Fixation of Points (PSY-19)
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption
Related Concepts
Definition - Fixation
Contextual, Meaning
Point to Point
Point to Pitch
Softening, Co-Opting, Two Horns, Gatekeeping, Watch for Antics, Softening, the
Zone of Influence, Info Wars (Psy Section)
Firefighter Arson (Case Studies)
an obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something:
"our fixation with diet and fitness" · "his fixation on the details of other people's
erotic lives"
the arresting of part of the libido at an immature stage, causing an
obsessive attachment:
"fixation at the oral phase might result in dependence on others" · "an oral-
maternal fixation"
the action of concentrating the eyes directly on something:
"during the period of total blindness there was a complete absence of
visual fixation"
(A generic search engine search - Bing-extracted from Internet 2023-3-15)
In general, this concept relates to attention, distractions and energy. It is how our thoughts are drawn to a
subject. What we think about, we become, but more than this, where our attention is drawn, that thing grows
and manifests. It also gets bigger compared to other things, so as it grows, other things shrink in contrast.
There can be a metaphysical component to the subject. The idea is that a remote influencing perpetrator with
advanced psychic and energy knowledge will manipulate a person’s attention and energy toward a point behind a
more obvious object. An example of how a distraction could draw attention away from the real issue at hand or a
simultaneous more operative one: THe “Q’Anon Shaman” in the January 6 intrusion inst the Congressional
building in Washington on January 6, 2020. Additional more violent activities could have been going on at the
same time, but the media shows cameras pointing at him.
In other words, the illusion is in the first point which acts like a trap for the hidden second point. The perpetrator
has a clear ideas of what the goal is. In some cases the goal is to be the boss. So let’s say as an example we use
the first point as Jesus. The second point behind Jesus, which in this case is a distraction and a placard, is a bull’s
eye which collects the person’s attention and energy. Look at the bull’s eye as a collection site for the energy.
Now let’s use the example that the people using the Jesus mirage are Muslims. It could just as well be Zionists, or
a certain ancient strain of East Indian adepts, , the British Crown, Catholics, Black/Hispanic Occultists or Satanists.
Point Behind a Point or Fixation of a Point
In the zone of influence, see a web of distractions, including keeping the body and emotions unbalanced and
unable to focus right. The perpetrators feed the masses fast food with low nutritional value, high levels of salt and
sugar and with the meat pumped with hormones; dope, beer and anti-depressants to keep them down; and
coffee or high energy drinks to keep then spazzed. They downgrade cities with gambling, drug dealers and hard
conditions for basic survival. In the midst of this low energy framework, the masses are more pliable for ready-
made, quickly digestible solutions that resemble real religion: they promote the Jesus Saves myth and anti-
abortion signs as the first point; behind that point, however, the fake manipulators control the ensemble of
Christian sign makers, high cost churches, Christian booksellers, and many forms of Christian propaganda. If you
look carefully with sincerity in your heart, you will find the buzz behind the business in religion. In other words,
the same people who make the business products in other operations like also control what Christians buy - and
more importantly, what they think about buying. As they manipulate a fixation on the first level point of a buzz-
trapped Jesus image, they send energy to the point behind that visible point - to an energy and money-absorbing
bull’s eye.
For sincere Christians, this is an irritating and insulting example. But stay clear in your mind. What we are getting
at here is not the Jesus issue per se; we are trying to awaken you to the idea that crafty people can use any image
and idea on the planet, even the most spiritual and sacred seeming ones, to create artificial first level visual or
idea-based points to gather energy toward a second level hidden receptor. People can control other people’s
religious icons to draw the energy toward obedience to a leader and the state. It can shift deferment to a religious
authority from the first point to the second point, the second point being a totalitarian government or a
corporate-religious entity. This might be called tenderizing the meat, or softening the dough. It helps make
people malleable for apparent good reasons, but when the screen is pulled, what lies behind is The Wizard. It
ripens people for obedience to a false object. They use people’s fear, sadness or desire for some kind of magic pill
for better economics - religion can seem like a way to push off the Devil or to gain God’s favor - in this format.
The people in the wizard’s box are playing on people’s emotions to compartmentalize religion into packaged steps
that seem to promise “The Way.” Watch carefully where the money goes and how it is manipulated, and this is
one way to find the shadow box, but there are other ways. Canned ideas and channeling people’s thoughts in
certain directions are other ways. There is also a kind of buzz or plastic feeling about the whole thing that people
inside don’t seem to recognize; when you are outside of it looking in, it is easier to sense such things. People
already trapped might not have that objectivity because they have learned to ignore the warning signs and now
are immune to certain forms of self-evaluation.
Controlled Focus Points: Bringing an idea or emotion to a certain tonal level
This is in connection with a point behind a point but refers to taking the gathered, focused or collected point to a
certain energetic and/or total pitch (comparable to a tonal quality) which can include a concept, like The Crown or
Russia the Motherland. So taking the idea and feeling of Jesus, say, to the feeling of loyalty to The Crown which
can include tithes, taxes and purchases of products. Everything is to connect with a royalty/loyalty/religious unity.
It can go back to a time when political leaders were seen as endowed with godly characteristics or midway men
between God and subjects. There are antecedents that go back to the times of Babylon and before. It is a way to
not only draw in attention but to keep it contained within a certain frequency of feeling and thought.
Updates: 2023/03/15; 2021/05/07 PAGE STARTED-FIXATION OF POINTS, copied from River Gold dot net