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RRT-20a/ Governors Non-White and/or Leftist, BLM Enablers
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Stop Racism, Reverse-Racism, Civil Rights as Warfare See discussion on RRT-1/Enough SEE: RRT INDEX 1-22 RRT-20a (here) RRT-20b IN THIS SECTION RRT-20a Governors: Black, Minority as well as Leftist or BLM enablers/supporters Comments Summary of Links Articles Governors o General: China- alleged or real complicity o List of governor minorities o A Few Governors Highlighted: Select few by State based on major 2020 BLM riots and possible conspiracy connections Arizona California Governor Gavin Newsom-Democrat elected 2018 Colorado Polis - Democrat governor is gay - could be part of the LGBT/Leftist/Minority-BLM conspiracy against the USA? (Colorado Attorney General is Democrat Philip J. Weiser) Michigan Whitmer - Democrat governor - Kidnapping attempt apparently thwarted Minnesota Walz - Democrat governor; Peggy Flanaga n- Lt. Governor- Native American-pay attention to her leftist/minority leanings and possible influence of the governor; (Add governor team to Black Police Chief in Minneapolis + Attorney General Ellis = surround sound?) New Mexico o Michelle Lujan- Grisham-Grisham Oregon: See Leaders/Kate Brown: Brown - Democrat governor - Portland officials l0w cooperation w/Trump/feds-to Burr & Wolf/from Rogers letter Govern or release d inmate s from prisons Bisexua l Govern or could be part of the LGBT/le ftist.Mi nority- BLM? (scroll down if links are not active) Notes Notes - Personal - Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter input from bulk of #1 News/#2 Personal Notes --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ COMMENTS Dark Truths: The ugly, dangerous and treasonous facts behind various governors in our country The governors during BLM Riots 2020 are significant: pay attention to the players and what they have been doing. Their responses to the riots and Black Lives Matter tell you who they are and what they are about. Watch for calling cards, including the usage of certain kinds of words and lingo. Some like Kate Brown have helped to block federal operations against the rioters in Portland. There are some indications several governors, if not simply minority driven, could be leftists. Pompeo and others have suggested a Chinese connection among some. It is likely full investigations would reveal tyranny of levels worthy of removing the governors from office as well as more extensive legal responses. Others like Michelle Lujan- Grisham, along with Attorney General Hector Balderas, have both shown a narrow minority bias in New Mexico which does not serve the greater American public in that state or the country as a whole. New Mexico has become the bottom-of-the-barrel place for minority money grabs through lawsuits. It is one minority-based Lawsuit after another by Navajos, Hispanics or other minorities in New Mexico. [Minorities continue to pile it on across the nation, New Mexico among those hit the hardest-it’s one high ticket, big bucks lawsuit after another - they are collectively making billions]. Grisham’s attempt at dismissal of one of these lawsuits started during her predecessor’s term was denied, one over education: https://www.u snews.com/ne ws/best- states/new- mexico/article s/2020-06- 29/new- mexico-judge- hears- landmark- education- lawsuit Excerpt: he lawsuit filed by Hispanic and Navajo plaintiffs successfully argued that the state failed most schoolchildren , especially English- language learners and Indigenous and low- income children. It was filed in 2017 when Republican Susana Martinez was governor. Grisham shows her true colors for a minority-centered position - she is not working for the broader American public inside or beyond New Mexico): NPR dot org [New Mexico] 2020/08/18 New Mexico governor on DNC Latinx voters and the coronavirus https://www.n pr.org/2020/0 8/18/9036163 22/new- mexico- governor-on- dnc-latinx- voters-and- the- coronavirus Being gay or bisexual does not instantly make you anti- American, of course. Some of our absolutely most astute and loyal Americans are gay. Some have been whistleblowers. Some have come away from Middle Eastern and other battle zones wounded and politically awake, determined to help make the American system stronger and better. However, if a political tendency hooks up with a sexual proclivity, and if that political tendency is something like the old Vietnam Era Civil Rights/Leftist anti- American one, well then. So we talk about that in this section on governors. How many governors who are gay males, lesbian females or bisexual are also serving the leftist/minority anti- American position? How many white LGBT are failing the broader American system because they are hooked up with pro-Minority Power groups bent on taking out the USA? Governors have shown their teeth and true colors during BLM 2020, so do pay attention to who they are and from which states they “govern” (should we say rule like lords and ladies of the manor?) A watch for antics note has been applied to the Michigan section in which a white terrorist attack on the governor occurred recently, because switching names and groups has been known to happen. This does not in any way deny white supremacy tendencies; it is possible the group is who we are told it is and that they did what we are told they did. But in the current political climate, we not only have a right to ask, we must ask, is the story as we are told, or is something else going on? The governor could be under some kind of pressure to put out a false story and to use rhetoric against Trump’s rhetoric. Perhaps the governor is under the thumb of a still-ongoing abduction that is being made to look like a post- kidnapping message to the public. Who knows? At first glance, Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz looks white and “of the people and land” with what might possibly seem like mostly a rural farm and agriculture connection - like the old Midwest white conservative thing. As you start reading the articles on him more carefully, this original idea quickly sluffs off to be replaced by “One Minnesota” and a tribal assistant governor who claims to have studied in “organizing” and even “trained Tim Walz.” In other words, it is more of the leftist and Minority Power thing - and this is the background to the black police chief run operation during the whole Black Lives Matter related spur and riots. Minnesota was ripe for a BLM-fed event. This is yet another reason we can question the data and information we have been fed around Derek Chauvin and the black man George Floyd we are told he killed unfairly through a vice grip around his neck. This is without question a potential or likely “surround sound” situation for white police officers in the state of Minnesota. “One Minnesota” sounds like it might be a totalitarian utopian approach - that is, a communist or socialist state concept - not just an attempt to seek unity across diversity - red flags should be waved. It also sounds very minority driven. LINKS (See more details in ARTICLES below) [California ABC10-Youtube] https //www youtube com/watch?v=IA2TuDHbxvA&list= PLdKhnwdZFa_pQUgOMfXXcAzpU lMa0dB4M&index=70 [Minnesota] https //www ag state mn us/Office/Communications/2019/ 12/04_JUUL.asp [New Mexico] https//www ag state mn us/Office/Communications/2019/ 12/04_JUUL asp [New Mexico] https //apnews com/article/michelle-Luján- grisham-health-lawsuits- coronavirus-pandemic-courts- b91a8df5f39fccc9ecd903f0941bc3 ae [California] https //behindtheblack com/behind- the-black/essays-and- commentaries/the-idiocy- ignorance-and-corruption-of- californias-governor-newsom/ https //www cnn com/2020/10/09/politics/pompeo- clinton-emails/index.html [New Mexico] https //www cnn com/2020/12/02/politics/mi chelle-Luján-grisham- health-and-human- services/index html [Oregon] https //theconversation com/oregon-leads-the-way-with- nations-first-openly-bisexual- governor-37911 [General: China infiltration] https//www foxnews com/politics/pompeo-warns- governors-of-china-infiltration [New Mexico] https //www currentargus com/story/news/2020/05/08/eddy -county-board-commissioners- vote-sue-nm- governor/3095209001/ [Colorado] https://gazette.com/news/colorad o-secretary-of-state-dismisses- complaint-over-jared-polis- investment/article_89adca78- d3e5-11e8-b14a- df94940271d5.html [General: 10 govs shaping] https //thehill com/homenews/state- watch/374776-10-governors- shaping-the-future-of-politics [General] https // www huffpost com/entry/every-us-governor- from-mo_b_7896858 https //www krqe com/health/coronavirus-new- mexico/republican-party-of-new- mexico-backs-lawsuit-against-gov- Luján-grisham-and- administration/ [New Mexico] https://www.kob.com/new- mexico-news/emotions-run-high- as-mayor-of-grants-defies- governors-order-allows- businesses-to-reopen/5711810/ [New Mexico] https://www.krqe.com/health/cor onavirus-new-mexico/new- mexico-mayors-send-letter-to- governor-over-indoor-dining- restrictions/ https://www.krqe.com/news/new- mexico-legislature-sues-governor- in-escalating-conflict/ [New Mexico] https //www krwg org/post/republican-party-new- mexico-announces-legal-action- against-governor [Minnesota] https://kstp.com/news/trump- one-on-one-president-says-denial- of-federal-aid-to-minnesota- might-be-punishment-for- minneapolis-/5830939/ [New Mexico] https //www thelibertybeacon com/international-criminal-court- complaint-for-crimes-against- humanity-against-the-nm- governor/ [California] https //www mercurynews com/2020/11/14/james- gallagher-wins-lawsuit- against-gavin-newsom/ [Minnesota] https://www.minnpost.com/state- government/2020/05/walz- mayors-blame-looting-violence- on-outsiders-urge-twin-cities- residents-to-observe-saturday- night-curfew/ [Minnesota] https://mn.gov/governor/about/p eggyflanagan/ https://www.msn.com/en- us/news/politics/pompeo-being- investigated-for-potentially- breaking-the-law-with-rnc- speech/ar- BB1apq2b?ocid=uxbndlbing [Oregon] https://www.newsbreak.com/new s/1547767830614/state-said-up- to-6000-oregon-inmates-would- face-release-to-allow-social- distancing-gov-kate-brown-said- no [New Mexico] https //www nraila org/articles/20200410/nra-files- lawsuit-against-anti-gun-new- mexico-governor [New Mexico] https //nmsuroundup com/9636/showcase/new-mexico- governor-candidate-Luján- grisham-has-less-than- impressive-resume/ [New Mexico] https://www.npr.org/2020/08/18/ 903616322/new-mexico-governor- on-dnc-latinx-voters-and-the- coronavirus [Oregon] https://www.oregonlive.com/polit ics/2019/07/kate-brown-is-one-of- the-most-unpopular-governors-in- country-thanks-to-republicans- morning-consult-survey.html [Oregon] https://www.oregonlive.com/polit ics/2020/08/gov-kate-brown-to- consider-estimated-400- prisoners-for-early-release-due- to-coronavirus.html [Minnesota] https://www.politico.com/news/2 020/09/09/minnesota-nice-turns- nasty-410354 [General: China infiltration] https //pjmedia com/news-and- politics/megan- fox/2020/02/09/busted-mike- pompeo-says-he-has-list-of- american-governors- compromised-by-communist- china-n381385 [California] https //www reuters com/article/us-usa- china-calpers/u-s- lawmaker-calls-for-ouster- of-calpers-cio-over-china- ties-letter-idUSKBN206310 [California] https //www sandiegonewsdesk com/2020/06/governor- newsoms-dubious-mask- deal-brings-corruption- concerns/ [New Mexico] https //www santafenewmexican com/news/coronavirus/albuquerq ue-tea-party-president-sues- Luján-grisham-over-coronavirus- lockdown/article_9ee22126-6eaa- 11ea-a75d- cbdefda582d7.html#:~:text=The% 20president%20of%20the%20Alb uquerque%20Tea%20Party%20file d,emergency%20orders%20to%20 prevent%20the%20spread%20of% 20COVID-19. [Minnesota] https //www.twincities.com/2019/01/09 /gov-tim-walz-one-minnesota- council-diversity-inclusion-equity/ [California] https://www.washingtonpo st.com/travel/tips/californi a-restrictions-holidays- covid/ [New Mexico] https //www usatoday com/story/news/politics/2018/02/ 14/transgender-woman-accuses- rep-michelle-Luján-grishmans- office-discrimination-after-she- fired-interns/338148002/ [New Mexico] https //www usnews.com/news/best- states/new-mexico/articles/2020- 06-29/new-mexico-judge-hears- landmark-education-lawsuit [Oregon] https://www.wweek.com/news/st ate/2020/09/30/gov-kate-brown- joins-coalition-of-governors- demanding-president-trump- commit-to-peaceful-transfer-of- power/ https://en wikipedia org/wiki/List_of_minority_governo rs_and_lieutenant_governors_in_t he_United_States ARTICLES Ag State Minnesota dot us https //www ag state mn us/Office/Communications/2019/ 12/04_JUUL.asp Ballotpedia 2020/08/12 https //news ballotpedia org/2020/08/12/new-mexico- supreme-court-rules-governor- Luján-grisham-may-fine- businesses-for-violating-public- health-orders/ Current Argus 2020/08/07 https://www.current argus.com/story/ne ws/local/2020/08/07/ new-mexico- businesses-sue- state-over-covid-19- health- orders/3292114001/ The Conversation https //theconversation com/oregon-leads- the-way-with- nations-first-openly- bisexual-governor- 37911 Fox News 2020/02/08 Pompeo warns governors of Chinese infiltration into US: 'It's happening in your state'. By Nick Givas. https //www foxnews com/politics/pompe o-warns-governors- of-china-infiltration Gazette 2018/10/19 (updated 2020/06/17) Colorado Secretary of State dismisses complaint over Jared Polis' investment. By Joey Bunch https //gazette com/news/colorado- secretary-of-state- dismisses-complaint- over-jared-polis- investment/article_8 9adca78-d3e5-11e8- b14a- df94940271d5.html KOB 2020/04/27 Emotions run high as mayor of Grants defies governor's order, allows businesses to reopen https://www.kob.co m/new-mexico- news/emotions-run- high-as-mayor-of- grants-defies- governors-order- allows-businesses- to-reopen/5711810/ KRQE 2020/07/17 New Mexico mayors send letter to governor over indoor dining restrictions https://www.krqe.co m/health/coronaviru s-new-mexico/new- mexico-mayors- send-letter-to- governor-over- indoor-dining- restrictions/
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