----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIST OF COMPANIES EMPHASIZING BLACK-CENTERED ADS BLM-8b A to FAAARP Accessed from internet 2020/11/09ADYENAccessed from internet 2020/10/27;( Ebay stopped using paypal in preferencefor adyen an amsterdam company.https //www vox com/2018/1/31/16957212/ebay-adyen-paypal-payments-agreement); there are few photos on website of this nature, this stands out as particularly visual and theatrical, as if you are stepping into a room in which people are engaged in serious business as entrepreneur-like creative thinking session, two blacks larger as toward the front, muted whiter skinned fellow in back, but he looks like he could be Middle Eastern, Hispanic “or something else or between”AETNA Aetna: two black grandparent looking figures with black baby who might be grandchild Accessed from internet 2020/11/09AMTRAKExtracted from Internet 2021/03/14APUS American Public/Military University SystemWatch for:• corporate trajectories as linked business interests to various corporations•retaliation against students or faculty who speak out against APUSoAbusive, controlling military link, they might be doing it in military training schools toooa black/MPM bullying online, some of it covertoreplacing online people with someone else who is not disclosedosomeone might know how to attack students psychically or psychotronically▪maybe old Wicca knowledge passed down White South lines▪maybe a veteran/active duty person’s military paramilitary/paranormal training being used against students in the cyber forum▪look who has been getting into the student’s file or secretly watching the student in his/her interactions with other students, paying attention to what that student writes even in a social setting (like personal asides or comments alongside scholarly responses to class questions); if the student is white, how many minorities have been accessing thestudent’s file? Watching for “correcting” behavior that are put-downs. Watch for “waiting to get even” in the next class to teach that student “a thing or two.” That is, they became angry during one class and decided to redouble efforts at retaliation in the next online class - people are waiting to punish and bully the student before he/she gets there because they know his/her name is on the course roster.•Old White South issue as well as a black/MPM oneWatch for current or past connection to Bank Mobile, as well as earlier Banks, for student loan refund processing to students as third party intermediary; both entities have shown BPM-centric photos and/or “calling cards”, including Black Lives Matter types of lingo. Investigations should follow the lines of corporate trajectories of both entities. Something is off at American Public/Military University. Pay attention to any connections to Georgetown University and other regional colleges or universities with known activity with Radical Islam and the old communist/leftist thing that goes back to at least the Vietnam War. Identify whether students or instructors at APUS are associated with mosques in Virgina and/or West Virginia. Be prepared to be on alert to old “white school” histories linking both states (they used to be just Virginia) and that region in which English, British, slave trade families, pre-colonial, colonial, Washington, Jefferson, etc. Revolution and Civil War eras might play a part in family lineages among the collegian and political set, any blacks in white family lines, and under-table deals between blacks and whites. One thing to look for are separationist, anti-American agendas, a certain religionist core, KKK and their ilk, and an old pro-British link, but watch for anything that has an Old South, and an Old Virginia or regional, tendency. It could hook up with the American military and certain family lines and traditions in that area. APUS (American Public University home page all minorities, top line of multi-photo box that cut off a white male on the front row seen below at the end of line and other whites seen in the full box of photos below this top line only when the box is clicked; This was seen repeatedly on the main page where online students sign in to get to their classes. By only seeing darker skinned minorities, the school, purposely or not (it is probably not an accident) making it look like the only students worth being the next voice of the university are persons of color. This ignores the white veterans and employees who are hooked into employer-connected college tuition benefits, as well as other white students paying on their own dime, whether it is through financial aid (student loans have to be repaid) or not. It is probably a good idea to check who is in charge of advertising for clubs associated with the university, as well as who is their primary media company. APUS is an online school that likely has students in all of the states in the United States, and has several related corporate, call center or administrative offices across state lines although they are primarily centered in West Virginia. It is believed Virginia and Oregon are two other states they have offices in.AUTO ZONEBlack female advertised “Now Hiring Drivers” on front door of Durango, Colorado Auto Zone. Only ad on door. Photo taken 2020/11/18.BBarracuda dot com email and suchScreenshot taken 2020/12/05 of black woman only model on home pageBlue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Accessed from Internet 2020/11/10, it was a popup ad for BCBS on Military Times; its a rotating photo, but the first thing you see is the blacks when you come to Military Times, it was on the top of the pageCCapital OneCapital One Black Female home page/retrieved 2020/04/01CAPITAL ONE - Olive or Brown Skinned Couple Capital One black female side and eye-catching through business garb and unusual haircut, getting a foreground shot although the other one is facing front 2020/04/05CENSUSAztec, New Mexico in front of San Juan County Administrative Complex. Photo of billboard with three Hispanic and/or Native American children taken 2020/09/21. The census billboard has since been taken down. There was an ad campaign by the federal government. See some articles below. Photo shows three minority children including one with a Mexican style hat, one of whom could pass as a Mexican national. The same ad was shown on a large yellow school bus at the business complex near 30th and Main Street in Farmington, New Mexico - the complex includes San Juan College offices. The problem with this ad is it gives the wrong idea that education in Aztec, Farmington San Juan County, and all of New Mexico are just about brown-skinned people when half the population is white. Some have suggested they are trying to encourage counts from minorities fearful of participating in the census. Census signs should not be encouraging minorityism as a political statement. Photo of what looks like Hispanic family, more fair-skinned father on closer look seems Hispanic. Found in front of an Aztec school early December 2020 (it wasn’t taken down after the census was over). Same sign has been seen in front of education department in Aztec along the Hwy 516/550 interchange that runs thru town as well as places in Farmington (largest hub city in area).This is still a pointed form of government-connected advertising in New Mexico. Many whites exist not connected to the tribes or the Hispanic population, and this is OK. Their presence is important, too. Part of the problem with New Mexico is a series of several years of Hispanic governors, a Hispanic Attorney General, and Navajos taking over the hourly and management government jobs in the Farmington area. There is a lot of cronyism and illegal reverse discrimination in hiring practices in all of this. The above census sign should offend any white person paying attention to racial turfing in advertising in San Juan County as well as the nation and globe. CAIR has been seen messing with the Census in California. CAIR is an Islamic organization linked to Hamas-based terrorism. There are also concerns illegal aliens are getting counted for the census, election votes and probably other things. Illegal aliens need to be kept from such counts in the USA.Census dot gov2020/01/14 Census ads unveilinghttps //www census gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/2020-census-ads-unveiling htmlExcerpt: Communications effort employs multi-language ads, partnerships and trusted voicesThe U.S. Census Bureau today shared highlights of a $500 million public education and outreach campaign featuring more than 1,000 ads designed to reach 99% of all U.S. households and communicate the importance of responding to the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau conducted extensive research to create the “Shape your Future. Start here.” campaign to show that responding to the census is easy, safe and important.https //www census gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/2020-census-ads-unveiling html2020 Census Paid Media Campaignhttps //www census gov/about/business-opportunities/opportunities/2020-opps/2020-census-paid-media.htmlThe Hill2020/02 Census Bureau spends millions on ad campaign to mitigate fears on excluded citizenship question. Justine Colemanhttps //thehill com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/483485-census-bureau-spends-millions-on-ad-campaign-to-mitigate-fearsExcerpt: The Census Bureau is spending millions of dollars on an ad campaign seeking to assure members of the Latino community that their information will not be shared with local or federal authorities. The ads, which are a part of the bureau’s $500 million campaign, are focused on mitigating fears regarding a lack of confidentiality, following the push for the now-excluded citizenship question from the 2020 census. The entire advertising campaign with 1,000 ads will continue over the next five months, including $50 million targeting Latino populations, $40 million focused on African Americans and $20 million on Asian Americans, according to Culture ONE World, a Washington-based ad agency, Politico reported. Several of the ads are directed at minority populations, particularly the Latino community, because of the bureau’s concerns that the 2020 census will undercount these populations, according to Politico. A January report from the bureau found fears over a Trump administration-supported citizenship question could decrease the number of Latinos willing to participate. The census count affects redistricting and federal grant spending until 2030. The ads, focused on reducing anxiety about confidentiality in the wake of the citizenship question and stressing the safety of the census, run in Spanish and in markets with high Latino populations. Culture ONE also told Politico that several will air in so-called sanctuary cities, where officials decline to share information with federal immigration authorities.https //thehill com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/483485-census-bureau-spends-millions-on-ad-campaign-to-mitigate-fearsWashington Post2020 Political interference threatens the census. Here’s how to protect it.Note from PF: This is a pro-liberal, anti-Trump article but gives info on censushttps //www washingtonpost com/opinions/2020/09/08/census-political-interference-door-knocking-field-work-pandemic-effects/Opinion | The census should remain in the hands of the president - The Washington PostAlso: alt. view from conservative view:www washingtonpost comCITY MARKET (KROGER SYSTEM)Bottom Left: Winter 2020 maybe up to early 2021. Inside Entrance breezeway with shopping carts, to left of second set of doors as you enter the main part of store. Career With Promise” jobscitymarket dot com job ad with photo of black female seen. It seemed to be gone by Early 2021 although it could be covered up by products put out for sale in that area. Below Right Extracted from Internet on 2020/03/03 Black 3D cartoon figure. Only figure of its kind. Found on Account page. Durango, Colorado only ad of its kind there. “2021/09/16: Farmington, NM and Durango, CO Kroger stores seemed to have increased white mixed in with black and brown around store and parking lot whether my complaints had anything to do with it, I cannot say. I had also complained about possible reverse-racism in hiring practices at the Farmington store on 20th St. CMS HUBCMS Hub Black female has most of the light while beingfront & center, and only portion of white male seenand to side retrieved 2020/09COMMUNITY BANKS OF COLORADOBelow extracted from Internet on 2021/03/20 shows only 3 blacks - no whites or others - looks like mother father teen family settingD-EEXPERIANFFED EXFed Ex Solo Photo of Black Male, No other photos on pageExtracted from Internet 2021/02/20https //www fedex com/en-us/delivery-manager htmlUpdates: 2021/09/15-16 cleared excess bolds; 2021/03/03 added City Market black cartoon 3D adBLACK OWNED MARKETINGRuby Slipper dot com Black-Owned Marketing Companieshttps://www.rubyslipper.com/black-owned-marketing-agencies/KSW Social Media Managementwww.kswsocialmedia.comKSW Social Media Managementwww.kswsocialmedia.comGoldiata Creativewww.goldiata.agencyMcLamb Group Mediawww.mclambgroupmedia.comEraBright Digital Marketingwww.erabright.coBlue Surge Marketingwww.thebluesurge.comA black/multiracial focused advertising companyReach Black Customers - a4 Advertising SolutionsAd off internet Accessed 2020/10/30www.a4alticeadvertising.com/The Most Accurate, Efficient, and Effective Way to Reach Your African American Consumershttps://a4alticeadvertising.com/solution/multicultural/?utm_source=PaidSearch&utm_medium=NB&utm_campaign=Black&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlZunrO_c7AIVjYbACh2aeQABEAAYASAAEgLob_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.dsMEDIA COMPANIES USED BY BIG CORPORATIONSWalmart-Haworth as of 2016Media PostWalmart Selects Haworth For $900 Million U.S. Media Accountby Steve McClellan @mp_mcclellan, September 29, 2016https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/285829/walmart-selects-haworth-for-900-million-us-medi.htmlTarget-Roundel as of 20192019/05/02 Meet Roundel, Target’s Reimagined Media Companyhttps://corporate.target.com/article/2019/05/roundel#:~:text=It's%20no%20secret%20that%20we,just%20to%20name%20a%20few).COMMENTSLESS THAN WHITE, NOT QUITE WHITE: OLIVE OR LIGHT BROWN SKINNED; MIXED RACES, BUT NO WHITE IN SIGHTThis can be like the disappearing Jew in Germany in WWIIIt is not each individual photo; it is the combined effect over time. Consider the possibility this is not just modern, changing times; consider more pernicious influences from Black/Brown groups from various African and Middle Eastern Muslim nations and organizations; there can be an anti-American civil rights connection between Islamic and non-Islamic groups as part of this Subtle Subliminal as well as Overt Messages: The avoidance of using truly fair-skinned Caucasian whites is significant! These are the things to watch for: 1-Black figures are the only ones in a photo on a front home webpage 2-They are the first thing you see when you come to a home web page even if there is a rolling set of photos that shift automatically 3-The black figure is front and center while others are smaller or muted4-The black figure is made to look exciting with others in secondary positions who are enthralled with what he/she has to say, or they look like they are being taught or informed by the black; where there are no blacks, there might be off-whites, but never any true whites (fair-skinned Caucasian) Watch for Media Companies behind the ads and images you see, who owns them, how much they are making from corporations like Walmart, and so on.Be mindful of the civil rights of whites being slighted by the growing NWO (New World Order( type power grabs of the minorities taking over these corporations. It can include excessive surveillance of fair-skinned persons, a form of targeting, perhaps using face recognition or RFIDUpdates: 2020/11/09-10 AARP, AETNA, BCBS added; more added to APUS; some editing; 2020/10/30 media companies used by big corps section started; BLM8a started week of 2020/10/25
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Stop Racism, Reverse-Racism, Civil Rights as Warfare 3-Black-Centric Media-3 Photos and other Anti-White ModesA AARP ADYEN AETNA Amtrak APUS/AMU (American Public/Military University System) Auto Zone B Bank Mobile Barracuda Blue Cross Blue Shield C Capital One Census (NM, SJC) City Market (Kroger) Inside Store and Online CMS Hub Community Banks of Colorado Credit One Bank D E Experian F Fed Ex
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption