-smart alack, a lot of defiance, it is like: you want us out, we will push YOU out; one-upmanship (competitive vendettas)
Selected News Clips and Comments (ABOUT-INPUT)
INPUT: News Clips selected for key topics, political leader statements. Some opinions are provided. This website takes the view that the source of problems can be either, neither, both or several. Recent months 2025: Jan 2024: Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May Apr Mar Feb Jan 2023: Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May April March OPERATION LONE STAR: Texas Border Wall and Security (info and donations) https //www operationlonestar texas.gov/ Study Group information moved to its own page: go here; NOTES Study Bensman-Overrun here Kamala Harris has a radical long-term agenda that supports illegal immigrants over American citizens! Child Soldiers of Portland Christopher F. Rufo takes a deep dive into the pernicious influence of so-called Critical Race Theory in the Spring 2021 issue of City Journal. Read The Child Soldiers of Portland for a closer look at the impact of this philosophy in Oregon. https://ucrcc.org/2021/05/25/recommended-reading- the-child-soldiers-of- portland/#:~:text=Recommended%20Reading:%20Th e%20Child%20Soldiers%20of https://manhattan.institute/article/the-child-soldiers- of- portland#:~:text=There%20are%20few%20places%20 on%20earth 2025 Feb 21 I think Kashyap Patel is extremely dangerous and needs to be be investigated for terrorist and/or other bad activity in india and beyond. Here is another Patel from the same region: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vallabhbhai_Patel
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
Above Photo: 1919 approx. Border Patrol History - Early Air/Cavalry 12th Aero Squadron Dayton-Wright DH- 4 flying liaison with US Cavalry on United States/Mexico border patrol https //en wikipedia org/wiki- United States_Army_Border_Air_Patrol --------------- *We often use the term democracy in its broadest sense here on this website, meaning democratic, freedom loving, not controlled by dictators, protections against corruption, and legal systems meant to protect most of the people most of the time. It also includes an effort at a true sense of balance and fair play. Image Above: Early New Mexico territorial seal depicting larger American bald eagle wing arms outstretched over smaller Mexican eagle (See Seal, Coat of Arms information below) OPERATION RESTORE OLD FORT RETRIEVE TROUBLED AREAS TO US TERRITORY Stand Tall for the USA Nothin’ Like the Good Ol’ USA Old Coat of Arms and info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ New_Mexico_Territory The Territory of New Mexico was an organized incorporated territory of the United States from September 9, 1850 until January 6, 1912. It was created from the U.S. provisional government of New Mexico, as a result of Nuevo México becoming part of the American frontier after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It existed with varying boundaries until the territory was admitted to the Union as the U.S. state of New Mexico. This jurisdiction was an organized, incorporated territory of the US for nearly 62 years, the longest period of any territory in the contiguous United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ New_Mexico_Territory Seals, Coat of Arms On the Seal: Territorial symbols Illustrated coat of arms of the New Mexico Territory, published in State Arms of the Union in 1876 A coat of arms of New Mexico was adopted by the territorial legislature in 1887, formalizing an earlier design, introduced in the early 1860s, already used in the territory's great seal. The legislation, titled "An Act adopting and establishing the coat of arms and great seal of the territory", was approved by Governor Edmund G. Ross on February The coat of arms of the territory of New Mexico shall be the Mexican Eagle grasping a serpent in its beak, the cactus in its talons, shielded by the American eagle with outspread wings, and grasping arrows in its talons. The date MDCCCL [1850], under the eagles, and above that, on a scroll, the motto: Crescit Eundo. That the great seal of the territory have the coat of arms thereon, being the same seal now used by the secretary of the territory, and that the same be adopted and established as the official seal and coat of arms of the territory of New Mexico. The "American" bald eagle's outstretched wings over the smaller "Mexican" harpy eagle represents the territory's change of sovereignty. The territorial motto, Crescit eundo (Latin for 'It grows as it goes'), was later added to the seal. The same design was later adapted for use in the seal of the new state of New Mexico in 1913. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ New_Mexico_Territory
Feb 20 Trump’s border security and ICE empowerment measures to be continued. No to: Russia support, Kash Patel and U.S. territorial expansionism.
*Wanton Violence Does Not Solve Life’s Problems*
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