COMMENTARY The sheer tragedy of Chinese Communist Tyranny is that it has been going on so long. Generations of people have suffered. It is suspected that one thing to watch for are LOANS in America connected to China, in which individual people, not just government and big business, might have hidden Chinese watchers and controllers over their lans. Also, it is suspected WALMART might be linked to Chinese surveillance and antics. Not proven, but student loans in America might be linked to these problems. Some people have suggested America should just back off of loans to China and start fresh. Given Chinese human rights abuses, possible dishonesty over COVID-19 dissolving the relationship entirely is probably the best way to go, including stopping imports and ceasing payments of loans. Keep at top of mind awareness Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hong Kong the latest victim of suppression and spread. Hong Kong was more westernized and progressive. We understand the Chinese people are not the government of China, they are human like the rest of us, they cry, they feel pain, they often are capable of great heroic acts in the name of personal and group liberty. China government likes to use civil rights in America to further its agenda, but brown people oppress brown people in China. They want America to forget that part. Native Americans and the Black Power Movement in their wisest sanity will stay clear of China, particularly its bribes and shallow offers of business enterprises. Be mindful of media groups who boast of China’s leaders, showing photos with various wealthy people and government leaders around the world embarking on this or that huge business venture. Be mindful of two-facedness among news groups, one time celebrating China’s prowess and the next talking about its human rights abuses. The sadness of China has been with us a long time. What do you think could help tip the scales and send this country into a Soviet Union and East German type of breakup and ungluing? One that stays unglued, unlike the subsequent Russian Oligarchy which formed shortly after the Soviet dissolution. So many heroes have tried to fight the huge monster that is China. Ethical groups among the Hawaiians, Alaskan indigenous and American continental Native Americans will stay clear of China. They will also encourage other minorities to do the same. This is the only sane and humanitarian tactic to take. Anyone worth their salt about civil rights as human rights for all people will be a straight shooter when it comes to China. They will not have forked tongues. They will say one thing and mean one thing. They also will not look the other way. Side Discussion on Hawaii 2020/11/28 This will be put in Personal Notes later I know Hawaii seems a far cry from China. However, it’s about doorways. The warning about Hawaii on this website and River Gold dot net shows up repeatedly. Here it is again. I know it is off the subject, but Hawaii needs to come into our discussion here. In my opinion, Hawaii is under the thumb of an Asian control group, with China, Japan and wealthy mostly native Hawaiians primary leaders. Russians are also a strong presence. There are also Portuguese, Koreans, Vietnamese and several others on the island, as well as many racial mixes. The non-white political leaders on the island use civil rights against white America as part of their game tactics, but ultimately it is about money, power and prestige, having largely replaced the old white power group with a newer set of actors. These new leaders are actually potentially much more sinister than the first because they are often globally connected and all-encompassing. Feeling and being negative toward whites is very much a part of the overall Hawaii ethos, keeping whites down and out and low in power. Although you will find individual Hawaiians saying they don’t play that game, they often do it from a feeling of subconscious elitism, like they are stepping down to do whites a favor. Some Hawaiians feed on whites feeling ostracized and isolated in one of several ways: sex, drugs, getting them into cults, or subtle forms of head trips. I have heard some Asian men brag they find white women easy sex for this reason. Once you had lived on Hawaii and looked past the veneer, you would not be surprised over Black Lives Matter protests and riots on the mainland - they are all part of the same issue. The island of Hawaii is one big Black Lives Matter movement made up of mostly browns and some dark browns and blacks. Some blacks have found Hawaiians to be discriminatory toward them. Others have had a better time in Hawaii. There are whites who flow with the Hawaii system and like it. I feel many of these are willing to let others lead and they are the types who feel most comfortable with conformity. I also feel they often don’t have a strong sense of personal identity. For people who stand up for themselves and can sense what is going on around them, they can tend to butt heads with the Hawaiians. As such, a person might get on a target list that is not so far removed from a Chinese Communist type of black list. It will have both an Asian aspect, a Hawaiian gang or mafia one, as well as a civil rights one if directed against a white person. The Portland Airport area might have been one area of control for a form of gangstalking or running strings, but I feel it is systemic, running across the state. It’s just there might be more players around Portland. I had the feeling of being watched and followed from the coast to Portland, had a sense of an upcoming car break-in or theft, and felt it might be linked to an upcoming flight to Hawaii in such a way Hawaiian thugs might have been part of the issue. Four years later, seeing the Portland area riots, it seems likely I had been targeted by a similar entrenched network. A possible Hawaii connection to a black and Native American one in Oregon should not escape our investigative awareness. I also experienced papers likely gotten into and identity theft shortly after that and in the year afterward. I had felt rushed making a plane I had already missed once, could not get into a monthly storage facility at the last minute and ended up parking the car in longterm parking at the hotel I was staying, requiring I come back early from Hawaii to deal with the car. Rather than miss the flight again, I opted for this route. As a result, my car and its belongings were nowhere near as secure and the car was broken into immediately. This happened at the Super 8 in the Fall of 2015. I had a bad feeling over my car before during and after and came back in a few days, not the week I had planned originally and sure enough, the car had indeed been vandalized, so my psychic hunch was 100 percent right. The suggests that other feelings - like being followed and watched from the coast and around the Portland metro and Airport areas were likely right, too. This same civil rights connected behavior is seen in New Mexico, another minority stronghold, but Hawaii’s global connections to tyrants is currently far more severe because of its international tourism and business tendencies. We have seen some of the uglies come out during COVID-19 in which Hawaii has presented itself as a true police state in several cases. Because the public is fearful of the disease spreading they either are relieved to have someone take the bull by the horn or they feel manipulated into saying nothing or going along. In my opinion, Hawaii is suffocated with an underlayer of Asian control that destroys the true nature and intent of the United States, and stomps on the rights of various people, including fair-skinned Caucasians. Hawaii is getting both the cherry and the cake - the big bucks dollars and the best of its USA connections, while speaking ill of America and carrying the rebellion spirit against it. Hawaii is another China in the making and has both equal rights Chinese and the government conforming type in its population and infrastructure. A certain kind of Asian mindset is ever-watchful. There is a complex Greenwich Village type of intellectual Asians on the island, but somehow there is a pervasive government control undercurrent behind everything. COVID-19 has helped to bring some of that out into the open. Minorities speak openly they like to see that whites are not in charge in Hawaii, but these people don’t pay attention to that often hidden undercurrent of China-like control that pervades everything in the state. There is kind of a mind trip against whites in the state that is its own tyranny. If you are sensitive enough to pick up those vibes, or if you have seen actual physical violence or name-calling/slurs directed at whites, you won’t have any illusions. Hawaii could be a doorway letting China as Dracula in. Hawaii became the minority elitist college wanting to keep the white riff raff out, complete with hazing and ostracizing. I believe there are Hawaiian operatives, spies and thieves on the mainland directly connected to one of several movements afloat on Hawaii. You can get on someone’s black list and be targeted. Hawaii and New Mexico do have some connections, as does Oregon and Washington, in this regard, through the Native American and native Hawaiian populations. There might be a hidden planned agenda to infiltrate white families connected with Hawaii with native peoples, not only in Hawaii but in other non-white groups. You have Hawaii Nationalism on one hand and the big bucks Japan-China thing on the other. Native Hawaiians are often racially mixed with Japanese, no or few pure bloods left. I believe I have heard none are left. Back to China, there are a growing number of Muslims who are using the media to speak out against abuses to fellow adherents in that country. It is interesting to watch the difference in tone when running up against China as contrasted with how similar groups contest the United States. You will see certain similarities but also a shift. This shift can enlighten us on countering terrorism in the United States because it gives us a window into their world not usually visible inside the US. We sympathize with anyone dealing with atrocities in China, Muslim or otherwise. Its all human and everyone suffers the same. The human rights violations are just atrocious. No one should have to suffer that just for being religiously different from the Communist regime. Excerpt: I
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