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1b-January 6 Riots-Media Bias White House, Washington DC
POLITICAL, IDEOLOGICAL, SOCIAL 1-Jan 6 Riots o Jan 6 Riots-a o Jan 6 Riots-b POTUS Higgins Memo Voting, Electoral Fourth Political Theory Far Left Latin America Fascists Trump AFDI Points Culture Reverse-Racism Strands Interconnection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERMINOLOGY Concepts, Definitions Switching (Includes taking charge of the argument, co-opting) “switching” is a process in which the actual extremist group who did the bad deed is replaced by another one in the news media, to make the other guy look bad. There is precedence: For example, Pamela Geller was a witness to deflated news coverage, See Media-2/Geller Making the Other Guy Look Bad - See Psyops (Includes taking charge of the argument, co-opting) Zone of Influence - See Psyops, Includes Surround Sound MEDIA BIAS On PBS On Time China-Media Collusion Differences in how Democrats and Republicans are handled List of Media companies List of Media Companies Also see Media-Alt News, Information on Media Companies Forbes 2016 /06/01These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies. Kate Vinton https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media- companies/?sh=6c04a4c7660a The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media … National Amusements. Unless you’re directly … Disney. Disney is probably the most well-known … TimeWarner. At the time of publication (11/7/16), … Comcast. Comcast is one of the few remaining … See full list on webfx.com https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/the-6... HOME / US MEDIA OWNERSHIP / Index of US Mainstream Media Ownership https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership On PBS National Review 2017/01/13 From Public Broadcasting to Propagandizing, By HANS A. VON SPAKOVSKY https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/pbs-liberal-political-activity-public-funding-should-end/ On Time Magazine American Thinker 2021 Time (yes, the once decent mainstream, now hard-left dreck publication still exists) https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/08/whoa_julie_kelly_rips_the_capitol_polices_michael_fanone.html June 10-24, 2022 MEDIA BIAS moved from Current Input/News Clips (yet more articles on this issue are down below) Bias in Media against Trump, against Republicans and bias for Democrats Start Here Widescale differences between how Democrats and Republicans are treated and handled in media, by police, in investigations, among courts “Some are guilty of lying to Congress or the FBI, mishandling classified information, obstruction, conspiracy, destroying evidence, and much more. A case could be made that the Mueller investigation itself destroyed evidence when it wiped clean the Strzok and Page cellphones to delete text messages requested by IG Horowitz. Yet being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry because the rule of law only applies to Republicans and conservatives. There are no pre-dawn, guns-drawn raids to arrest Democrats. 2019-How Dem’s are never indicted-American Thinker https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/02/notice_how_democrats_are_never_indicted.html Citizens Journal dot US Investors dot com 2018/08/15 Editorial Collusion By Dozens Of Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/editorial-collusion-media-bias/ That so many news outlets could be duped into participating in what is obviously a political stunt is not only disappointing but disturbing. It suggests their real agenda isn't informing people, even in their editorials, but bending the news to suit a leftist political agenda. The irony, of course, is that in participating in this Antifa-inspired mob action, the media are proving what Trump says is true. They are biased. PSU dot edu Penn State 2019/02/02 The Relationship Between the Media and Politics Posted on February 2, 2019 by Kaitlin Jean-Noel https://sites.psu.edu/kaitlincivic/2019/02/02/the-relationship-between-the-media-and-politics/ Newsweek 2020/09 Collusion Between Democrats and the Media Reaches a New Low | Opinion BORIS EPSHTEYN https://www.newsweek.com/collusion-between-democrats-media-reaches-new-low-opinion-1530176 https://www.newsweek.com/authors/angie-speaks Example: 2022/06/17 Identity Politics Is Being Used to Protect Abusers | Opinion https://www.newsweek.com/authors/boris-epshteyn Example: 2021/07/14 Biden's Iran Appeasement is Dangerous | Opinion [Note from PF: The material on the CFR below the one on the Harvard study has sounds of conspiracy theory material found across the Internet linked to the Rothschilds: read this for any insights that might be useful, but be cautious by not believing the material point-blank; additional fact checks are needed from other sources] The New American 2017/05/19 Harvard Study Confirms Media Bias Against Trump by Bob Adelmann https://thenewamerican.com/harvard-study-confirms-media-bias-against-trump/ Excerpt:Patterson stepped his way through the analysis, noting that “negative news reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent … in no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.” He noted that coverage by CNN and NBC “was the most unrelenting — negative stories about Trump outpaced positive ones by 13-to-1 on the two networks. Trump’s coverage on CBS also exceeded the 90 percent marker. Trump’s coverage exceeded the 80 percent level in the New York Times (87 percent negative) and Washington Post (83 percent negative). The Wall Street Journal came in below that level (70 percent negative), a difference largely attributable to the Journal’s more frequent and more favorable economic coverage.” …Thanks to the surprising revelations from Harvard’s Shorenstein Center there’s no longer any need to speculate about the media’s deliberate determination to destroy the Trump administration with their biased reporting, if they can. As Patterson was closing his analysis, he noted that the battle will continue for as long as Trump is in office: The news media gave Trump a boost when he entered presidential politics. But a head-on collision at some point was inevitable. It’s happened, it isn’t pretty, and it isn’t over. …But the study doesn’t dwell on the coordination of efforts by the media to destroy the Trump presidency with its evident bias. One must look elsewhere for that. One of the best sources for understanding the CFR’s control of the Washington establishment was penned by Professor James Perloff*, author of The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, in an article appearing at TheNewAmerican.com. Another source exposing the CFR’s history of infiltrating the mainstream media is that provided by Ned Dougherty. *Council on Foreign Relations 2009/07/23 Council On Foreign Relations. By James Perloff https://thenewamerican.com/council-on-foreign-relations/ On the vast problem of media bias today and that has been going on too long #1 China’s Bullying of Corporate America; China #2 Anti-Trump Bias in Media - More liberals also unhappy with it than many realize. New York Times used as example #1) China’s Bullying of Corporate America; China The Federalist 2020/04/20 How To Stop China And The Left From Controlling The World Through Intolerance BY: WILLIS L. KRUMHOLZ APRIL 20, 2020 https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/20/how-to-stop-china-and-the-left-from-controlling-the-world-through-intolerance/ Excerpt: A walk through the U.S. corporate media reveals conglomerates with ties to China. For example, NBC and Comcast, which own CNBC and MSNBC, have business ties to China. This includes a multibillion-dollar theme park being built in Beijing, and strategic ties with China’s internet search giant Baidu. Citizens Journal Communist China Is Behind Liberal Media Initiative to Destroy President Trump and America’s Independent Press. By Capt Joseph R. John https://www.citizensjournal.us/communist-china-is-behind-liberal-media-initiative-to-destroy-president-trump-and- americas-independent-press/ The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Excerpt: have been revealed to be behind the well-orchestrated daily vicious attacks by the liberal Main Stream Media (MSM) on President Trump and the history of the US. The MSM has been systematically mischaracterizing the violent riots and anarchy by Marxists led mobs in the streets, as only being “peaceful demonstrations” making requests for justice and the reform of police departments—nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) created the propaganda press entity, “United Front” that pressures the US left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment to promote Public relations beneficial to Communist China. The “United Front” has always operated within foreign political parties, colleges, and corporations to mobilize popular support for CCP, and put pressure on the governments in various countries to support the CCP’s Marxist policies. The “United Front” has been pressuring Marxist Tom Perez’s Socialist Democrat Party to support and benefit Communist China’s Economic War on the United States. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) requires the “United Front” to enforce its policies on a national level within countries, coordinating and directing their propaganda campaigns to move a nation to Socialism. Since President Trump’s election, CCP has been working against him, trying to change his national policies on the imbalance of trade, and to project their power to influence the United States’ public opinion, especially on US college campuses through the “Confucius Institute”. The “Confucius Institute”, staffed by Communist Chinese Nationals, has had a long standing tie with the “United Front”. The “Confucius Institute” was first established in the US at the University of Maryland in 2004, supposedly to promote Chinese culture, and the “Confucius Institute” has since been established at 81 US Universities. The true purpose of the “Confucius Institute” is to mold the thinking, shape the minds, and indoctrinate students and faculty members with a positive image of Communism and the Chinese Communist Party. The “Confucius Institutes” are very dangerous “subversive 5th Columns” that have been indoctrinating students and college professors in Communism since 2004. Their goal has always been to undermine the government of the United States, to “destroy” The Free Enterprise System, and to change the US Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State. Over a hundred thousand of those former and current college students, who had been indoctrinated in Communism over the last 16 years, have been rioting in the streets in support of the Marxist led mobs looting, burning businesses, and attacking Police officers in the anarchy in the streets. For many years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been employing the “United Front” to pressure US media organizations to support CCP policies, but since President Trump took on China’s imbalance of trade, Xi Jinping, has had the “Unite Front” focus on getting rid of President Trump, the “United Front” has been pressuring the MSM to promote the lie that systemic racism exists in the US, and to promote the lie that the violent riots and anarchy in the streets are peaceful demonstrations, while interfering in domestic politics by supporting the Socialist Democrat Party’s campaign to get rid of President Trump. Former CIA Operations Officer Charles “Sam” Faddis wrote an article entitled, “The United Front—How China Co-Opted the US Media” which can be read by clicking on this link andmagazine.com , the article outlines Communist China’s initiatives to take control of the US Main Stream Media establishment. Charles Faddis explains how the Chinese Communist Party puts pressure on the US Main Stream Media (The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC) to get them to promote and support Communist China’s policies that are detrimental to the United States and President Trump. For the first time in US History American Democrat leaders of the US Congress and the left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment have been colluding with Communist China to support the revolution in the streets of America, while the left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment has been suppressing reports of the violent riots and anarchy in 184 cities, and have been colluding with a Communist country to defeat a President of the United States. The goal of the treasonous collusion by American politicians with Communist China, is to take down the President of the United States, while supporting and systematically eliminating the future independence of the media establishment in the United States—effectively eliminating “Freedom of The Press” forever is alarming. In the below listed article, you will be able to read and comprehend how the Main Stream Media has been pressured to take stands that only support Communist China. Anti-Trump Bias in Media - More liberals also unhappy with it than many realize New York Times used as example Below is a copy of a search engine list for New York Times bias against Trump, but starting with a more detailed excerpt on this from Alethos. Aletho News [Note from PF: this writer has a bias against “elitists” who promoted fake news to go to war with Iraq” but otherwise the NYT material is interesting] 2016/08/04 New York Times Relentlessly Biased Against Trump. John V. Walsh. https://alethonews.com/2016/08/04/new-york-times-relentlessly-biased-against-trump/ Excerpt: An astonishing piece appeared in the New York Times (NYT) recently. It reported a fierce bias in the Times’s coverage of politics and current affairs, most notably when it comes to Donald Trump. The bias turns up not just in the opinion pages but in the News, reports Liz Spayd, the new “public editor,” a position once called the ombudsman. But the surprise does not end there. Spayd’s report is based on letters from liberal readers, which are filling her inbox to overflowing. Here are some examples that she cites: “You’ve lost a subscriber because of your relentless bias against Trump — and I’m not even a Republican,” writes an Arizonan. “I never thought I’d see the day when I, as a liberal, would start getting so frustrated with the one-sided reporting that I would start hopping over to the Fox News webpage to read an article and get the rest of the story that the NYT refused to publish,” writes a woman from California. “The NY Times is alienating its independent and open-minded readers, and in doing so, limiting the reach of their message and its possible influence,” writes a Manhattanite. Search Engine: Page 1 The New York Times’ not-so-liberal bias against Trump https://medium.com/@kylefarquharson/the-new-york... The New York Times’ not-so-liberal bias against Trump Kyle Farquharson Aug 26, 2016 · 18 min read A July 23 commentary by The New York Times’ public … The NY Times Is Relentlessly Biased Against Trump - LewRockwell https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/08/john-v-walsh/... An astonishing piece appeared in the New York Times (NYT) recently. It reported a fierce bias in the Times’s coverage of politics and current affairs, most notably when it comes to Donald Trump. The bias turns up not just in the opinion pages but in the News, reports Liz Spayd, the new “public editor,” a position once called the ombudsman. Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-n-y-times... Lichtblau soon left the Times for CNN, where he was one of three journalists fired when the network retracted and apologized for a story making … New York Times Called Out for Anti-Trump Bias by Former … https://legalinsurrection.com/2019/01/new-york... New York Times Called Out for Anti-Trump Bias by Former Executive Editor “says the Times has a financial incentive to bash the president and that the imbalance is helping to erode its credibility” Posted by Mike LaChance Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 11:00am 8 Comments How the New York Times publishes lies to serve a biased narrative https://nypost.com/2021/05/08/how-the-new-york... The Times repeatedly claimed that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick (left) was killed by a Trump-led mob — a story that has since been proved … New York Times - Media Bias/Fact Check https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times In review, the NYT utilizes emotionally loaded language in their headlines such as “Trump Again Falsely Blames Democrats for His Separation Tactic” and “A Financier’s profit-minded Mission to Open a Channel Between Kushner and North Korea ,” however, they use credible sources such as law.cornell.edu, Financial Times, and The Washington Post. New York Times Media Bias Rating | AllSides https://www.allsides.com/news-source/new-york-times Results from a March 2013 Blind Survey by AllSides confirmed The New York Times has a Lean Left bias. Third-Party Studies of New York Times Bias. A 2005 study by UCLA found The New York Times news section has a left-wing bias. A 2007 survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports found that 40% of survey respondents believed the New York Times had liberal bias, 20% … New York Times: We blew it on Trump https://nypost.com/2016/11/11/new-york-times-we-blew-it-on-trump Shocked by Trump’s victory and mocked even by liberals for its bias, the paper is also apparently bleeding readers — and money. I’ve gotten letters from people who … Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in ... - The New York … https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/business/... While there are several examples of conservative media criticism of Mr. Trump this year, the candidate and his supporters are reprising longstanding accusations of liberal bias. “ … ‘No Vacancies’ for Blacks: How Donald Trump ... - The New York … https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html In a 1973 court filing, Donald Trump denied allegations by the government that Trump Management had engaged in racial bias in its renting of apartments. The document was (Page 2 Search Engine has some repeats of Page 1 - left intact) 11-24 Of 2,510,000,000 ResultsAny time The New York Times’ not-so-liberal bias against Trump https://medium.com/@kylefarquharson/the-new-york... Aug 26, 2016 · The New York Times’ not-so-liberal bias against Trump. A July 23 commentary by The New York Times’ public editor, Liz Spayd, reads like a case study of the phenomenon that Edward Herman and ... New York Times Relentlessly Biased Against Trump https://dissidentvoice.org/2016/08/new-york-times... An astonishing piece appeared in the New York Times (NYT) recently. It reported a fierce bias in the Times’s coverage of politics and current affairs, most notably when it comes to Donald Trump. The bias turns up not just in the opinion pages but in the News, reports Liz Spayd, the new “public editor,” a position once called the ombudsman. Researchers Found No Bias in New York Times … https://www.businessinsider.com/data-finds-no-bias... Oct 17, 2019 · Researchers from Columbia and Rutgers crunched the data and found no bias from The New York Times in its Trump coverage. An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. A stylized bird ... New York Times Called Out for Anti-Trump Bias by … https://legalinsurrection.com/2019/01/new-york... Jan 03, 2019 · Talking heads on cable news frequently blur the lines between news and opinion. Supposed journalists openly root against Trump and for his opponents. It has gotten so bad that even Jill Abramson, the former executive … How the New York Times publishes lies to serve a biased narrative https://nypost.com/2021/05/08/how-the-new-york... May 08, 2021 · How the New York Times has published lies to serve a biased narrative. The NY Times has twisted the facts to serve a larger narrative, from Hitler to Trump, according to a new book. NY Post photo ... Trump Sues New York A.G. in Bid to Stop Inquiry ... - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/20/nyregion/trump-lawsuit-letitia-james.html Dec 20, 2021 · Dec. 20, 2021. Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit on Monday against the New York State attorney general, Letitia James, seeking to halt her long-running civil inquiry into his business practices and ... New York Times Admits Anti-Trump Bias, Now … www.financetwitter.com/2016/11/new-york-times... Nov 14, 2016 · N ew York Times (NYT) was one of many so-called liberal media who took side and aligned with Democrats presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Like CNN, which was mocked and joked as Clinton News Network, NYT was so … New York Times Admits Bias, But For Whom? - MintPress News https://www.mintpressnews.com/new-york-times-admits-bias/221525 Oct 18, 2016 · , Bias, Donald Trump, Mainstream Media, The New York Times, Many find the establishment media’s rather open conspiracy against Donald Trump’s candidacy to not only be acceptable, but laudatory ... New York Times editor admits paper is very, very (very) biased https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/17/... Oct 17, 2017 · New York Times editor admits paper is very, very (very) biased. Polls and analyses were already reporting that there was media bias against the … BREAKING, Proof New York Times Colluded With FBI Against Trump https://thefederalistpapers.org/opinion/breaking... Jun 21, 2019 · Just revealed that the Failing and Desperate New York Times was feeding false stories about me, & those associated with me, to the FBI. This shows the kind of unprecedented hatred I have been putting up with for years with this Crooked newspaper. Is what they have done legal?… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2019 New York Times Relentlessly Biased Against Trump, Reports -- the New … https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalreality/comments/4... An astonishing piece appeared in the New York Times (NYT) recently. It reported a fierce bias in the Times’s coverage of politics and current affairs, most notably when it comes to Donald Trump. The bias turns up not just in the opinion pages but in the News, reports Liz Spayd, the new “public editor,” a position once called the ombudsman. New York Times admits anti-Trump bias | Herald Sun https://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/new... Blogs; Andrew Bolt; New York Times admits anti-Trump bias. The New York Times admits it was so biased against Donald Trump that it never understood his appeal, but … New York investigations of The Trump Organization - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York... In response to New York AG Letitia James's subpoenas of Donald Trump and his two oldest children in the civil matter, Trump's legal team sued the AG, filed a motion seeking a stay of proceedings against her, and asked for the subpoenas to be "quashed", alleging political bias. In February 2022, a New York judge ruled in favor of James's subpoenas. Undercover video shows NYT editor revealing bias against ... - RT https://www.rt.com/usa/407024-nyt-editor-bias-project-veritas Oct 17, 2017 · The New York Times has reportedly fired an editor featured in a Project Veritas undercover video. A new video in the series shows another editor admitting to media bias and TUCKER CARLSON They are Lying! Yes, Really! Real Clear Politics https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/06/09/tucker_carlson_on_january_6th_hearing_they_are_lying_and_we_are_not_g oing_to_help_them_do_it.html REP BENNIE THOMPSON D-MISSISSIPPI 2022 Breitbart dot com 2022/06/06 January 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Declined to Oppose Riots in 1992 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/06/january-6-committee-chairman-bennie-thompson-declined-oppose-riots- 1992/ 2021 NPR 2021/02/16 House Democrat Sues Trump, Giuliani And 2 Far-Right Groups Over Capitol Riot February 16, 202112:37 PM ET https://www.npr.org/2021/02/16/968374210/house-democrat-sues-trump-giuliani-and-2-far-right-groups-over-capitol- riot#:~:text=Democratic%20Rep.%20Bennie%20Thompson%20is%20suing%20former%20President,violence%20on%20Ja n.%206%20at%20the%20U.S.%20Capitol. 2019 Free Beacon 2019/01/15 House Democrat Who Was Criticized for Appearance on Nation of Islam Radio Show Now Set to Lead Hate Group Investigation. Alex Griswald https://freebeacon.com/politics/house-democrat-who-was-criticized-for-appearance-on-nation-of-islam-radio-show-now- set-to-lead-hate-group-investigation/ Excerpt: A House Democrat who recently announced his intention to investigate right-wing hate groups once appeared on a Nation of Islam radio show and made controversial racial remarks. While split from the Louis Farrakhan-run Nation of Islam, the New Nation of Islam holds the same extremist positions that led the Southern Poverty Law Center to designate the Farrakhan branch a hate group. The New Nation opposes "intermarriage or race-mixing" and supports the segregation of the races, arguing that proponents of integration "are trying to deceive the black people into believing that their 400 year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their ‘friends.'" 2009 Washington Examiner dot com 2009/12/11 Another scandal surrounds Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/another-scandal-surrounds-rep-bennie-thompson-d-miss Excerpt: Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., fresh off of accusations that he tried to use his regulatory authority to extort campaign donations from credit card companies, is now embroiled in another ethics scandal reports Justin Elliott at Talking Points Memo: A party planning side business run by three current and former congressional staffers raked in over $20,000 last year from lobbyists holding events to honor Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) -- whose own communications director is co-founder of the firm. PETER NAVARRO Peter Navarro, former Trump aide, announces lawsuit against House subpoena for testimony about Jan. 6 Capitol attack. Bart Jansen https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2022/05/31/house-jan-6-subpoena-navarro/9985924002/ REP ANDY BIGGS ARIZONA 2022/06/10 AMERICAN GREATNESS: WHY I REFUSE TO TESTIFY BEFORE THE ILLEGITIMATE JANUARY 6 COMMITTEE Op-Eds American Greatness https://biggs.house.gov/media/op-eds/american-greatness-why-i-refuse-testify-illegitimate-january-6-committee REP JIM JORDAN OHIO https://jordan.house.gov/media https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/jim-jordan-goes-off-on-jan-6-committee-hearing-completely-partisan-production/ar- AAYjEaC?ocid=uxbndlbing See this older article from last year - relevant after last night’s material: Guardian 2021 The Trump kids look likely to turn on their dad – and I suspect Ivanka will go first Arwa Mahdawi https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/06/the-trump-kids-look-likely-to-turn-on-their-dad-and-i-suspect- ivanka-will-go-first June 9-10 REP JIM BANKS INDIANA Look at this interview with Jim Banks - I feel he represents what my first instinct was in this video: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/january-6-hearing-rep-banks-banned-from-panel-by-pelosi-describes-his-own- investigation/ar-AAYgZnx?ocid=uxbndlbing also Real Clear Politics Fox Tucker Carlson https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/06/09/gop_rep_jim_banks_sham_january_6_committee_is_a_witch_hunt.html also Fox 2022/06/10This is what the Jan. 6th committee is really about: Rep. Banks (coverup) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4CQXlZqCdg Circle of Leftists - Other Areas Patriots break through gates, storm WA Governor Jay Inslee’s mansion grounds The radical leftist governor is the latest to hear directly from the people that they aren't happy at all. by Blaine Traber January 6, 2021 https://noqreport.com/2021/01/06/patriots-break-through-gates-storm-wa-governor-jay-inslees-mansion-grounds/ COMMENTS Commentary-Notes 2022/06/23 What’s wrong with Jan 6 Select Committee 2021/08/20 2021/08/04 2021/01/13 Pre-Jan 6 ISIS-inspired Plot to attack White House and Trump Tower Post-Jan 6 suicides June 25, 2022 Is it possible a group of white thugs did not get paid for an agreement and came to collect? June 23, 2022 What’s Wrong with the Jan 6 Select Committee From Notes •Kangaroo CourtoPacking Jan 6 Committee with Democrats and questionable RepublicansoThe January 6 committee ‘hearings’ are carefully choreographed performances (All-SIdes-2022/06/23) •Two-faced: while saying it is to protect democracy, is undermining it •Verdict by committee before all investigations completed, before all evidence is in •Black speaker is unusually biased against whites and the proper moderate legal functioning of United Stateso(L-R) Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), chair of the select committee - a radical black •Pelosi is not respected or trusted by many if not most Republicans.• This could be setting precedent for other low-grade and bad behaviors •It could be encouraging illegal immigrants, terrorists and criminals - as well as the reverse-racism that had been rearing its ugly head - to now see the US an open door for derogatory anti-white, anti-American and fake and squirrelly activities •The biggest problem is so many Americans don‘t realize how squirrelly the whole thing is, or have zoned out •Some of the so-called evidence against Trump and Trump supporters could be faked •There could be “switching” - see Psyops section in this website; for example: oBlack or other radicals were apparently also seen in addition to the Trump/flag-toting rioters oLook at this whole thing as another kind of takeover: from the perspective of a Muslim, black radical and/or Chinese takeover with Republicans quietly with guns to their backs (threatened)•Spurring real and fake rage: Unfair committee is spurring rage and violence in the most extremist Trump supporters, or by actors (people dressed up as Trump supporters, foreign agents, posturing Democrats)oCould be an operation to get both groups to fight each other, divide up the nation, and to funnel energy toward a goal, one that is meant to be cathartic and to channel large sums of money toward it; also meant to be distracting from other key topics; watch the media people driving emotion in these matters as being linked to part of the perps-planners Updates: 2022/06/25 PAGE STARTED Jan 6 Riots-b Media Bias;2022/06/24; Updates: 2022/05/19 added UTT/John Guandolo live footage video of Jan 6 Riots; also removed excess bold;; 2022/0`/07 Rep. Clyde’s letter/article on Jan 6 Riots added today; 2021/08/20 Editing, additions, more menu org/links activated; 2021/08/19 PAGE STARTED-Jan 6 2021 Riots White House;
1b-JANUARY 6 RIOTS 2021 White House Riots-Media Bias o Media Biases, Democrat mafia-like controls o Important: China’s influence- o Terminology, Concepts o Comments 2022/06/23 What’s wrong with Jan 6 Select Committee Circle of Alleged or Actual Leftists - Other Areas Inslee, Jay-Governor Washington State o List of Articles on Media Ownership, Collusion and Bias Harvard Study Confirms Media Bias Against Trump These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies. The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media Time (yes, the once decent mainstream, now hard-left dreck publication still exists) 2019-How Dem’s are never indicted 2019/02/02 The Relationship Between the Media and Politics Editorial Collusion By Dozens Of Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased 2020/09 Collusion Between Democrats and the Media Reaches a New Low 2009/07/23 Council On Foreign Relations. 2017/01/13 From Public Broadcasting to Propagandizing, How To Stop China And The Left From Controlling The World Through Intolerance Communist China Is Behind Liberal Media Initiative to Destroy President Trump and America’s Independent Press-By Capt Joseph R. John-Citizens Journal etc…
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