-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- START HERE John Kiriakou’s Leaks Seem Mild Compared to Other Infractions, Including those by Obama Administration Powerline blog dot com 2012/02 Leaks Given Preferential Discipline/Non-Discipline Excerpt: The leaks that Mr. Kiriakou is charged with are tiny compared to the leaking of classified intelligence by the Obama Administration and senior bureaucrats at the CIA. According to journalist Marc Ambinder writing in National Journal, “One 20-year veteran of the community who is now a program manager at an agency said that ‘we all know 98 percent of the leaks come from policy-makers or from authorized CIA leaks’.” http //www powerlineblog com/archives/2012/02/ishmael-jones-on-john-kiriakou php Possible Courtroom Corruption - 75 motions denied Democracy Now 2013/01/30 Whistleblower John Kiriakou for embracing torture Excerpt: Kiriakou: Judge Brinkema denied 75 motions that we made asking for declassification of information so that I could present a defense. In August of 2012, after our motions had been denied, my attorneys and I walked out of the courtroom, and my attorney said, “We have no defense. She won’t let us say anything. She won’t let us defend you.” And so, we were forced into plea negotiations. But in August, when we made our 75 motions, we thought that the judge would block off two days to hear the 75. In fact, there had been a conversation with the prosecution, and so she blocked off an hour to hear the 75 motions. So we knew we were in trouble. And then, at the very start of the hearing, the prosecutor got up and said that he was requesting a Rule 4 conversation. I didn’t know what this was. My attorneys objected and said, “If you don’t want the defendant to hear, at least allow us to hear so that we can represent his interests.” And the judge said, “No, this is a national security case. I’m allowed an ex parte communication with the prosecutors.” So the prosecutors went up to the bench. We could hear them whispering. They came back to their table, and the judge said, “All 75 motions are denied.” And that was the end of it. We got up, and we walked out of court. And my attorneys said, “We have to negotiate a plea.” https //www democracynow org/2013/1/30/whistleblower_john_kiriakou_for_embracing_torture Videos: Silenced (2015)Three National Security whistleblowers fight to reveal the darkest corners of America's war on terror, challenging a government that is increasingly determined to maintain secrecy. Starring: Thomas Drake, John Kiriakou, Jesselyn Radack BOOKS OR ARTICLES WRiTTEN BY KIRIAKOU Books (2020) The CIA Insider's Guide to the Iran Crisis: From CIA Coup to the Brink of War by Gareth Porter and John Kiriakou (2021) The CIA Guide to Lying and Lie Detection: The Ultimate Guide to Lying and Getting the Truth by John Kiriakou (2021) The CIA Guide to Disappearing: The Ultimate Guide to Invisibility by John Kiriakou (2021) The CIA Guide to Surveillance and Surveillance Detection: The Ultimate Guide to Surreptitious Observation by John Kiriakou (2017) The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers' Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies By Joseph Hickman, John Kiriakou (2017) Doing Time Like A Spy: How the CIA Taught Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison by John Kiriakou (2012) Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA's War on Terror by John Kiriakou and Michael Ruby John Kiriakou - his personal website http /www johnkiriakou com/ Articles Consortium 2020/12/29 The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director. By John Kiriakou https //consortiumnews com/2020/12/29/john-kiriakou-the-dark-past-of-bidens-nominee-for- national-intelligence-director/ BOOKS ON KIRIAKOU (2019) Unwanted Spy: The Persecution of an American Whistleblower Unwanted Spy: The Persecution of an American Whistleblower by Jeffrey Sterling ARTICLES ON KIRIAKOU See also Links List, which is a quick run-down of articles listed on Whistleblowers/John Kiriakou A-C ABC 2007/12/10 Coming in From the Cold: CIA Spy Calls Waterboarding Necessary Torture. By Richard Esposito/Brian Ross http //abcnews go com/Blotter/story?id=3978231 Excerpt: A leader of the CIA team that captured the first major al Qaeda figure, Abu Zubaydah, says subjecting him to waterboarding was torture but necessary. In the first public comment by any CIA officer involved in handling high-value al Qaeda targets, John Kiriakou, now retired, said the technique broke Zubaydah in less than 35 seconds. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=3978231 Common Dreams 02/04/2015 John Kiriakou Released from Prison: Here’s His Final ‘Letter from Loretto’. By Kevin Gosztola https://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/02/04/cia-whistleblower-john-kiriakou-released-prison- heres-his-final-letter-loretto Consortium 2020/12/29 The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director. By John Kiriakou https //consortiumnews com/2020/12/29/john-kiriakou-the-dark-past-of-bidens-nominee-for-national- intelligence-director/ D-F Democracy Now (01/30/2013) John Kiriakou: For Embracing Torture, John Brennan a “Terrible Choice to Lead the CIA. https://www.democracynow.org/2013/1/30/whistleblower_john_kiriakou_for_embracing_torture Excerpt: Kiriakou: I don’t know what changed between October and January, other than the fact that she and the prosecution had had several ex parte communications. What that means is the prosecutors were able to meet with the judge, related to my case, without the defense, my attorneys, being present. So we have no idea what it was that the prosecution told the judge. We were not allowed to defend ourselves. Indeed, Judge Brinkema denied 75 motions that we made asking for declassification of information so that I could present a defense. In August of 2012, after our motions had been denied, my attorneys and I walked out of the courtroom, and my attorney said, “We have no defense. She won’t let us say anything. She won’t let us defend you.” And so, we were forced into plea negotiations. But again, I’m not sure why the judge changed her position between October and January; it was inexplicable to me. https://www.democracynow.org/2013/1/30/whistleblower_john_kiriakou_for_embracing_torture FBI gov See Whistle-3a-Kiriakou FBI/Court Case Free Speech dot org -Dem. Now 02/092015 I would do it all again https://www.freespeech.org/stories/freed-cia-whistleblower-john- kiriakou-says-i-would-do-it-all-again-to-expose-torture/ G-H The Guardian 2021/01/17 Giuliani associate told ex-CIA officer a Trump pardon would 'cost $2m’ – report John Kiriakou, who was jailed in 2012 for identity leak, said his…By Martin Pengelly 2021/01/17-https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/17/rudy-giuliani-associate-john-kiriakou- trump-pardon 2013/02/07 John Brennan and John Kiriakou: how to get ahead in the CIA, and how not to. By Amy Goodman (02/07/2013) Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on CIA waterboarding, goes to prison, while Brennan, who approved it, is set to lead the agency 2013/02/07--https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/07/john-brennan-john-kiriakou-cia Open Letter-Prison. By Ed Pilkington (02/07/2013; 05/2013): see Shadowproof https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/may/30/cia-whistleblower-john-kiriakou-open-letter-prison https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/07/john-brennan-john-kiriakou-cia Excerpt: John Kiriakou spent 14 years at the CIA as an analyst and a case officer. In 2002, he led the team that found Abu Zubaydah, alleged to be a high-ranking member of al-Qaida. Kiriakou was the first to publicly confirm the use of waterboarding by the CIA, in a 2007 interview with ABC's Brian Ross. He told Ross: "At the time, I felt that waterboarding was something that we needed to do … I think I've changed my mind, and I think that waterboarding is probably something that we shouldn't be in the business of doing." Kiriakou says he found the "enhanced interrogation techniques" immoral, and declined to be trained to use them. Since the interview, it has become known that Zubaydah was waterboarded at least 83 times, and that he provided no useful information as a result. He remains imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay, without charge. Kiriakou will soon start serving his 30-month prison sentence, but not for disclosing anything about waterboarding. He pled guilty to disclosing the name of a former CIA interrogator to a journalist, with information that the interrogator himself had posted to a publicly available website. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/07/john-brennan-john-kiriakou-cia Heavy dot com 2018/05/09 John Kiriakou: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. By Ellyn Santiago https://heavy.com/news/2018/05/john-kiriakou/ Excerpt: [Kiriakou] said “putting (Gina) Haspel in charge of the CIA would undo attempts by the agency and the nation to repudiate torture.”Kiriakou may have been among the first to reveal that Haspel’s nickname at CIA was ‘bloody Gina.’As Haspel is being grilled in Senate confirmation hearings after being nominated by Pres. Donald Trump to run the CIA, Kiriakou says confirming her would be anti-Christian and argues that even conservatives should be able to agree on that point; torture is wrong, Jesus preached. …Kiriakou was in Saudi Arabia in June 1996 right after Hezbollah “terrorists blew up a U.S. Air Force barracks and killed and wounded dozens of people. This event was harbinger of things to come,” according to his website. …In 1997 Kiriakou moved to Greece where he “worked against the notorious terrorist group ‘Revolutionary Organization 17 November.’” …By 2000, while fighting al-Qaeda, “a dangerous and difficult adversary to find and stop,” he led a “dramatic takedown that offered the promise of reaching the top of al-Qaeda’s leadership.” …After 9-11, he was chief of counterterrorist operations in Pakistan. His tour of duty “culminated in the March 2002 capture of Abu Zubaydah, then believed to be al-Qa’ida’s third-ranking official.” https://heavy.com/news/2018/05/john-kiriakou/ I-J-K IPS-DC http://www.ips-dc.org/ips-authors/john-kiriakou/ Excerpt: John Kiriakou is an Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow. He writes a weekly column distributed by the Institute’s OtherWords editorial service that runs in newspapers and online media outlets. http://www.ips-dc.org/ips-authors/john-kiriakou/ IPS, Institute for Policy Studies: http://www.ips-dc.org/ips-authors/john-kiriakou/ Excerpt: In 2012, Kiriakou was honored with the Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage, an award given to individuals who “advance truth and justice despite the personal risk it creates,” and by the inclusion of his portrait in artist Robert Shetterly’s series Americans Who Tell the Truth, which features notable truth-tellers throughout American history. He was later named “Peacemaker of the Year” by the Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County, California. http //www ips-dc org/ips-authors/john-kiriakou/ Justice dot gov: https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/documents/kiriakou-complaint.pdf L-M-N Mother Jones: John Kiriakou - Real Story Behind Obama’s Latest Leak Crackdown. By Nick Baumann/Asawin Suebsaengjan (01/23/2012) How a mysterious discovery in a Gitmo detainee’s cell led to the prosecution of the ex-CIA officer. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/01/john-kiriakou-cia-leak-investigation/ The New Yorker: The Spy Who Said Too Much. By Steve COll. (04/01/2013) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/04/01/the-spy-who-said-too-much Excerpt: He helped reporters develop a number of revealing articles about the agency’s interrogation program. Last April, the Justice Department charged him with illegally providing the names of C.I.A. officers and other classified information to two journalists, including Scott Shane, of the Times, and Matthew Cole, a freelance reporter. In October, Kiriakou pleaded guilty to one felony count, and became the first C.I.A. officer ever to be convicted of disclosing classified information to the press. On January 25th, he was sentenced to thirty months in prison, and in late February he entered the Federal Correctional Institute in Loretto, Pennsylvania. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/04/01/the-spy-who-said-too-much NY Times Ex-Officer Is First From C.I.A. to Face Prison for a Leak. By Scott Shane (01/05/2013) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/06/us/former-cia-officer-is-the-first-to-face-prison-for-a-classified- leak.html?pagewanted=all&mcubz New York Times 2008/06/22 Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation. By Scott Shane (06/22/2008) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html Excerpt: The interrogator, Deuce Martinez, a soft-spoken analyst who spoke no Arabic, had turned down a C.I.A. offer to be trained in waterboarding. He chose to leave the infliction of pain and panic to others, the gung-ho paramilitary types whom the more cerebral interrogators called “knuckledraggers.” Mr. Martinez came in after the rough stuff, the ultimate good cop with the classic skills: an unimposing presence, inexhaustible patience and a willingness to listen to the gripes and musings of a pitiless killer in rambling, imperfect English. He achieved a rapport with Mr. Mohammed that astonished his fellow C.I.A. officers. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation. By Scott Shane (06/22/2008) http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html Excerpt: The interrogator, Deuce Martinez, a soft-spoken analyst who spoke no Arabic, had turned down a C.I.A. offer to be trained in waterboarding. He chose to leave the infliction of pain and panic to others, the gung-ho paramilitary types whom the more cerebral interrogators called “knuckledraggers.” Mr. Martinez came in after the rough stuff, the ultimate good cop with the classic skills: an unimposing presence, inexhaustible patience and a willingness to listen to the gripes and musings of a pitiless killer in rambling, imperfect English. He achieved a rapport with Mr. Mohammed that astonished his fellow C.I.A. officers. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html O-P-Q Political Film ex-CIA John Kiriakou: Get Rid of CIA January 17, 2017 in -, John Kiriakou https://politicalfilm.wordpress.com/category/john-kiriakou/ Excerpt: The Country Does Not Need a CIA One of those real issues is that the CIA has consistently lied to the American people for many, many years. Why would Trump conclude that Brennan was spouting fake news? Well, in the past 15 years, the CIA said that it was not torturing its prisoners. That was a lie. The CIA said that it had not created an archipelago of secret prisons where it was holding hundreds of people, including innocent civilians. That was a lie. The CIA said that it had not created and used a dungeon torture center called the “Salt Pit” in Afghanistan. That was a lie. The CIA said that it was not sending prisoners to third world countries to undergo torture with a wink and a nod from the CIA’s leadership. That was a lie. The CIA said that it had not hacked into computers belonging to investigators of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence while they were writing the definitive report on the CIA torture program. That was a lie. I won’t even get into CIA protestations that it hasn’t overthrown governments, influenced elections, committed assassinations, or otherwise mucked up U.S. foreign policy since the late 1940s. https://politicalfilm.wordpress.com/category/john-kiriakou/ Prison Legal News: Prison Legal News Interviews CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou - Full Interview (03/29/2017) https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2017/mar/29/prison-legal-news-interviews-cia-whistleblower-john-kiriakou/ R Reader Supported News: I Have Come to the Conclusion the Country Does Not Need a CIA By John Kiriakou, 01/17/2017 http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/41433-i-have-come-to-the-conclusion-the-country-does-not-need-a- cia Salon: CIA whistleblower sentenced to 30_months. By Natasha Lennerd (01/25/2013) https://www.salon.com/2013/01/25/cia_whistle_blower_sentenced_to_30_months/ The Real News: This is a major series on Reality Aserts Itself regarding John Kiriakou - well worth watching. How I Joined the CIA - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (2/10) (04/17/2015) Mr. Kiriakou tells Paul Jay about being recruited to join the CIA in university http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=13680 My Reports on 1995 Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain Ignored by State Department (04/19/2015) John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (3/10) On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Kiriakou tells Paul Jay that from Iraq to Bahrain, it was becoming clear to him that commercial interest, particularly arms sales, was driving U.S. policy in the Middle East http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=13688 A Tortured Truth - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (8/10) (05/04/2015) On Reality Asserts Itself, Former CIA official John Kiriakou described his time as head of counter terrorism in Pakistan and the lie about the torture of Abu Zubaydah http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=13789 Why I Was Targeted by the CIA - John Kiriakou on RAI (9/10) (05/06/2015) On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Kiriakou explains how the CIA opened a criminal file on him when he was the first CIA official to publicly acknowledge torture was a policy; they stepped up their effort to charge him when he began investigating possible CIA complicity in war crimes in Afghanistan http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=13801 They Won't Shut Me Up - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (10/10) (05/08/2010) On Reality Asserts Itself, former CIA official John Kiriakou says: "if they thought this would shut me up, they don't know me at all, because now I've devoted my life to fighting them." http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=13824O CIA Torture Architects Settle With Victims to Avoid Trial. (08/17/2017) Psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, the architects of the CIA's torture program, have reached a historic settlement in the case of three victims. John Kiriakou, the former CIA analyst who went to prison for exposing the torture program, says the duo settled to avoid accountability. (photo: ACLU) http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=767&Itemid=74&jumival=19801 S Shadowproof: https://shadowproof.com/2017/01/26/cia-poised-crackdown-whistleblowers-torture-program-restored/ Excerpt: When George W. Bush was president, CIA officer John Kiriakou was the first member of the agency to publicly confirm that waterboarding was official U.S. policy. He believed the CIA was not authorized under the law to torture Abu Zubaydah. In response, Kiriakou was targeted by the Justice Department and pled guilty to confirming the name of an agent involved in the CIA’s rendition, detention, and interrogation program to a reporter in violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2013. He was jailed at a federal correctional facility in Loretto, Pennsylvania, over one hundred miles away from his wife and five children. He had to mortgage his house, and his livelihood was utterly destroyed. “There’s literally nowhere that a CIA whistleblower can go other than the press, and that invites an Espionage Act charge,” Kiriakou told Shadowproof. “If you want to blow the whistle, you have to blow the whistle to the Office Of Inspector General or the Office of General Counsel.” If the Inspector General is not read into a program or policy, then an employee may be guilty of violating the “need-to-know principle.” And, “With these new rules, as they sound to me, the Inspector General’s Office would be compelled to report the fact that an employee had gone to that office to report wrongdoing.” Kiriakou also found it naive of Pompeo to suggest the CIA would properly consider intent. When he was prosecuted, Judge Leonie Brinkema said intent was irrelevant. Either he leaked the information or not, and if he leaked the information, he deserved prosecution. The Justice Department took full advantage of that position. https://shadowproof.com/2017/01/26/cia-poised-crackdown-whistleblowers-torture-program-restored/ Imprisoned CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou Pens Letter From Loretto (2013) https://shadowproof.com/2013/05/29/imprisoned-cia-torture-whistleblower-john-kiriakou-pens-letter-from- loretto/ T Top Secret Writers dot com 2019/11/01 CIA Agent Says Agency Could Legally Supply Pedophiles With Children. By Ryan https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2019/11/cia-agent-says-agency-supplies-pedophiles-children/ Truthdig: How the CIA’s Darkest Torture Secrets Were Exposed and Covered Up. By John Kiriakou (09/11/2016) https://www.truthdig.com/articles/how-the-cias-darkest-torture-secrets-were-exposed-and-covered-up/ U-V-W-X-Y-Z Voices of Liberty: Note from The Golden RIver: this is also excellent and well worth viewing https://voicesofliberty.com/ CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Part 3: Officials Were 'Lying' to Cover Up Torture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y75wuZWRjBw CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Part 4: Prosecuting CIA Officers for Torture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWmYMg8dQq0 CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Part 5: 'Enhanced Interrogation' and Torture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Ep15MWzdg CIA Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou, Part 6: Using the Law to Silence Dissent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1GqVF37IjY Washingtonian: John Kiriakou CIA Officer Turned Whistleblower Shares His Story. By Natalia Megas (07/06/2015) https://www.washingtonian.com/2015/07/06/john-kiriakou-cia-officer-turned-whistleblower-shares-his-story/ The Week: Torture whistleblower John Kiriakou released from prison. February 4, 2015 http://theweek.com/speedreads/537554/torture-whistleblower-john-kiriakou-released-from-prison Updates: 2021/01/29 three of Kiriakou’s more recent books added-CIA Guides of 2020 and 2021; 2021/01/28 editing; 2021/01/10-15 (week of) PAGE STARTED-John Kiriakou-Variety of Articles, includes some editing and organizing, this page moved from rivergold dot net. Earlier updates from rivergold dot net: 01/01/2018 shifted FBI article to separate page12/10/2017 introduction of quoted text with Judge Brinkem denyng 75 motions from Dem Now- 01/30/2013; added notes section Corrupt. in Crtrm, input from Golden RIver;12/09/2017 Dem. Now/Kiriakou on Brennan - also added to CIA sect.; 12/08/2017 Reader Supported News/Political Film-01/17/2017; Justice dot gov Kiriakou complaint; Al Jazeera-04/2017, etc.;Brief Links sect. expanded; 12/05/2017: added Washington Post-2/18/2007 alt. view on Fitzgerald, Patrick; added Chicago Trib-2010 CIA then-general counsel Rizzo, John - Rizzo mentioned in Mother Jones-01/23/2012; 12/04/2017: added Mother Jones-01/23/2012 (notice it’s the same date as FBI article reviewed here; corrections/editing FBI article text problems and clarifying/adding FBI article names; Page started 12/01/2017
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