POLICE STATEGeneralThe Great ResetStasiIN THIS SECTIONLinks List Start Here Zersetzung Summary of reasons and tactics behind Stasi-like antics How to Resist Stasi Articles LINKS LISThttps //www bbc com/news/world-europe-23986385https //www bbc com/news/magazine-23978501https //www bstu deen/https //www dailymail co uk/news/article-7655265/The-sprinter-ran-away-Incredible-story-East-German-athlete-tortured-Stasi.htmlwww everythingunderthemoon net/articles/christian-brainwashing htmhttps //www haaretz com/1.5110928https //wwwghi-dc org/fileadmin/publications/Bulletin_Supplement/Supplement_9/supp9.pdfhttps //www ted com/talks/hubertus_knabe_the_dark_secrets_of_a_surveillance_state/transcripthttps //time com/3724509/go-inside-east-germanys-stasi-archives/https //www washingtonpost com/archive/opinions/1990/10/14/east-germanys-dirty-secret/09375b6f-2ae1-4173-a0dc-77a9c276aa4b/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d8a1c3ce2893https //en wikipedia org/wiki/Zersetzunghttps //www wilsoncenter org/blog-post/north-korea-and-the-east-german-stasi-1987-1989https //www wsj com/articles/the-stasi-spies-in-seminary-11573167373https //www newyorker com/magazine/2012/01/16/inquiring-mindsYoutube: Stasi: Paving Way Global Gangstalking-Targeted in Aberdeen.Published on Mar 2, 2017https //www youtube com/watch?v=b0oW49CSyCoSeveral sources are in German - these are some that came off the Wikipedia/Zersetzung page:https //www bstu de/informationen-zur-stasi/quellensammlungen/die-grundsatzdokumente-des-ministeriums-fuer-staatssicherheit/Sonja Süß: Repressive Strukturen in der SBZ/DDR – Analyse von Strategien der Zersetzung durch Staatsorgane der DDR gegenüber Bürgern der DDR. In: Materialien der Enquete-Kommission "Überwindung der Folgen der SED-Diktatur im Prozeß der Deutschen Einheit". (13. Wahlperiode des Deutschen Bundestages). Volume 2: Strukturelle Leistungsfähigkeit des Rechtsstaats Bundesrepublik Deutschland bei der Überwindung der Folgen der SED-Diktatur im Prozeß der deutschen Einheit. Opfer der SED-Diktatur, Elitenwechsel im öffentlichen Dienst, justitielle Aufarbeitung. Part 1. Nomos-Verlags-Gesellschaft u. a. Baden-Baden 1999, ISBN 3-7890-6354-1, pp. 193–250.Rainer Schröder: Geschichte des DDR-Rechts: Straf- und Verwaltungsrecht Archived March 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, forum historiae iuris, 6 avril 2004. Falco Werkentin: Recht und Justiz im SED-Staat. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 1998, 2. durchgesehene Auflage 2000, S. 67 Sandra Pingel-Schliemann: Zerstörung von Biografien. Zersetzung als Phänomen der Honecker-Ära. In: Eckart Conze/Katharina Gajdukowa/Sigrid Koch-Baumgarten (Hrsg.): Die demokratische Revolution 1989 in der DDR. Köln 2009, S. 78–91.Art. 2 des Vertrages über die Grundlagen der Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik vom 21. Dezember 1972. In: Matthias Judt (Hrsg.): DDR-Geschichte in Dokumenten – Beschlüsse, Berichte, interne Materialien und Alltagszeugnisse. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung Bd. 350, Bonn 1998, S. 517. Art. 1 Abs. 3 UN-Charta. DokumentierSee also: River Gold dot net - there are several sections there that relate to mind control, psychic or psychotronic attack, psychological operations, a variety of woo woo topics, and more-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------START HERE“The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships.” (Wikipedia)“Roughly one in seven was a Stasi informer.” (photo insert comment from BBC on Stasi disguises below)“One in sixty…” (from Max Hertzberg, see below)Video: The Dark Secrets of Surveillance [A Run-Down of Stasi World] https://www.ted.com/talks/hubertus_knabe_the_dark_secrets_of_a_surveillance_state/transcript#t-299323Stasi was essentially KGBThe East German Ministry for State Security (MfS or Stasi) was established and developed under the strict control of the Soviet secret services (the NKVD, the MGB, and finally the KGB). Up until the very end of its existence, the MfS worked closely together with the KGB.(Wilson Center dot org)ZERSETZUNGWhat is Zersetzung: it’s a technique used by StasiZersetzung (German for "decomposition") is a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s. Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities… Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn't try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions…Moreover, methods of Zersetzung included espionage, overt, hidden, and feigned; opening letters and listening to telephone calls; encroachments on private property; manipulation of vehicles; and even poisoning food and using false medications.[37] Certain collaborators of the Stasi tacitly took into account the suicide of victims of Zersetzung. [(See Wikipedia below)SUMMARY OF STASI-LIKE TACTICSMax HerzbergSpies, crime and hopepunkhttps //www maxhertzberg co uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/[Accessed from Internet 2020/11/10]The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to:create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money and personal (sexual) relations;hinder and sabotage activities by the use of one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc;isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumours regarding unacceptable behaviour and political views etc.…intelligence from surveillance and the use of informants was rarely used to actually gain evidence for a prosecution – the Stasi desperately needed the huge amount of information it was processing in order to justify its own existence (along with the salaries and expenses of its officers and staff). If anything, this made the Stasi more dangerous to activists – the Stasi’s dependency on gathering intelligence and mounting operations made the surveillance, Zersetzung and sabotage more likely to happen, along with the associated human cost.https //www maxhertzberg co uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/Minority Power Movement/LGBT Stasi-Like TacticsWhat could be happening here is this:-Ex-Stasi saying well you think it was us white Germans and Russians, America: you stand there feeling superior to us, saying you are whites better than our kind of whites. OK: We will turn your minorities on you, and then how will you think?Replicaiton, paybacks, forced empathy: Ex-victims of the Nazis and/or USSR angry that the United States did not do more to stop their oppressors, or acting like Jews were easy and just walked into the Holocaust gas chambers without a fight…could be replicating their experiences onto mostly white Americans using minorities as their spokespeople and actors.Minorities themselves operating as judge and jury - including perhaps the Jews above - to give white America a taste of what they experienced (Misery Loves Company)There could be third party overseers and primary movers manipulate people and events based on past historical events in such a way they will punish non-thinkers and non-doers (apathy or negligence) and will reward people who push against the grain, stand up to the tyrants, speak out and seek alternatives before it is too late and there is a takeover of tyrants - despite the fact they, themselves have promoted the tyrants into being, perhaps covering some points listed above, like “paybacks” or “forced empathy.”Radical Islam Might have trained under actual East German StasiRadical Islam has had direct support from USSR and Russian oligarchy, ie, aid in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as many other placesNazi were present in Argentina after World War II and might have set up hidden operations and might have influenced the local populations; this kind of thing might have been present in isolated pockets across Latin America and the rest of HispaniaGerman Scientists were taken in by various major powers after World War II, including the United States and the USSR. Some German scientists went into Egypt.USSR and Russian oligarchy Jewish have moved to Israel. We don’t hear a lot about how this could have infiltrated Israel with Russian extremist and Stasi-like ways.How to resist Stasi and similar tacticsNote from PF: This looks like good advicehttps //www maxhertzberg co.uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/Excerpt: Many people succumbed to pressure from the Stasi and other security forces, often because of mental health difficulties (brought about by the pressure) or through a process that was commonly called ‘inner migration’: giving up political and social beliefs, following the path of least resistance and ceasing oppositional activity.On the other hand resistance to Zersetzung was remarkably commonplace, and activists found ways to remain both healthy and active. When East German activists talk today about how they managed to continue their activism, the same points come up again and again, these are summarised below.Support from friends and other activists was essential – a circle of close friends who shared an understanding of the political and policing situation was probably the most effective way to counter the Stasi. With such friends activists could talk openly about fears, suspicions and needs – they could work out ways to deal with the pressure. They spent time with these friends doing non-activism related activities which helped to build trust in the group. This helped them to know that if things got bad for them, they could both trust their friends, and be trusted by them; they would be there if help and support were needed. As a group they would make plans for possible situations – for example, who would take care of the children in case of arrest or even imprisonment, or who could provide a ‘safe house’ if somebody was being shadowed and needed a break.https //www maxhertzberg co.uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STASI, EAST GERMANY (GDR) RELATED TO TERRORISMWashington Post 1990/10/14 East Germany’s Dirty Secret. By Lally Weymouth https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1990/10/14/east-germanys-dirty-secret/09375b6f-2ae1-4173-a0dc-77a9c276aa4b/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d8a1c3ce2893The defector, who insisted on anonymity, described a GDR that has been a haven for terrorists of all kinds. "Carlos" (Illich Ramirez Sanchez), an international terror chieftain, was welcomed to East Berlin, as were George Habash, head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Abu Nidal, the ultra-radical Palestinian, and Abu Daoud, who organized the massacre of the Israeli Olympic team at Munich in 1972. Yasser Arafat, the PLO leader, was a frequent visitor. In East German training camps, terrorists and would-be terrorists were taught sabotage and related arts -- some of the "students" were Sandinistas, others were Chilean "dissidents."https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1990/10/14/east-germanys-dirty-secret/09375b6f-2ae1-4173-a0dc-77a9c276aa4b/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d8a1c3ce2893ARTICLESBBC2013/09/06 In pictures: Secret disguises of the Stasihttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-23986385Everything Under the Moon:www.everythingunderthemoon.net/articles/christian-brainwashing.htm This website shows magic spells and various symbols, very well might have a hidden agenda. However, I think the writer makes some important points which can at least be a starting point for other readings and investigations. It can be a way to encourage sales. It also can be an occult way of saying: Here is the answer out of the maze - only to do something on an energy level that creates more entrapment. Excerpt: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Summary of Contents: The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques Vow to keep agreements Physical and mental fatigue Increase the tension Uncertainty Jargon & Vicious LanguageNo humor Stockholm Syndrome Decognition Process Alertness Reduction Programmed Confusion Thought StoppingTrue Believers & Mass Movements Persuasion Techniques Yes Set Truisms Suggestion Imbedded CommandsInterspersal Technique Visualization Shock and Confusion Subliminal Programming: Mass Misuse Vibrato Extra Low Frequencies The Neurophonewww.everythingunderthemoon.net/articles/christian-brainwashing.htmMax HerzbergSpies, crime and hopepunkhttps //www maxhertzberg co uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/[Accessed from Internet 2020/11/10]The aim of the Zersetzung was to ‘switch off’ the group by rendering it ineffective, with an interim goal of hindering any positive media or public exposure. The usual ways to switch groups off were to:create conflict between members – particularly useful subjects for sowing discord were those of a philosophical or political nature, money and personal (sexual) relations;hinder and sabotage activities by the use of one or more infiltrators, who would agree to do tasks, but not get round to doing them, lose materials and equipment, repeatedly request changes and further edits of materials to slow down production, attempt to divert the group into more harmless activities etc;isolate the groups from other activists, eg by spreading rumours regarding unacceptable behaviour and political views etc.https //www maxhertzberg co uk/background/politics/stasi-tactics/The New Yorker2012/01/16 Inquiring Minds: The Spanish Inquisition revisited. Adam Gopnikhttps //www newyorker com/magazine/2012/01/16/inquiring-minds…[Catholic Inquisition] fanaticism, its implicit totalitarianism (with inquisitors investigating every crevice of its victims’ lives, from how they cooked chicken to how they made love), its sheer bureaucratic brutality—in short, its surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency, and fanatical devotion to the Pope—make it central to who we are and what we do. Its thumbprint is everywhere: the Gestapo, the K.G.B., the Stasi. Even our own Guantánamo-making apparatus—more than twelve hundred government organizationshttps //www newyorker com/magazine/2012/01/16/inquiring-mindsWilson Center: (2017/05/08) North Korea and the east german stasi 1987-1989. By Bernd Schaeferhttps //www wilsoncenter org/blog-post/north-korea-and-the-east-german-stasi-1987-1989Excerpt: A large body of East German Stasi files in Berlin help to mitigate this deficit—thanks to the closeness between East Germany (the German Democratic Republic) and North Korea between 1987 and 1989. Following reciprocated leadership visits in 1984 and 1986, East Germany and North Korea shared a common skepticism against the socialist reforms under way in the Soviet Union and China. A telling sign, during those years North Korea withdrew all its students from its two large communist neighbors, China and the USSR, and sent hundreds of students to East Germany for education. It also sent military cadres to East Germany for training and factory workers for revenue.https //www wilsoncenter org/blog-post/north-korea-and-the-east-german-stasi-1987-1989Zerzetsunghttps //en wikipedia org/wiki/ZersetzungExcerpt (continued from Start Here above) a method of operation by the Ministry for State Security for an efficacious struggle against subversive activities, particularly in the treatment of operations. With Zersetzung one can influence hostile and negative individuals across different operational political activities, especially the hostile and negative aspects of their dispositions and beliefs, so these are abandoned and changed little by little, and, if applicable, the contradictions and differences between the hostile and negative forces would be laid open, exploited, and reinforced…The Stasi used Zersetzung essentially as a means of psychological oppression and persecution.[14] Findings of operational psychology[15] were formulated into method at the Stasi's College of Law (Juristische Hochschule der Staatssicherheit, or JHS), and applied to political opponents in an effort to undermine their self-confidence and self-esteem. Operations were designed to intimidate and destabilise them by subjecting them to repeated disappointment, and to socially alienate them by interfering with and disrupting their relationships with others as in social undermining. The aim was to induce personal crises in victims, leaving them too unnerved and psychologically distressed to have the time and energy for anti-government activism….…In 2016, Zersetzung-like harassment was reported by the American press as carried out by Russia's secret services against U.S. diplomats posted in Moscow as well as in unspecified "several other European capitals"; the U.S. government's efforts to raise the issue with the Kremlin were said to have brought no positive reaction.[64] The Russian Embassy's reply was cited by The Washington Post as implicitly admitting and defending the harassment as a response to what Russia called U.S. provocations and mistreatment of Russian diplomats in the United States.[64] The Russian Foreign Ministry's spokesperson in turn accused the FBI and CIA of provocations and "psychological pressure" vis-a-vis the Russian diplomats. https //en wikipedia org/wiki/ZersetzungUpdates: 2020/11/10 page started Stasi
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