Black/Brown Preference: Newspapers, Magazines, College media, Bank and Credit
Card Company media
Denial of complicity with dangerous groups like cartels and terrorists
Leftists; Gangs, Cartels; Terrorists; Black/Red/Brown Power Movements bent on Domination and Takeover -
Duplicity: not just the advertised “kindness and peace” or demands for “”justice”
Denial of racism toward whites, including white cops ; allowing themselves to lie and be hateful toward a
large group of people: we cannot trust our news enough to support protests and riots
Taking it out on all whites, many of whom never did anything to them; by extention, they are taking out on
all America, which includes all races. All Americans are suffering from the Black Lives Matter Movement
from the violence, damages to property, and loss of historic and artistic monuments.
Refusing to have a real two-way discussion. It’s all one-sided.
“Reparations” - demands for are extremely dangerous. When you look at the Black Lives Matter website on
their charter, you will find outlined a demand for reparations which hands over the shop to these guilt-
manipulating bandits.
“Living Wage” Mandates on the Black Lives Matter website charter section might include an overall
economic demand which includes reverse discrimination in hiring blacks in the sense blacks hire only or
mostly blacks, put themselves in management positions, and take over every business and operation they
get their hands on. The next in line to get jobs below will be other darker skinned non-whites, or those like
Hispanics and Native Americans with known support of their Black Power related movements. You can
start getting a feeling for a takeover using several suggestions found on this website.
Religious or Leftist Extremists trying to make everyone the same
Denial of complicity with dangerous groups; denial of connection with (or domino affected) full-scale riots,
destruction and violence
Hidden agendas using reverse racism to drive emotion/built to “let Dracula in the door”;
Softening - weakening USA to move more players into previously stabilized areas;
No realistic vision for “what next” - extremists with power mongering agendas are what next;
Repeated tendency to snuff speech of anyone who objects; destroying historic monuments also happened
in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere by Islamic Extremists who moved in and took over;
Surround sound - they have placed players in almost all media outlets and in many colleges - infowars. The
same Black Lives Matter supporting messages are found across the board. This is extremely sad and totally
Many Native Americans (Not All) Part of Problem
Also see BLM/Native American problem for USA section
Native Americans are greatly complicit in this awful movement; when will Native Americans realize they are
losing what was left of their ethnic roots by becoming a melting pot movement with Black Lives Matter?
Black Lives Matter and the extension of black power movements are effectively wiping out the rest of
Native American sacredness. Native Americans are supporting the wrong allies. They are supporting
groups who dominate their people in their own countries. There are no civil rights there. People have been
thoroughly brutalized in those places. What part of this equation do Native Americans not see about Black
Lives Matter? Is it too far away for them to realize that Islamic and cartel bullies have totally dominated
those places? Again, what part of this equation do Native Americans not get? Are they so enthralled in
taking out America that they don’t care that Islamic and cartel bullies want to fill the void? Look at Saudi
Arabia. Look at Iran. Look at Syria. Look at most of the Middle Eastern and Islamic countries, as well as
Mexico and Latin America. These places are Bully Zones. You do not want that ugliness taking over the
USA just because you have a beef with the history of America!
The first to go are usually liberals, leftists, intellectuals and LGBT and anyone who dissents; women are often
brutalized and raped in large numbers; children are abused and misused and grow up in mind-controlled
territory from that takeover point onward
Although the only solution is a cosmopolitan approach, there is a time and place when you need to Call a
Spade a Spade. That is, sometimes a person must choose not to be a doormat and to stand up to bullying.
Although many in the BLM movement feel they are standing up to white discrimination, the truth is, they
are being bullies. Many are linked to dangerous groups. Our objective is love, but we must not let Black
Lives Matter and their affiliates bully us into submission.
It is not a peaceful movement although it talks peace. It is not about kindness although it says “Be Kind.”
The messages put up everywhere about peace and kindness are deliberately provoking, and they are
controlling while linked to hidden agendas. They are about one group trying to dominate others into
submission. Their idea of kindness is “Do it My Way, or Else.” Behind the gooey language are iron fists,
literally and symbolically. The arguments are one-sided. It is likely “members” are watchers, keeping tabs
on anyone who speaks up and out against BLM around town. You might not know you are being eyed, but
you are; they might be acting like thought police. This is a precursor to a communist or Islamic State
system; the members are bullies even if you don’t fully know it yet. They are trying to texturize your
experience according to their narrow agendas and if you don’t conform, or if they decide they do not like
you, watch out, they will get you one way or another, sooner or later.
Most violence against blacks is by blacks. African, Middle Eastern, Mexico, Latin America and other regions
have dictatorships (which includes cartel-controlled spaces) which got that way by killing off large numbers
of the population, including leftists, liberals, intellectuals, college students and LGBT. Takeovers of more
moderate regimes were swift in most, if not all cases. Many minority Hispanic cops have harmed the public
in New Mexico, but these stories do not get as much coverage as those involving fair-skinned Caucasian
cops. (At the same time, many minority policing personnel in that state and elsewhere have worked in
coordinated teams to catch drug traffickers and otehr criminals). Most police officers need to be credited
for the difficult things they deal with while doing their best. Undermining our police and national security
is not where it’s at.
When studying BLM riots, almost immediately identify the who, where and history of state and nearby
Islamic mosques.
Updates: 2023/02/27; 2022/06/07 editing; 2021/09/18 cleared excess bold fonts which resulted after a software upgrade that showed up across several pages;
2021/02/17 BLM-connected police killings; 2021/01/20 BLM-25-Shedding White Guilt was added; 2020/11/26 Chris Shelton interviewing Adrian Lee Oliver
added; Sky High News letter added;some editing and moving; 2020/10/19 edited menu; 2020/10/16 page had a problem, it was fixed today; 2020/10/05 Maps
moved to BLM16 BLM Riots/Protests 2020; 2020/10/01; Page Started 2020/08/30
Reverse-Racism, Civil Rights as Warfare
Start Here
An all-Black group is arming itself and
demanding change. They are the NFAC
Letter: BLM movement isn’t about
black lives. (Sky Hi News-2020/07/30)
Media Covers Up Black Hate Crimes
Against Whites. (American Free Press-
Black Caucus - Old Problems
Corruption of the Congressional
Black Caucus (Washington
BLM-Related Police Killings
Face facts: ‘Black Lives Matter’ is all
about hate
some detail/excerpts
Black Lives Matter is a full-blown
CULT, and its supporters are
mindless FANATICS
The Occult Spirituality of Black Lives
Chris Shelton interviewing Adrian
Lee Oliver, a black male concerned
about radicalization of BLM
Links List
Stop Black Lives Matter!
What is Wrong With BLM
Many (Not All) Native Americans
Part of Problem
Tyrannical Nations Influence
Anti-American Agendas
Interference: telling
American minorities
how to have civil rights
Hypocrisy: Their own
countries kill many and
deny human rights
Take a Stand
2020/10/25 An all-Black group is arming itself and
demanding change. They are the NFAC
By Nicole Chavez, Ryan Young and Angela Barajas, CNN
https//www cnn com/2020/10/25/us/nfac-black-armed-
group/index html
Sky Hi News dot com
2020/07/30 Letter: BLM movement isn’t about black lives.
By John Erwin, Fraser
https //www.skyhinews com/news/letter-blm-movement-
Excerpt: Don’t be fooled … there is a difference between
“black lives matter” and BLM. As decent, law-abiding
Americans, we believe that black lives matter, we believe
that all lives matter, but BLM is a Marxist political
movement whose mission statement is to overthrow the
government and destroy America. BLM is choosing which
lives really do matter, namely only black people killed by
police officers. Why don’t the black officers who have
been hurt or killed matter to BLM? Why don’t the black
business owners whose properties were looted or
destroyed matter to BLM? Why don’t the black children
gunned down and killed in the big cities matter to BLM?
Because the true purpose of BLM is not to end racism or
police brutality, it is to burn down America, according to
their leaders (three Marxists and a convicted terrorist,
Susan Rosenberg). BLM is not a civil rights organization; it
is a racist organization. BLM is not an organization that
helps people; it is an organization that harbors a disregard
for individuals’ property and life. People are afraid to
confront BLM because it will make them look like racists,
or worse, fear for their lives. In fact, BLM participants are
the true racists and socialists who will stop at nothing to
tear down our country. Support Black people, but
denounce the evil BLM movement for what it is before the
hate and destruction they cause is irreversible. Don’t be
fooled and don’t be afraid!
https //www.skyhinews com/news/letter-blm-movement-
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption
The Magic of a Good Mix
Songs from around the world
depict a unifying aspect.
Music is a universal language.
As such, let us have a lingua
franca, a cosmopolitan
approach in the public domain,
a way to conduct affairs and
communicate so basic rights
and needs shared by all
humans are addressed. It is a
way to get along with each
other despite differences.
But at the end of the day, we
are able to go home and bask
peacefully in our individuality
and culture. The American
system is that unifying
approach. We need to be in
synchronized agreement on
certain key issues. Many of us
have a “true” red-white-and-
blue America in our hearts and
preferences, but the nation
has many types vying for
dominance. Terrorist-cartel,
Communist Chinese, Radical
Islam, Marxist, East European
neo-Soviet style takeovers or
radical religious control are
not options. See more at
Magic of a Good Mix
(some appear elsewhere)
https //americanfreepress net/media-covers-
https//www cnn com/2020/10/25/us/nfac-
black-armed-group/index html
https //www.skyhinews com/news/letter-
https //www washingtonexaminer com/nyt-
https //www washingtonexaminer com/nyt-