-smart alack, a lot of defiance, it is like: you want us out, we
will push YOU out; one-upmanship (competitive vendettas)
Selected News Clips and Comments (ABOUT-INPUT)
INPUT: News Clips selected for key topics, political
leader statements. Some opinions are provided.
This website takes the view that the source of
problems can be either, neither, both or several.
Recent months 2024: Aug July June May Apr
Mar Feb Jan
2023: Dec Nov Oct Sept Aug July June May
April March
OPERATION LONE STAR: Texas Border Wall and
Security (info and donations)
https //www operationlonestar texas.gov/
Study Group information moved to its own page: go
here; NOTES Study Bensman-Overrun here
Kamala Harris has a radical long-term agenda that
supports illegal immigrants over American citizens!
Sept 17
Southern California cartel articles listing started, in
Cartel Section on this website.
Sept 16
2024/09/16 Oregon DMV Admits To Wrongly
Registering Hundreds of Non-Citizens to Vote
Brittany M. Hughes | September 16, 2024
Sept 14-15 San Diego County lineup of anti-cartel
activity, also other areas
2024/05/20 Most ruthless' Mexican cartels
operate in all 50 states, bring turf wars to US:
"Together, the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels have
caused the worst drug crisis in US history," the
DEA said. Chris Eberhart Fox News
Resources and Input
Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption
Above Photo: 1919 approx.
Border Patrol History - Early
Air/Cavalry 12th Aero
Squadron Dayton-Wright DH-
4 flying liaison with US
Cavalry on United
States/Mexico border patrol
https //en wikipedia org/wiki-
*We often use the term
democracy in its broadest
sense here on this website,
meaning democratic,
freedom loving, not
controlled by dictators,
protections against
corruption, and legal systems
meant to protect most of the
people most of the time. It
also includes an effort at a
true sense of balance and
fair play.
Image Above: Early New
Mexico territorial seal
depicting larger American
bald eagle wing arms
outstretched over smaller
Mexican eagle
(See Seal, Coat of Arms
information below)
Stand Tall for the USA
Nothin’ Like the Good Ol’
Old Coat of Arms and info
The Territory of New Mexico
was an organized
incorporated territory of the
United States from
September 9, 1850 until
January 6, 1912. It was
created from the U.S.
provisional government of
New Mexico, as a result of
Nuevo México becoming part
of the American frontier after
the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo. It existed with
varying boundaries until the
territory was admitted to the
Union as the U.S. state of
New Mexico. This jurisdiction
was an organized,
incorporated territory of the
US for nearly 62 years, the
longest period of any territory
in the contiguous United
Seals, Coat of Arms
On the Seal:
Territorial symbols
Illustrated coat of arms of the
New Mexico Territory,
published in State Arms of
the Union in 1876
A coat of arms of New Mexico
was adopted by the territorial
legislature in 1887,
formalizing an earlier design,
introduced in the early 1860s,
already used in the territory's
great seal. The legislation,
titled "An Act adopting and
establishing the coat of arms
and great seal of the
territory", was approved by
Governor Edmund G. Ross on
The coat of arms of the
territory of New Mexico shall
be the Mexican Eagle
grasping a serpent in its
beak, the cactus in its talons,
shielded by the American
eagle with outspread wings,
and grasping arrows in its
talons. The date MDCCCL
[1850], under the eagles, and
above that, on a scroll, the
motto: Crescit Eundo. That
the great seal of the territory
have the coat of arms
thereon, being the same seal
now used by the secretary of
the territory, and that the
same be adopted and
established as the official
seal and coat of arms of the
territory of New Mexico.
The "American" bald eagle's
outstretched wings over the
smaller "Mexican" harpy
eagle represents the
territory's change of
sovereignty. The territorial
motto, Crescit eundo (Latin
for 'It grows as it goes'), was
later added to the seal. The
same design was later
adapted for use in the seal of
the new state of New Mexico
in 1913.
Fox San Diego
2024/04/16 Three local shootings in last two months allegedly linked to
drug cartel. Zara Barker.
Fox 2 via MSN
2024/9 JD Vance guarded by snipers during border visit to San Diego-
Tijuana area
https //www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/jd-vance-guarded-by-snipers-during-
Excerpt: Vance spent about 20 minutes at “Whiskey 8” talking with a select
group of invited guests, including San Diego Supervisor Jim Desmond…
Vance did speak with reporters assigned to his campaign and talked about
what former President Donald Trump wants to do along the U.S.-Mexico
border if elected president. “We want to go to war against the Mexican
drug cartels, we want to close down the American southern border,
reinstitute deportations, we want to stop the insanity at the southern
border,” Vance said.
San Diego Union Tribune
20244/13 Tijuana drug violence bleeds into San Diego County with recent
cartel shootings. A high-ranking member of an Arellano Félix Organization
remnant cell was gunned down near UTC. Then a man who Mexican
authorities say is a reputed leader was shot in Chula Vista.
Sophisticated Sinaloa Cartel Money Laundering Organization Dismantled
Excerpt: SAN DIEGO – A two-year investigation by FBI and DEA has resulted
in the indictment of twelve people, the takedown of a transnational
criminal organization that allegedly laundered at least $16.5 million for the
Sinaloa cartel, and the rescue of two victims of an extortion plot.
Shootings in La Jolla, Chula Vista could be linked to Mexican cartels: SDSU
professor-The expert says that, although drug cartel violence in Tijuana
appears to have penetrated the border, it's a far cry from the violence seen
in Mexico
NBC San Diego
By Tania Luviano, Fabiola Berriozábal and TELEMUNDO 20 • Published April
18, 2024 • Updated on April 18, 2024 at 8:53 pm
2022/08/22 Recent Tijuana cartel violence part of a pattern that goes back
decades. By Gustavo Solis / Investigative Border Reporter
New York Times
2024/07/26 What We Know About the Sinaloa Cartel Arrests. By Andrés R.
Sept 11 9/11 Remembered; Cartels
Parade via Yahoo
2024/09/11 Here are September 11 Images We will Never Forget
2024/09/11 Here Are September 11 Images We'll Never Forget Parade
#NeverForget. That's the theme of this emotional 9/11 image gallery when
the world changed on September 11, 2001. At 8:46 a.m, Flight 11 crashed into
floors 93 through 99 of the World Trade Center's North Tower, and at 9:03
a.m., Flight 175 crashed into floors 77 through 85 of the South Tower.
At 9:37 a.m., Flight 77 crashed into the western side of The Pentagon, killing 64
people on board. And at 10:03 a.m., Flight 93 crashed in a field in Somerset
County, Pennsylvania, killing all 44 on board.
Through 30 9/11 images and pictures, we learn more about that fateful day and
pause to remember those lost.
*Wanton Violence Does Not Solve Life’s Problems*