Gatekeeping (PSY-24)
How it Operates
Gatekeeping has to do with someone blocking a target from entering. I have covered this variously elsewhere,
but this means both preventing entrance and exit, and also blocking access to information or goods and services.
It can mean controlling what someone wants you to feel, say or do, or modulating your quality of self-worth or
self-gratification experience. It can blocking yourself from yourself.
Shaming aspect - a way of showing deserving
Gatekeeping in this scenario has a disciplinary and shaming aspect, as if to say “You are sinful and dirty; you don’t
deserve to go in there; those other people deserve more than you do; you should not give to yourself. You are
overweight and have high blood pressure, it is because you are a wrongful white person.”
Psychic control aspect
Unfortunately it can have both a remote influencing and gangstalking aspect.
Remote influencing stalking might include a psychic link that is spying in an ongoing manner. This is what
might make you feel constantly watched to the point you wonder if stores and streets are monitoring you with
interconnected cameras.
Catholic Abuse
Examples: a Hispanic male who was abused and influenced by the harshest Catholic systems, perhaps in New
Mexico, but also might have experienced discrimination and/or abuse from Anglo America in his youth and
perhaps in other arenas (like work-related) later in life. The other could be an Islamic extremist.
When the person has old residual sexual abuse pain related to Catholic authoritarian systems, with unresolved
anger and shame, he tries to project it onto not only a woman, but a white woman, because there is an ethnic-
religionism associated with his mental anguish. There is a combination of wanting to be the man, the man in
charge, but also to be the Hispanic in charge of the white race. It can include the feelings of wanting to take back
lands -like from whites in the US who seem linked to the original European colonists who took everything from
original indigenous people in the Americas.
The machismo gets mixed in with religious feelings about sin that become projected onto women who will not
be demure, will not submit and who are sexually aloof to a man’s control. The gatekeeping has a Hispanic
machismo connection in this scenario. Machismo is covered a good deal elsewhere, but gatekeeping is not just
about machismo.
Gatekeeping is close to playing God with other people’s right to move around at will. The gatekeeper tries to
block a person from going where they would go normally. It can even happen in grocery stores.
GATEKEEPING AND GANGSTALKING constant surveillance, plus turfing - it is all linked
There is this constant sense of being followed and watched….but the gatekeeping part adds to that in the sense
that they are not only watching, they are turfing. The turfing is they convince themselves they don’t want you in
this place or that, or buying this or that, or giving yourself this or that, or spending money on this or that. If it is a
non-white group against a white, it could be they want the food and supplies to go to their group, not whites. If it
is the Shiites, they could want to keep goods and services away from Sunni. If it is a black neighborhood, they
might want to keep things from Hispanics and whites.
HIS PRETEND MATE Being treated like how they’d treat a mate but you aren’t
Someone is treating you like he would his wife or girlfriend, but you hardly or never met
Gatekeeping can be an extension of what abusive boyfriends and husbands do to wives or girlfriends, except you
never met this guy formally. Maybe you talked briefly somewhere, maybe there was a brief interaction, or maybe
he has just seen you around , on the Internet or heard about you. I feel there might be an ethnic and racial as well
as gender connection to my experience with gatekeeping, but that it can have other qualities (like the pretend
mate syndrome) given other problem people.
Gatekeeping personalities are obsessive and compulsive about control, petty and mean-spirited, tenacious and
unwilling to work on their own psychological problems. Their gatekeeping is an outward manifestation of their
internal issues; it is a projection.
We can argue that totalitarian systems are huge Gatekeepers. Human beings have decided they have the right
to gatekeep other humans. Gatekeeping might be used as a type of mind control and psyops.
SHAPESHIFTING - shrinking reality and self
The idea might be to shapeshift a person’s reality to an ever-reduced state of self-worth and personal identity, to
make their world smaller and smaller. I feel it has various groups and types of individuals doing it, but gangs and
cartels seem like one likely source of the problem. I have been meaning to put this topic up for quite some time
now. It has been coming up to my psychic apparatus repeatedly in various contexts. They don’t want you to have
a Self, to be separate from their group reality. I feel some tribal groups do this, like the Navajos in New Mexico
“Writing for The Atlantic in September 2017, Peter Beinart was probably among the first to observe that Trump’s
rise bred “wider sympathy” throughout “the mainstream left” for antifa’s cause, violence, and political ideas.148
“Since antifa is heavily composed of anarchists, its activists place little faith in the state, which they consider
complicit in fascism and racism,” Beinart wrote. “They prefer direct action: They pressure venues to deny white
supremacists space to meet. They pressure employers to fire them and landlords to evict them. And when people
they deem racists and fascists manage to assemble, antifa’s partisans try to break up their gatherings, including
by force.”*
*Bensman, Todd. Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History . Bombardier
Books. Kindle Edition.
Updates: 2023/03/13 editing started; 2022/03/22; 2022/03/21 page started moved from River Gold dot net
Related Topics
If-then clause
Access to things
How it operates
Shaming aspect
Psychic Control
Catholic abuse
Playing God
Gatekeeping and Gangstalking
Pretend Mate
Control Freak
Totalitarian Systems
Shapeshifting reality and self
Antifa Blocking Those They Don’t Like
In Psy section: Say Uncle
If-then clause
It’s an if-then clause: if you do, behave or say what a controller wants, then he will at
least partially favor you, give you attention, do what you ask, give you what you
Access to things
Controlling someone’s access to goods, services, dignity, self-gratification, attention
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption