Comments 2021/10/22: Leaders put here have - seem to have - over-arching communication and activities in support of the
USA or at least strongly in support of certain key parts of it; like all humans, there might be vagaries, inconsistencies and
partial problems, but the overall strengths seem to outweigh the weaknesses in terms of productivity for the country.
2022/02/04: However, we all need to stay on alert. Things might seem to be one thing, but something else is going on.
Example: quiet business deals with China.
2021/10/22 Pompeo was moved from the Leaders-Possible or Actual Problems list to this one, Leaders Standing up
for USA. The reason for this is Pompeo has show repeated demonstrable efforts at speaking out against China.
Earlier Comments on Pompeo:
One thing we need to keep in mind is that the Democrats were out for blood on anything Trump. Pompeo was a
strong Trump supporter and was and is a Republican conservative. Democrats were digging for anything and
everything during Trump’s entire prsidency. They never let up for a minutes. It was a grueling, nasty four years.
In addition, blacks, browns and the far left have been bashing whites - especially white politicians - and the more
conservative portions of the United States. Mike Pompeo, because he is white and conservative, got caught in
This digging at the other party’s members is something that happens between parties anyway all the time, but it
was especially aggressive and sinister during the Trump administration. We need to look at both alleged and
actual, as well as context in the attacks against Pompeo. It would be hard for anyone to concentrate, hold their
ground, remain strong in self, in the midst of all those attacks and negativity.
There are approaches and personal views Pompeo has that match such here at Police Factor. As such, there is no
interest here in slamming him for being backwards,a racist, hugely corrupt or anything like that.
Nonetheless, there are signs that Pompeo might have had a big business, elitist approach to
doing politics, one that might have sided with certain old players like Saudi Arabia. The Saudi
Arabia connection is one that goes way back in time and should be a top-of-mind awareness and concern.
He might have been too much under the influence of Trump to swerve clear of some pot holes, like the Ukraine
mess. The Ukraine/USA situation involving either Biden/his son or Trump/Giuliani/Pompeo is still not entirely
But he might have had a strong pro-American, old Army core which wanted to play out while having that elitist
business side. Sometimes getting used to dealing with big bucks can take you away from the man on the ground
but parts of you remain rooted to that anyway. Perhaps this partly describes Pompeo, who is an Army veteran. In
the Army, one gets certain kudos for having gone up through the chain of command; once reaching higher tiers,
some might feel one deservse some respect and special privileges. Pompeo, like many other military veterans,
stepped out of the lower grade pay statuses into the world of big business which takes a person somewhere far
removed from the grunt work of the man on the ground. It also appears he was not a career man, not the 30 year
veteran, he moved onto other things fairly early in life.
Pompeo was in the middle of everything during the Trump administration. Like other major leaders, he is very
intertwined with big business, including aerospace and petroleum. He seemed to have too strong of a leaning
toward Saudi Arabia. There are signs of game-playing and deception over the Ukraine issues; he had close ties
with President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. He had major issues with the IG who questioned his
activities and reported, and was later fired. Although Pompeo says it was not out of retaliation, one has to wonder.
Pompeo has visited and shaken hands with many major country leaders, including that of North Korea.
[extracted from Internet 2021/08/05]
Pompeo's good points
Warnings about China
Pompeo's alleged or actual bad points
. Under Pompeo's tenure, career State Department officials quit, were forced into retirement or fired, and
were replaced by inexperienced political appointees. In
Too partisan for Trump and allies
Personal favors for self and wife on job
Using office to campaign for Republicans
Overly critical and dismissive of longterm staffers, incl. State Dept. inspector General
IG had a report listing over 100 misconduct instances - personal errands
Michael Richard Pompeo is an American politician, diplomat, businessman, and attorney who served under
President Donald Trump as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2017 to 2018 and as the 70th
United States Secretary of State from 2018 to 2021. Pompeo is a former United States Army officer. He was a
member of the United States House of Representatives from 2011 to 2017, representing Kansas's 4th congressional
district. He was a Kansas representative on the Republican National Committee. Pompeo is also a member of the Tea
Party movement within the Republican Party. Once a critic of Donald Trump, whom he called an "authoritarian", Pompeo
became one of his biggest supporters after Trump became the Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential election.
President Donald Trump appointed Pompeo Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in January 2017. Trump promoted
Pompeo to Secretary of State in March 2018, with Pompeo succeeding Rex Tillerson after his dismissal. Pompeo was
confirmed by the Senate on April 26, 2018, in a 57–42 vote and was sworn in the same day. During his tenure as Secretary
of State, Pompeo was described as among the staunchest Trump loyalists in the Cabinet. During his tenure, he routinely
flouted norms and protocols followed by his predecessors. These included using his office to campaign for Trump's re-
election officials, firing and criticizing State Department inspectors general, and standing on the sidelines while Trump and
his allies harassed career diplomats. A State Department Inspector General report found more than 100 instances of
misconduct where Pompeo requested that State Department staff perform personal errands for him and his wife. Under
Pompeo's tenure, career State Department officials quit, were forced into retirement or fired, and were replaced by
inexperienced political appointees. In January 2021, Pompeo joined the Hudson Institute.
Highlighted here because it has an ongoingly unusually strong bias against Mike Pompeo. Here are some of Huff Post’s
articles on Pompeo. Notice the repeated negative and sometimes downright hostile or sneering tone.
Identify who has done some quality investigative journalism into HuffPost, and into the anti-Trump and anti-Pompeo
Apparent Position on Certain Forms of Torture
US News
2017/01/12 10 Things You Didn't Know About Mike Pompeo. The Kansas representative is Donald
Trump's nominee to run the Central Intelligence Agency. By Stephen Mays
Excerpt: Pompeo has also supported the CIA resuming the use of waterboarding and other
interrogation techniques condemned as torture.
Apparent Take on Critical Race Theory and Responses
Donors Club, Fan Club
Working at Fox News
On Whiskey GIft question
Updates 2022/02/04 Gallagher, Mike/WI on Iran; editing Index top of page; added to comments; 2021/10/26 part of Legislators More Info section moved here;
2021/10/22-PAGE STARTED-Leaders for USA; Pompeo was moved here; Previous section had Pompeo in Leaders Not OK for USA, with Pompeo’s editing
material from that page shown here : 2021/08/08 Topics section added; Huffpost bias section added; 2021/08/03 PAGE STARTED-Leticia James;
Comments (MEASURES-6)
Means the leader (political, military, agency or other) shows strong signs of
working for the security of the United States and the general well-being and
safety of the American people; there can still be signs of biases (ie, religious, oil
and gas) , excesses or even blemishes (using office to promote a book) , but the
overall bent and output seems authentically American
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and System Corruption