CULTS SECTION 1 - Introduction 2 Soka Gakkai 3 Subud 4 Hare Krishna 5b Catholic Sexual Abuse 6 Monarch, MK-ULTRA
Other Religious Cults; Catholics: Sexual Abuse, Offshoots (Cults-5b)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK LIST BOOKS Perversion of Power: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (2007) Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World (2013) Cullen Murphy. Note: although this book is not about the sexual abuse issues per se, it covers background material for Catholic dysfunction in general. Holding Bishops Accountable: How Lawsuits Helped the Catholic Church Confront Clergy Sexual Abuse (2008) Timothy D. Lytton Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church - Scientific and Legal Perspectives (2004) Karl Hanson et al Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012 (Abnormal Psychology) (2011) Thomas G. Plante Ph.D. and Kathleen L. McChesney In the Shadow of the Cross: The True Account of My Childhood Sexual and Ritual Abuse at the Hands of a Roman Catholic (2007) Charles Bailey Jr. Catholic Church Abuse: Criminal Nuns and Priests George Barilla Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children (2013) Jason Berry and Andrew M. Greeley Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (2008) Leon J. Podles Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000 Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse (2006) Thomas P. Doyle, A.W. Richard Sipe and Patrick J. Wall Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal (2013) Michael D’Antonia VIDEOS Gibney, Alex (Film by) Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (2012) Catholic abuses: Excerpt: Oscar-winning filmmaker investigates the secret crimes of Father Lawrence Murphy, a charismatic Milwaukee priest who abused more than 200 Deaf children. Also reveals some other cases and lawsuits. Excellent and well worth watching. Youtube: michawim&view=detail&mid=30DC677DFC62780412B630DC677DFC62780412B6&&FORM=VRDGAR NUNS By Nuns - Of children, etc. The Cut: (2018/08) Nuns Allegedly abused, murdered countless kids in orphanages Buzz Feed News: (2018/08) The Ghosts of the Orphanage Wikipedia: Abuse Scandal in the Sisters of Mercy Of Nuns - By Priests, etc. ABQ Journal: (2018/07/28) After decades of silence, nuns talk about abuse by priests. By Nicole Winfield LETTER TO POPE VIDEO - FRENCH WOMAN Evil Empire - Janett Seemann - Video letter to Pope Benedikt XVI. - German - English - HD michawim&view=detail&mid=30DC677DFC62780412B630DC677DFC62780412B6&&FORM=VRDGAR VATICAN GREED Excerpt: Two new books* are deepening a Vatican scandal with tales of mismanagement and greed, such as sainthood causes that can cost a half-million dollars and one monsignor allegedly breaking down the wall of his next-door neighbor — a sick, elderly priest — to expand his already palatial… *Books: Merchants in the Temple Gianluigi Nuzzi Avarice Emiliano Fittipaldi BBmLM6I?li=AAa0dzB&ocid=ieslice PENNSYLVANIA HORROR Start Here: Some Links: MAFIA Other Areas - Catholic Sexual Abuse NPR: Latino Catholics Confronted By Sting Of Sex Abuse Scandal (05/07/2010) Catholic Sentinel: Scottish archbishop says cardinal blocked plans for abuse investigation NY Daily News: New files reveal decades of abuse in Los Angeles Catholic churches (Assoc. Press) (08/01/2013) Hundreds of pages of secret church files shed light on the careers of a dozen priests, brothers and nuns accused of sexually abusing children while working in Southern California parishes for decades. Catholic: Three Great essons of the Abuse Scandal: A devout Catholic’s side of the Catholic Abuse Picture Gangstalking Surfers: “COINTELPRO & the Truth About Organized Stalking & 21st Century Torture” Excerpt from Ganstalking Surfers: The initial purpose of the Nazi Party as formed by the Catholic Church was to: Establish a pro-Catholic political party capable of defeating its opposition and gaining control of government; Establish a Concordant between the Catholic Church and the whole of Germany guaranteeing a massive financial pipeline in compensation for losing the Papal States; The elimination of all opposition including social reform/democratic minded groups, especially protestants, orthodox christians, communists and ethnic Jews. Catholics & Communism with overt Marxist influence Excerpt: Doing the research and investigative work that the major U.S. media have all but abandoned, an organization called the American Life League (ALL) has uncovered dramatic evidence of links between the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church and an international communist group known as the World Social Forum. The evidence suggests overt Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing....The ALL report, a 76- page PowerPoint presentation complete with original source material and numerous photographs, documents how Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group. Updates: 2021/01/04 PAGE STARTED-Cults-5b Catholic abuses, moved from River Gold dot net; earlier updates from rivergold dot net-- 2018/12/16: Nun Abuse- Of, By, Penn Horror, Mafia - links added09/26/2017; 09/03/2017 Vanity Affair;02/08/2017_updated 11/03/2015
Links List Books Videos Nuns o Abuse by Nuns o Abuse of Nuns Pennsylvania Horror Vatican Greed Mafia
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