VETERANS SECTION•1-Military-Police•2-TBI•3-PTSD•4-Honorable Acts•5 -Healing •6-McCain, Nisei •USS Liberty
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LINKS LIST Medal of HonorIn addition to respectfully taking note of the Medal of Honor recipients, this page and its content are added to flesh out bits of history and particulars about the war. Information often seems to come forward in a particularly revelatory and insightful manner in these honorary contexts than those in other arenas. For example, while focusing on the honored service people, we see the battle from their eyes. We simultaneously come closer to what is really happening in the battles, the terrain, what the service people were going through, we see video clips, we gain insights into the the people’s lives, etc.In providing a brief and incomplete list of Medal of Honor recipients here, we are acknowledging both the high performance of certain people but also recognizing that many unlisted people likely also have done honorable things in battle which might not have hit this list but were also exemplary in some way. There are some comments that some people received the Medal of Honor who perhaps didn’t deserve it or that there were yet others who deserved it more. We can also understand that awards can depend on the cultural and mindsets of the times with each era having its own set of riorities, types of people involved making the slection or voting for or against a nominated person the United States President involved, etc. Some of it can be based on who pushed the hardest to get a certain name through, politics, who knows who, emotional sway and “types” with the idea being who has been left out so far so as to decide on what kind of person to nominate and vote for this time around so as to have a good balance of types. Such types can be based on race, gender, age, battle area, battle type, military division (Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy) etc.Medal of Honor posthumouslyChapman, John A. United States Air Force, Battle of Roberts Ridge AfghanistanAF dot mil: “Chapman, John A., Technical Sergeant, USAF” is now permanently inscribed in the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon following an induction ceremony Aug. 23, 2018.Washington Post: The President of the United States of America has awarded, in the name of Congress, the Medal of Honor posthumously to Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman, United States Air Force, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.4 days agoMilitary dot com: 1990, at the instigation of Congress, the Department of the Army performed a review to learn if there were any deceased service members who deserved the Medal of Honor but never received one, posthumously or otherwise. Stowers, Freddie (France WWI 1918)Freddie Stowers' recommendation was uncovered soon after, and a team travelled to France and verified the details of the recommendation.On September 28, 1918, Stower's company was ordered to assault Côte 188 in the Ardennes region of France. Although American forces steady advanced on the hill, the Germans faked surrender and eliminated half of the company in one barrage of gunfire. A lieutenant and several NCOs were killed, leaving Stowers in charge of his platoon.Stowers encouraged the platoon to continue the advance, and they successfully dispatched a German trench line. He then consolidated the platoon and led them to advance on another German trench line. During the second advance, Stowers was shot twice and collapsed from blood loss. He encouraged his men to keep going, and died. The platoon successfully drove out the second trench line and took the hill.Smith, Paul R. – IRAQ WAR 2003 Invasion of Iraqt the time of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Paul R. Smith served as a Sergeant First Class in B Company, 11th Engineer Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division. On April of that year, Smith was part of a force that was ordered to block the highway between Baghdad and Saddam International Airport. During the operation, Smith took part in a short battle that led to multiple Iraqi combatants being captured.Smith utilized a nearby walled enclosure with a tower to hold the captured Iraqis, but soon discovered that between 50 and 100 combatants were taking position to attack the enclosure from a trench line nearby. A Bradley fighting vehicle and three M113 APCs were called to assault the trench, but the Bradley left early to reload its depleted ammunition and one of the M113s was struck by a mortar, leaving its crew injured.Making the situation even more dire, a U.S. aid station was located near the enclosure and housed roughly 100 combat casualties. Smith boarded one of the M113s and ordered the driver to position him so that he could fire on the trench and at the enclosure's tower where Iraqis were taking cover. While using up three boxes of ammunition on the M113s machine gun, a team of soldiers took the enclosure's tower and ousted the Iraqi's. Smith had died during the battle,having been shot 13 times.Smith was posthumously given the Medal of Honor on April 4, 2005.Medal of Honor - LivingGroberg, Forent: (former Army captain in Afghanistan, presented by Obama 2015), Britt K: (Navy Seal, Battle of Roberts Ridge) Acts Afghan Sex Abuse IssueQuinn, Dan (see NY Times-2015/09/21Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr.Gregory Buckley SrMartland, CharlesHunter, Duncan HONORS Iraq relatedUSIP dot org(2017/06/28) USIP honors army 10th mtn division unit iraq peacemaking The U.S. Institute of Peace today honored soldiers of the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division for their role in achieving a local peace accord in Iraq that offers a model for potential peacemaking and stabilization in the aftermath of ISIS. The peace agreement, in 2007, halted communal fighting in the region of Mahmoudiya, in an area that had been known as the “Triangle of Death.” The accord continues to underpin the relative stability of that area a decade later.Army dot mil(2019/03) Atkins - Medal of Honor - 2019/03 by President Trump Platoon, Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain DivisionStripes(2015/11/13) 2 men confronted suicide bombers and saved lives but only 1 got medal of honor. By Wesley Morgan. [see Army dot mil/2019/03 update-the story is slightly different] Travis Atkins (Iraq)-Distinguished Service Cross/Army; Staff Sgt. Travis Atkins died June 1, 2007 dealing hands-on with one of two vested suicide bombers in The Triangle of Death area between south of Baghdad and Euphrates River. He apparently was in the front of a Humvee when he and others there received a radio contact warning of suspicious males on foot in the area, opened his door, left his rifle on the seat, and made contact with a bear hug type of maneuver. It is possible he saw a suicide vest on that man, as later the other one could be seen with one. They grappled, with it seeming Atkins was trying to control the hands of the other man. This attempt at control was not sufficient; an explosion went off, killing both; Atkins’ body was found mostly intact. when he Excerpt: Few places in the country were more violent than the agricultural tract between Baghdad and the Euphrates where he and his unit, Ft. Drum's 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, wound up… "He [Atkins] was an absolutely brilliant noncommissioned officer," said Atkins's former company commander, who asked not to be named because of the nature of his current job, recalling the foul-mouthed soldier with the shaved head. "There are some men who just know they need to be wearing stripes, down in the dirt with the guys, and he was one of them."…As the leader of a fire team and then a squad, Atkins was a standout, calm almost always despite the frustrations and savagery of the war and respected, if not always loved, by his soldiers.Updates: 2021/09/18 some editing; 2020/05/07 tranferred from River Gold; 2020/01/28 Iraq honors section added from Iraq battles page; Page started 08/26/2018
Honorable Acts (VETERANS-4)
LINKS LIST Commentary Posthumous Living Honorable Acts--Afghan Sex Abuse Issue HONORS Iraq relatedSee also: Afghanistan Arabian Nights Effect Hamas Islam-Various Topics Islam-Names of Terrorists Mesmerism in MuslimsMuslim MafiaIraq articles
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