----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021 December 2021 Subjects: Biden Withholds Report Illegal Immigrant Population; 110,000 fentanyl pills seized from Denver stash houses; Amren dot com 2021/11/30 Biden Admin Withholds Report on Illegal Immigrant Population. By Joseph Simonson 2021/11--https //www amren com/news/2021/11/biden-admin- withholds-report-on-illegal-immigrant-population/ Excerpt: The Biden administration has yet to publicly disclose critical information on the number of illegal immigrants in the United States, a violation of congressional guidance and a departure from federal transparency standards. The Department of Homeland Security has given Congress its report on the number of foreign nationals who remain in the United States on expired visas, but the information has not been subsequently released to the public, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. Stretching back to at least the Obama administration, DHS has made the annual report on suspected visa overstays available to the public shortly after giving it to Congress. 2021/11--https //www amren com/news/2021/11/biden-admin- withholds-report-on-illegal-immigrant-population/ Denver Post Denver Fentanyl Bust Arrests 2021/12/01--https //www denverpost com/2021/12/01/denver- fentanyl-bust-arrests/ 110,000 fentanyl pills seized from Denver stash houses; … https://www.denverpost.com/2021/12/01/denver-fentanyl-bust- arrests 2 days ago · An eight-month investigation into a drug trafficking ring based in metro Denver led law enforcement to seize 110,000 fentanyl pills, 13 pounds of meth, 8 pounds of … Fronteras 2021/12/21-DHS will begin fixing border wall problems in Arizona. By Alisa Reznick Note from PF on https //fronterasdesk org/content/1742365/dhs-will-begin-fixing- border-wall-problems-arizona Excerpt: DHS says the new construction will close small gaps in the wall, finish drainage systems and complete access roads and other infrastructure in border wall sections including in places along the Tucson and Yuma sectors. It said the agency would carry out the work with local stakeholders including tribal and state entities. On Monday, U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly said he wanted construction to include closing a gap in the barrier at the Morelos Dam in Yuma, where thousands of asylum seekers have presented themselves to Border Patrol agents in the last month. He also said he wanted to mitigation efforts to address environmental damage and flood risks at Guadalupe Canyon, a famed nature preserve in Cochise County where border wall contractors used dynamite to cut through steep mountainous terrain. Groups/Leaders putting up “roadblocks” on the wall mentioned in this article --Rep. Raúl Grijalva said the Biden administration should use existing funds to remove border barriers that have damaged the environment, pursue humane border policies and engage with local stakeholders. --Myles Traphagen with the nonprofit group Wildlands Network has spent the last year documenting the wall's impact on the borderlands environment. In Arizona, he says much of that construction took place in open wilderness that saw little human traffic. https //fronterasdesk org/content/1742365/dhs-will-begin-fixing- border-wall-problems-arizona Myrgv dot com 2021/12/03--Mistaken drop-off leads to Peñitas stash house bust ... https //myrgv com/the-monitor/2021/12/03/mistaken... 4 hours ago · Mistaken drop-off leads to Peñitas stash house bust. By. Mark Reagan - The Monitor. -. December 3, 2021. Homeland Security Investigations agents arrested two people Thursday on harboring charges in a case involving allegations of ransom and the use of a machete to scare people in the country illegally into staying in a bedroom. November 2021 Subjects: Caravan to US; Immigration Prosecutions Drop; Apprehension large group Big Bend Sector; a Judge trying to block illegal immigrant expulsions CBP US Customs and Border Protection Agents Apprehend Large Group in Big Bend Sector Release Date: November 10, 2021 https //www cbp gov/newsroom/local-media-release/agents- apprehend-large-group-big-bend-sector ALPINE, Texas – Agents from Alpine Station apprehended 67 Undocumented Non-Citizens south of the city. On Tuesday, November 9, 2021, Border Patrol Agents working the Highway 118 checkpoint apprehended 67 UDNCs in a box-style truck with a false wall. The wall was used to conceal the people in this dangerous human smuggling scheme. The individuals were detected after a K-9 alerted to the presence of concealed humans in the rear compartment of the box truck. BPAs removed a total of 67 people (41 Mexican Nationals, 19 Guatemalan Nationals, 4 Honduras Nationals, and 3 El Salvadorian Nationals) from behind two separate wooden walls that were drilled into metal brackets in the rear compartment of the box truck. Four of the individuals were identified as minors, ranging from eight years old to 13 years old. Immigration Reform dot com 2021/11/11 Criminal Immigration Prosecutions Drop at Southern Border. Southern Border avatar By JASON PENA https //www immigrationreform com/2021/11/11/illegal- immigration-going-unpunished-immigrationreform-com/ New York Post 2021/11/19 Caravan heads to US after Biden failed to press border crisis in Mexico. By Callie Patteson https //nypost com/2021/11/19/migrant-caravan-heads-to-us-after- biden-failed-to-press-issue-in-mexico/ PJ Media 2021/11/11 As October Shatters Yet Another Border Arrests Record, Guess Which Judge Tried to Block Illegal Immigrant Expulsions? BY ATHENA THORNE NOV 11, 2021 https //pjmedia com/news-and-politics/athena- thorne/2021/11/11/as-october-shatters-yet-another-border-arrests- record-guess-which-judge-tried-to-block-illegal-immigrant- expulsions-n1531954 October 2021 Subjects: Penitas, Texas case-39 immigrants found-RGV Agents discover 39 harbored migrants; Three (Two MS-13 and one 18th Street) gang members arrested CBP 2021/10/19 RGV Border Patrol Agents Discover 39 Harbored Migrants https //www cbp gov/newsroom/local-media-release/rgv-border- patrol-agents-discover-39-harbored-migrants 2021/10/21 RGV Border Patrol Agents Arrest Three Criminal Migrants https //www cbp gov/newsroom/local-media-release/rgv-border- patrol-agents-arrest-three-criminal-migrants-1 EDINBURG, Texas – Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol (RGV) agents arrested two Mara-Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang members and an 18th Street gang member. On Oct. 20, Falfurrias Border Patrol Station (FLF) agents apprehended a group of 13 migrants near Encino. Record checks on a migrant from El Salvador revealed he is a MS-13 gang member and has pending charges for homicide, fraud, and trespassing in New York. https //www cbp gov/newsroom/local-media-release/rgv-border- patrol-agents-arrest-three-criminal-migrants-1 September 2021 [Note from PF: Governor Newsom is facing recall in California; he is a major corrupt illegal alien/bulk amnesty problem; we need an increased push against political leaders supporting illegal immigration and bulk easy amnesty] Migrants at Texan Bridge, Del Rio CNN 2021/09/20 12,000 migrants have been waiting in makeshift camps under the Del Rio bridge in Texas. By Rosa Flores and Geneva Sands, CNN https //www cnn com/2021/09/20/us/us-border-crisis-del-rio- texas/index html Hatians - Large Varying Numbers Reported Let Into USA CBS 2021/09/22 Many Haitian migrants in Texas border town of Del Rio being released into U.S.: AP https //www cbsnews com/news/haitian-migrants-released- united-states/ CNN 2021/09/22 DHS releasing some Haitians into US despite claims they would be immediately expelled. By Priscilla Alvarez and Rosa Flores, CNN https //www cnn com/2021/09/22/politics/border-texas- haitians/index.html#:~:text=%28CNN%29%20The%20Department% 20of%20Homeland%20Security%20is%20releasing,under%20the% 20Del%20Rio%20International%20Bridge%20in%20Texas UPI 2021/09/26 DHS secretary: Up to 12,000 Haitian migrants released into U.S. By Daniel Urea https //www upi com/Top_News/US/2021/09/26/Mayorkas-12000- Haitian-migrants-released-United-States/7831632678558/ Governor Newsom AMAC Assoc of Mature American CItizens 2021/09/07 14 Reasons For California To Recall Gavin Newsom On September 14th https //min amac us/14-reasons-for-california-to-recall-gavin- newsom-on-september-14th/ Excerpt: Instead of putting American citizens in California first, Newsom has invested a great amount of his energy fighting for illegal immigrants. To begin with, Newsom has allowed California to maintain its status as a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants. This means that Newsom and his administration have forbidden local law enforcement in California from complying with federal immigration authorities in their efforts to deport non-citizens. Newsom has even gone as far as banning arrests for immigration violations across the state of California. Newsom has also egregiously allowed illegal immigrants to serve on state government commissions and boards. Newsom’s rewards for those who violate America’s immigration laws do not stop there. Back in April of 2020, Newsom announced a new $125 million program dedicated to providing cash payments to illegal immigrants. The program was supported by $75 million in taxpayer funds and $50 million from a group of charities. The program provided approximately 150,000 adults, illegal immigrants, $500 each, with a $1,000 cap being placed on total payments per household. Lastly, on July 27, 2021, Newsom signed AB-133 into law. The legislation allows eligible illegal immigrants aged 50 or older to receive taxpayer-funded Medi-Cal insurance. The move is expected to cost California taxpayers upwards of $1.3 billion. https //min amac us/14-reasons-for-california-to-recall-gavin- newsom-on-september-14th/
General Info: 2021 and Misc - Prev. “Monthly” (BORDERS-1c)
Borders-1: a) Gen Info b) ‘22-’23 c) ‘21 d) AZ e) NM December o DHS/Border Wall- Arizona-Plans to Shore Up o Biden Withholds Report Illegal Immigrant Population o 110,000 fentanyl pills seized from Denver stash houses November Caravan to US Immigration Prosecutions Drop Apprehension large group Big Bend Sector a Judge trying to block illegal immigrant expulsions October Penitas, Texas and Roma immigrant stash house cases: Penitas case-39 immigrants found-RGV Agents discover 39 harbored migrants; Three (Two MS-13 and one 18th Street) gang members arrested September Governor Newsom is facing recall in California August July June May April March
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
LINKS LIST Borders 1-c 2021/06/11--https //americanmilitarynews com/2021/06/illegal-immigrant- apprehensions-spike-674-in-may- compared-to-last-year/ https //www amren com / news/ 2021/11/biden-admin-withholds- report-on-illegal-immigrant- population/ 2021/06/07--https //www theblazecom/news/new-mexico- rancher-illegal-immigration-killing- cattle https //www cbp gov /newsroom /local-media-release/agents- apprehend-large-group-big-bend- sector https //www cnn com / 2021/09/20 /us/us-border-crisis-del-rio- texas/index html 2021/09/22--https //www cnn com /2021/09/22 /politics/border-texas- haitians/index html#:~:text=%28CNN%29%20The%2 0Department%20of%20Homeland% 20Security%20is%20releasing,under %20the%20Del%20Rio%20Internatio nal%20Bridge%20in%20Texas 2021/12.01--https //www denverpost com /2021/12/01/denver-fentanyl- bust-arrests/ 2016/06/17--https //www forbes com/ sites/scottbeyer /2016/06/17/mexican-nationals-are- transforming-san- antonio/?sh=43a14dcdab6d 2021/06/25--https //radio foxnews com/2021/06/25/arizona-ad-mark- brnovich-biden-harris-broke-the- border-so-they-own-this/ 2021/06/29--https //www foxnews com/politics/south-dakota-kristi- noem-troops-texas-tackle-border- crisis 2021/05/14--https //www frontpagemag com/fpm/2021/05/dhs-created- operation-sentinel-combat-human- michael-cutler/ https //fronterasdesk org /content/1742365/dhs-will-begin- fixing-border-wall-problems-arizona 2021/06/23--https //fronterasdesk org/content/1693866/plan-bring- police-arizonas-border-welcome- nebulous https //www immigrationreform com/2021/11/11/illegal-immigration- going-unpunished- immigrationreform-com/ https //www kktv com /2021/08/10/ sophisticated-underground-tunnel- discovered-near-us-mexico-border… https //www kut org/ texasstandard /2021-07-02/at-abbotts-invitation- out-of-state-law-enforcement-and- national-guard-members-head-to- the-border 2021/08/15--https //www lawenforcementtoday com/in- bombshell-ruling-us-district-judge- rules-biden-must-reinstate-trumps- remain-in-mexico- program/#:~:text=A%20federal%20ju dge%20has%20ruled%20that%20the %20Biden,stay%20in%20Mexico%20 while%20awaiting%20their%20asylu m%20applications https //www msn com/en-us /news/us/twice-as-many-migrants- crossed-border-illegally-last-month- than-january-2021-data-shows/ar- AAU3fXn?ocid= uxbndlbing https //myrgv com/the- monitor/2021/12/03/mistaken http //www newsmax com/newsfront/senators-ted-cruz- title-42- migrants/2021/07/13/id/1028410/ https //nypost com /2021/11/19 /migrant-caravan-heads-to-us-after- biden-failed-to-press-issue-in- mexico/ https //pjmedia com/news-and- politics/athena-thorne/2021/11/11/as- october-shatters-yet-another- border-arrests-record-guess-which- judge-tried-to-block-illegal- immigrant-expulsions-n1531954 https //www politico com/ news/magazine/2021/07/10/republica n-governors-national-guard-texas- mexico-border-499040 2021/07/12--https //www tn gov/governor/news/2021/7/12/gov-- lee-visits-southern-border---this-is-a- national-security-crisis-html https //www upi com /Top_News/US/2021/09/26/Mayorkas- 12000-Haitian-migrants-released- United-States/7831632678558/ 2021/02/12--http //azborderdefenders org/as-amnesty-talk-continues-and- enforcement-loosens-illegal-border- crossings-are-on-the-rise/ 2021/03/26--https //thedebrief org/cartels-are-using-narco-drones- to-smuggle-drugs-across-us-border/ 2021/04/27--https //www dhs gov /news/ 2021/04/27/ dhs-announces- operation-target-criminal- smuggling-organizations 2021/03/04--https //www eastbaytimes com/2021/03/04/13- people-were-killed-in-horrific-crash- after-entering-california-through- hole-in-mexico-border-fence- officials-say/ 2021/03/12--https //www elpasotimes com /story /news/crime/2021/03/12/cbp-arrests- 22-fugitives-el-paso-west-texas-new- mexico-ports-entry/4673565001/ 2021/03/15--https //www foxnews com/politics/texas-members-of- congress-demand-lawsuit-against- biden-for-border-crisis 2021/06/23--https //fronterasdesk org/content/1693866/plan-bring- police-arizonas-border-welcome- nebulous 2021/06/23--https //www immigration reform com/2021/06/23/governors-help- texas-border-immigrationreform- com/ 2021/05/28--https //www law enforcementtoday com/border- crisis-texas-ranchers-struggle-as- encounters-with-illegal-immigrants- increase/ https://www.lawenforcementtoday.c om/in-bombshell-ruling-us-district- judge-rules-biden-must-reinstate- trumps-remain-in-mexico- program/#:~:text=A%20federal%20ju dge%20has%20ruled%20that%20the %20Biden,stay%20in%20Mexico%20 while%20awaiting%20their%20asylu m%20applications 2021/05/18--https //minuteman- militia com/2021/05/18/coast-guard- rescues-23-illegal-immigrants-from- smuggling-boat-stuck-off-california- coast/ 2021/03/03--https //www nbcnews com/news/us-news/federal- authorities-launch-human- smuggling-investigation-deadly- california-crash-n1259436 2021/03/10--https //www sandiego uniontribune com /news /border- baja-california/story/2021-03- 10/mexican-migrants-remittances 2021/02/22--https //timesofsandiego com/crime/2021/02/22/16-arrested- during https //www washingtonexaminer com/opinion/editorials/joe-bidens- border-crisis 2021/05/19--https //vifreepress com/2021/05/coast-guard-directs-66- illegal-dominican-migrants-back-to- hispaniola/ https //www westernjournal com/texas-arizona-governors-ask- states-send-police-border-crisis- rages/ https //news wfsu org/state- news/2021-06-18/desantis-pledges- to-send-officers-to-mexico-borders- in-texas-arizona The Hill-2021-04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= F-15gehaOJY
August 2021 KKTV dot com 2021/08/10 Sophisticated’ underground tunnel discovered near US-Mexico border. Tony Keith https //www kktv com/2021/08/10/sophisticated-underground-tunnel-discovered-near-us-mexico-border… CALEXICO, Calif. (KKTV) - Authorities discovered an underground tunnel that investigators believe drug traffickers were planning to use near the U.S.-Mexico border. In early August, the U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement shared details on the discovery with the public. The 183-foot long subterranean tunnel was found in Mexicali, just south of the international border. The sophisticated tunnel ran just 3 feet north of the border wall but didn’t have an exit on the U.S. side of the border. Law Enforcement 2021/08/15 In bombshell ruling, US District Judge rules Biden must reinstate Trump’s “remain in Mexico” program https //www lawenforcementtoday com/in-bombshell-ruling-us-district-judge-rules-biden-must-reinstate- trumps-remain-in-mexico- program/#:~:text=A%20federal%20judge%20has%20ruled%20that%20the%20Biden,stay%20in%20Mexico%20w hile%20awaiting%20their%20asylum%20applications. July 2021 ABC News dot go dot com 2021/07/22 Texas begins jailing border crossers on trespassing charges. Texas is beginning to arrest migrants on trespassing charges along the U.S.-Mexico border. By PAUL J. WEBER Associated Press https //abcnews go com/US/wireStory/texas-begins-jailing-border-crossers-trespassing-charges-79002820 Excerpt: AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas is beginning to arrest migrants on trespassing charges along the U.S.-Mexico border as part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's actions that he says are needed to slow the number of border crossings, jailing at least 10 people so far with more on the way, authorities said Thursday. The arrests put in motion plans that Abbott first announced in June, when he also said that Texas would continue building former President Donald Trump's border wall and called on other governors to deploy law enforcement and National Guard members to the southern border. https //abcnews go com/US/wireStory/texas-begins-jailing-border-crossers-trespassing-charges-79002820 CBP dot gov [also found in Trafficking/Stash Houses-Humans] 2021/07/16 El Paso Sector Agents locate stash houses and $600k worth of Methamphetamine https //www cbpgov/newsroom/local-media-release/el-paso-sector-age nts-locate-stash-houses-and-600k-worth Excerpt: Chaparral, New Mexico: -67 undocument migrants: 44 Guatemalans, 16 Ecuadorans, five Mexicans, one El Salvadorian, and one Honduran. San Elizario, Texas: 43 undocumented; 0 Ecuadorans, 11 Peruvians, 10 Mexicans, one Honduran, and one Unaccompanied Child from Guatemala. Vado, New Mexico: 24 undocumented migrants: 18 Ecuadorans, four Guatemalans, and two Mexicans. Concho Valley 2021/07/29 Rep. Pfluger’s bill to seal tunnels between U.S. and Mexico advanced by House Committee on Homeland Security by: Senora Scott https //www conchovalleyhomepage com/news/local-news/rep-pflugers-bill-to-seal-tunnels-between-u-s-and- mexico-advanced-by-house-committee-on-homeland-security/ The bill is called the DHS Illicit Cross-Border Tunnel Defense Act (H.R. 4209). Pfluger says this bill aims to help secure the southern border by developing a plan and providing funding. Pfluger says the funding will help with resources, training, and technology. KUT DOT ORG 2021/07/02 At Abbott’s Invitation, Out-Of-State Law Enforcement And National Guard Members Head To The Border KUT 90.5 | By Michael Marks 2021/07/02--https //www kut org/texasstandard/2021-07-02/at-abbotts-invitation-out-of-state-law- enforcement-and-national-guard-members-head-to-the-border NewsMax 2021/07/13 GOP Senators Introduce Bill to Extend Title 42 Border Expulsions. By Charlie McCarthy http //www newsmax com/newsfront/senators-ted-cruz-title-42-migrants/2021/07/13/id/1028410/ Democrats dot Senate dot gov Fentanyl Sanction https //www democrats senate gov /imo/media/doc/Fentanyl%20Sanctions%20Act%20One%20Page%20Summary pdf Politico 2021/07/10 Why Are Republican Governors Sending National Guard to the Border? Can a Nebraska highway cop arrest someone in Texas? Are there really more border-crossers now? An attempt at answering simple questions about a complicated topic. By Jack Herrera 2021/07/10--https //www politico com/news/magazine/2021/07/10/republican-governors-national-guard-texas- mexico-border-499040 July 2021 TN dot gov 2021/07/12 Gov. Lee visits Southern Border: “This is a National Security Crisis” 300 Tennessee National Guard Troops Stationed at the Border https //www tn gov/governor/news/2021/7/12/gov--lee-visits-southern-border---this-is-a-national-security-crisis- html June 2021 American Military News 2021/06/11 https //americanmilitarynews com/2021/06/illegal-immigrant-apprehensions-spike-674-in-may-compared-to- last-year/ The Blaze dot com 2021/06/07 New Mexico rancher says property is 'under siege,' details how illegal immigration is poisoning livestock and driving cattle away from food. By Chris Field. https //www theblazecom/news/new-mexico-rancher-illegal-immigration-killing-cattle Forbes 2016/06/17 Mexican nationals are transforming San Antonio https //www forbes com/ sites/scottbeyer /2016/06/17/mexican-nationals-are-transforming-san- antonio/?sh=43a14dcdab6d Fox News Radio 2021/06/25 Arizona AG Mark Brnovich: Biden & Harris “Broke The Border So They Own This https //radio foxnews com/2021/06/25/arizona-ad-mark-brnovich-biden-harris-broke-the-border-so-they-own- this/ Fox News 2021/06/29 South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem sends 50 National Guard troops to Texas to help tackle border crisis. The governors of Arizona and Texas have asked states to help with the border crisis. By Adam Shaw. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/south-dakota-kristi-noem-troops-texas-tackle-border-crisis Fronteras 2021/06/23 Plan To Bring Police To Arizona's Border Is Welcome But Nebulous. By Michel Marizco https //fronterasdesk org/content/1693866/plan-bring-police-arizonas-border-welcome-nebulous Immigration Reform 2021/06/23 Governors help Texas Border. By Madison McQueen https //www immigrationreform com/2021/06/23/governors-help-texas-border-immigrationreform-com/ Western Journal 2021/06/11 Texas and Arizona Governors Ask Other States to Send Police to Border as Crisis Rages. By Kipp Jones https //www westernjournal com/texas-arizona-governors-ask-states-send-police-border-crisis-rages/ WFSU 2021/06/18 DeSantis Pledges To Send Officers To Mexico Borders In Texas, Arizona. By Blaise Gainey https //news wfsu org/state-news/2021-06-18/desantis-pledges-to-send-officers-to-mexico-borders-in-texas- arizona May 2021 Law Enforcement Today 2021/05/28 What’s really happening at the border: Texas ranchers struggle as encounters with illegal immigrants increase. By Scott A. Davis. https //www lawenforcementtoday com/border-crisis-texas-ranchers-struggle-as-encounters-with-illegal- immigrants-increase/ Front Page Mag dot com 2021/05/14DHS created operation sentinel combat. By Michael Cutler https //www frontpagemag com/fpm/2021/05/dhs-created-operation-sentinel-combat-human-michael-cutler/ Minuteman Militia 2021/05/18 Coast Guard Rescues 23 Illegal Immigrants From Smuggling Boat Stuck off California Coast. By Tom Ozimek https //minuteman-militia.com/2021/05/18/coast-guard-rescues-23-illegal-immigrants-from-smuggling-boat- stuck-off-california-coast/ VI Free Press 2021/05/19 COAST GUARD DIRECTS 66 ILLEGAL DOMINICAN MIGRANTS BACK TO HISPANIOLA. By VI Free Press https //vifreepress com/2021/05/coast-guard-directs-66-illegal-dominican-migrants-back-to-hispaniola/ April 2021 DHS dot gov 2021/04/27 DHS announces operation target criminal smuggling organizations https //www dhs gov/news/2021/04/27/dhs-announces-operation-target-criminal-smuggling-organizations March 2021 Debrief dot org 2021/03/26 CARTELS ARE USING ‘NARCO-DRONES’ TO SMUGGLE DRUGS ACROSS US BORDER. By Christoper Plain https //thedebrief org/cartels-are-using-narco-drones-to-smuggle-drugs-across-us-border/ East Bay Times 2021/03/04 13 people were killed in horrific crash after entering California through hole in Mexico border fence https //www eastbaytimes com/2021/03/04/13-people-were-killed-in-horrific-crash-after-entering-california- through-hole-in-mexico-border-fence-officials-say/ El Paso Times dot com 2021/03/12 CBP arrests 22 fugitives El Paso West Texas New Mexico ports entry. By Aaron Martinez 2021/03/12--https //www elpasotimes com /story /news/crime/2021/03/12/cbp-arrests-22-fugitives-el-paso-west- texas-new-mexico-ports-entry/4673565001/ Fox News 2021/03/15 Texas members of Congress demand lawsuit against Biden for border 'crisis'. By Marisa Schultz. Lawmakers want AG Ken Paxton to sue to ensure people caught crossing illegally during the pandemic are turned away 2021/03/15--https //www foxnews com/politics/texas-members-of-congress-demand-lawsuit-against-biden-for- border-crisis NBC San Diego 2021/03/03 Federal authorities launch human smuggling investigation after deadly California crash Ten of the 13 people who were killed were Mexican nationals, officials said. By Wilson Wong 2021/03/03--https //www nbcnews com/news/us-news/federal-authorities-launch-human-smuggling- investigation-deadly-california-crash-n1259436 San Diego Union Tribune 2021/03/10 Mexican migrants in the U.S. sent more money home in 2020 to keep families afloat.By Wendy Fry. 2021/03/10--https //www sandiegouniontribune com/news/border-baja-california/story/2021-03-10/mexican- migrants-remittances February 2021 Times of San Diego 2021/02/22 16 arrested during brazen smuggling attempt high speed chase 2021/02/22--https //timesofsandiego com/crime/2021/02/22/16-arrested-during 2021/02/12 posted on az borders in april; 2021/02/12--http //azborderdefenders org/as-amnesty-talk-continues-and-enforcement-loosens-illegal-border- crossings-are-on-the-rise/ MISC. SUBJECTS BORDER PATROL CHECKPOINTS AND BORDER CROSSINGS START HERE Articles Washington Examiner Opinion Editorials Joe Biden’s Border Crisis https //www washingtonexaminer com/opinion/editorials/joe-bidens-border-crisis LAWSUITS - BORDER ISSUES Comments from PF: Watch for Trends in various ways. For example, MPM lawsuits can lead to a shift in demographics, hiring practices, increased black or minority ads at the company or site, etc.; the company can become intimidated, there might be hidden extortion at the locus; so watch the before and after VIDEOS The Hill 2021 April Republican senators released video that "uncovered the truth" behind the border crisis https //www youtube com/watch?v=F-15gehaOJY In this video, we see some border patrol experts discussing their experiences with immigrants crossing the border. "They were mocking us, telling us there was nothing we could do about it." Reinstate Mexico Law Enforcement Today Texas and Missouri had sought a preliminary injunction against the suspension of the policy, officially known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/in-bombshell-ruling-us-district-judge-rules-biden-must-reinstate-trumps- remain-in-mexico- program/#:~:text=A%20federal%20judge%20has%20ruled%20that%20the%20Biden,stay%20in%20Mexico%20while% 20awaiting%20their%20asylum%20applications.
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