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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGISLATION LUJAN SUPPORTS OR RELATED TYPES Keep Families Together Act S 1375-2021/04/27-Sen. Blumenthal-CT-Dem. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s1375 HR 2766-2021/04/22-Rep. Castro-TX-Democrat https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr2766 Dreamers and Farmworkers. H.R. 3194: Fairness for Farm Workers Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr3194 Related: S. 846: Protect DREAMer Confidentiality Act of 2021 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr782 H.R. 782: Homeownership for DREAMers Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr782 The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act S. 1186-Sen. Booker-NJ-Democrat : Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act of 2021 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s1186 S 2003-Rubio-FL-Republican S. 2003: Central American Women and Children Protection Act of 2021 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s2003 U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 This is what he says about it: “This long-awaited legislation keeps families together, and creates a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants…” (see letter) S. 348-Menendez https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s348 HR 1177-Sanchez US Citizenship Act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s348 Related S. 2828-2021/09/23-Sen. Tillis-NC-Republican A bill to authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s2828 Related: HR 5319-Rep. Torres-CA-35-Democrat https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr5319#:~:text=H.R.%205319%3A%20Reduce,Add%20to%20List BACKGROUND 2020 November elected Senator of New Mexico 2009-2021 US Representative 3rd Congressional District Wikipedia simple https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Ray_Luj%C3%A1n Excerpt: Ben Ray Luján born June 7, 1972) is an American politician. He is the junior United States Senator from New Mexico since 2021. He was the U.S. Representative for New Mexico's 3rd congressional district from 2009 until 2021. He is a member of the Democratic Party. On April 1, 2019, he announced his plans to run for the United States Senate to replace the retiring Tom Udall in 2020.[3] In November 2020, he was elected U.S. Senator. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Ray_Luj%C3%A1n [extracted from Internet 2021/09/27] Luján’s Historical-Political Connections When dealing with Luján, see the following, and look at the map of ceded states: Mexican Cession https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Cession#/media/File:Mexican_Cession.png Area Mexico ceded to the United States in 1848, minus Texan claims. The Mexican Cession consisted of present-day U.S. states of California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, the western half of New Mexico, the western quarter of Colorado, and the southwest corner of Wyoming. Also see: Gadsen Treat ratified in 1854 https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h82.html LINKS LIST 2017/08/01--https://www.abqjournal.com/1041809/house-ethics-committee-drops-complaint-against-nms-ben-ray- Luján.html https://aldianews.com/articles/politics/psa-michelle-Luján-grisham-and-ben-ray-Luján-arent-cousins/59869 https://americanpatriotsagainstkokesh.wordpress.com/2010/03/28/kokesh-accuses-speaker-Luján-of-corruption- while-father-faces-sec-charges/ https://www.koat.com/article/best-new-halloween-treats/37623681 https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/2017/06/26/house-ethics-committee-investigating-rep-ben-ray-Luján- others/430510001/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/sen-ben-ray-Luján-visits-permian-basin-pushes-to-fund-abandoned- oil-well-cleanup/ar-AANvUzU https://nmpoliticalreport.com/2017/06/27/house-ethics-committee-probing-complaint-against-Luján/ https://oce.house.gov/reports/investigations/oce-referral-regarding-rep-ben-ray-luj-n https://observer.com/2016/09/breaking-guccifer-2-0-releases-more-dnc-docs-exposing-more-corruption/ https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ben-ray- Luján/contributors?cid=N00029562&cycle=2022&type=I https://pinonpost.com/Luján-uses-his-late-fathers-cancer-battle-to-promote-his-u-s-senate-run/ https://pinonpost.com/ben-ray-ronchetti-pacs/ https://pinonpost.com/ben-ray-Luján-wants-to-give-biden-regime-power-to-censor-misinformation-on-social- media/ https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Ray_Luj%C3%A1n https://spectator.org/bill-endangers-online-platforms-spreading-misinformation/ https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20210722/17302447227/senators-klobuchar-Luján-release-ridiculous-blatantly- unconstitutional-bill-to-make-facebook-liable-health-misinformation.shtml Govtracks https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/s1375 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr2766 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr3194 ARTICLES Albuquerque Journal 2017/08/01 House Ethics Committee drops complaint against NM’s Ben Ray Luján BY MATTHEW DALY/ASSOCIATED PRESS PUBLISHED: TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 2017 AT 5:29PM UPDATED: TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 2017 AT 5:32PM https://www.abqjournal.com/1041809/house-ethics-committee-drops-complaint-against-nms-ben-ray- Luján.html Aldia News Luján claims he is not cousin of governor 2021/08/03 PSA: Michelle Lujan-Grisham and Ben Ray Luján aren’t cousins. Rep. Ben Ray Luján responded, calling out Mark Ronchetti’s ignorance. By Ericka Conant https://aldianews.com/articles/politics/psa-michelle-Luján-grisham-and-ben-ray-Luján-arent- cousins/59869 American Patriots against Kokesh https://americanpatriotsagainstkokesh.wordpress.com/2010/03/28/kokesh-accuses-speaker-Luján-of- corruption-while-father-faces-sec-charges/ KOAT 2008/10/20 Miller Questions Luján On Corruption In 3rd District Debate https://www.koat.com/article/best-new-halloween-treats/37623681 Las Cruces Sun 2017/06/26 House ethics committee investigating Rep. Ben Ray Luján, others. Matthew Daly https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/2017/06/26/house-ethics-committee-investigating-rep-ben-ray-Luján- others/430510001/ New Mexico Political Report 2017/06/27 House Ethics Committee probing complaint against Luján. By Matthew Reichbach https://nmpoliticalreport.com/2017/06/27/house-ethics-committee-probing-complaint-against-Luján/ Observer 2016/09/23 Breaking: Guccifer 2.0 Releases More DNC Docs, Exposing More Corruption New evidence proves Clinton was always the Democratic choice. By Michael Sainato https://observer.com/2016/09/breaking-guccifer-2-0-releases-more-dnc-docs-exposing-more-corruption/ Guccifer 2.0’s latest release includes a dossier file of DCCC Chair Ben Ray Luján, a Democratic congressman from New Mexico. The extensive file includes hundreds of pages of statements, speeches, financial data and weak and strong points in anticipation of his re-election bid this November, and likely to prepare his political career for bigger ambitions. Among the weak points listed in the dossier is nepotism, as Ben Ray Luján’s father, Ben Luján Sr. was the Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives, and helped Luján initially get elected to congress. Luján’s cousin, Michelle Lujan-Grisham, also serves in congress for a separate district in New Mexico. One document provides talking points for Luján to make a call to controversial New Jersey Democratic donor George Norcross in March 2015. “We need Mr. Norcross’ help in recruiting top targets such as State Sen. Van Drew, to run in NJ-2. Ideally, he would call the recruits that we feel are the best and encourage them to run,” read the memo. “Likewise it would be ideal if he could mention his support when asked by others in his powerful circle. This will help to validate our candidates with the political and donor classes.” In a 2013 article, Philadelphia Magazine called Norcross “the man who destroyed democracy.” The DCCC memo reveals the Democratic Party has not only embraced wealthy donors influencing the political system but aggressively courts their input in pushing for their mutually preferred candidates. https://observer.com/2016/09/breaking-guccifer-2-0-releases-more-dnc-docs-exposing-more-corruption/ OCE dot House dot Gov 2017/08/01 OCE Referral Regarding Rep. Ben Ray Luján https://oce.house.gov/reports/investigations/oce-referral-regarding-rep-ben-ray-luj-n Open Secrets Contributors to Ben Ray Luján https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ben-ray- Luján/contributors?cid=N00029562&cycle=2022&type=I [Note from PF: the table shows amounts of contributions. Don't be confused by the organizations or companies listed-see excerpt below to explain why.] Excerpt: These tables list the top donors to candidates in the 2017 - 2022 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates. Pinon Post 2021/08/05 Ben Ray Luján wants to give Biden regime power to censor ‘misinformation’ on social media. By John Block https://pinonpost.com/ben-ray-Luján-wants-to-give-biden-regime-power-to-censor-misinformation-on-social- media/ Ray Ronchetti - PACs https://pinonpost.com/ben-ray-ronchetti-pacs/ Luján’s father served as the Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives from 2002 to 2012. Ben Ray Luján is running against Republican longtime television weatherman Mark Ronchetti for the U.S. Senate seat. https://pinonpost.com/Luján-uses-his-late-fathers-cancer-battle-to-promote-his-u-s-senate-run/ Roll Call 2012/12/19 Father of Luján Dies in New Mexico By Jason Dick https://www.rollcall.com/2012/12/19/father-of-Luján-dies-in-new-mexico/ Sad day for Rep. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., whose father, New Mexico Speaker Ben Luján, died late Tuesday in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Associated Press reported the cause of death for the 77-year-old legislator was lung cancer, which was diagnosed in 2009. He was first elected to the New Mexico House in 1974. In January, he announced that he would not seek re-election in November. He presided over the state House through the 2012 session, although he was battling stage 4 cancer. Spectator https://spectator.org/bill-endangers-online-platforms-spreading-misinformation/ The Health Misinformation Act, co-sponsored by Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), would edit Section 230, a 1934 law that protects online platforms from lawsuits over content that users post on their site. In an article for National Review, Michael Dougherty argued that such censorship would harm the ability of those who dissent from accepted narratives (like people who suggested the COVID-19 lab leak theory) to communicate and form the best scientific case to challenge potentially corrupted ideas (like the idea that a Wuhan lab could not have played any role in the pandemic). Doughterty claimed that “The White House and Senate need to stop worrying about what people are sharing on Facebook and instead focus on winning back public trust.” https://spectator.org/bill-endangers-online-platforms-spreading-misinformation/ Tech Dirt 2021/07/23 Senators Klobuchar And Luján Release Ridiculous, Blatantly Unconstitutional Bill To Make Facebook Liable For Health Misinformation. By Mike Masnick https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20210722/17302447227/senators-klobuchar-Luján-release-ridiculous-blatantly- unconstitutional-bill-to-make-facebook-liable-health-misinformation.shtml Copy of letter from Senator Ben Luján-see Notes Personal for this date Sept 7 2021 These are included in the letter: Keep Families Together Act Dreamers and farmworkers. the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act the Central America Family Protection and Reunification Act. U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 Dear -- Thank you for contacting my Washington, D.C. office. Keeping in contact with my constituents is very important to me, and I appreciate the opportunity to engage with you on such an important topic. Immigration is a critical issue facing our state and our nation today. Living on the southern border, New Mexicans know the complexities of this issue firsthand. Unfortunately, our immigration system today is broken—our families, businesses, and economy suffer because our current system cannot effectively address the challenges that confront it daily. There is more we must do to strengthen our immigration system to provide immigrants with the dignity, respect, and opportunity they deserve. Throughout my time serving New Mexico, I have supported immigration reform efforts to ensure all New Mexicans are provided with the resources to live a healthy life and opportunities to succeed. Last Congress, I supported legislation like the Keep Families Together Act, the Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, and the Central America Family Protection and Reunification Act. Here in the Senate, I was also proud to work with my colleagues to introduce the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. This long-awaited legislation keeps families together, and creates a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants, including our Dreamers and farmworkers. It also includes provisions to help America’s economy recover and rebuild, modernize border security and our ports of entry, and address the root causes of migration from Central America. The diversity in our communities is remarkable, and throughout my time in Congress, I have fought to ensure equal treatment of all people regardless of immigration status. While we may sometimes disagree, please know that I value your input and weigh the thoughts and concerns of New Mexicans before every vote. Going forward, I will continue to work with my colleagues to create a system that is fair, just, and finds solutions to the unique problems facing New Mexico. Once again, thank you expressing your concerns on this important matter. I am humbled to begin serving New Mexico in the Senate and I look forward to being in contact with you. I hope you will consider keeping in contact with me by subscribing to my newsletter here. If you are looking for assistance navigating a federal agency, or would like to speak to a member of my staff in New Mexico, please visit my website here for more information. Sincerely, Ben Ray Luján United States Senator Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Luj%C3%A1n Ben Luján, Sr. (July 12, 1935 – December 18, 2012) was an American politician from New Mexico.[1][2] A Democrat, he was the Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives. He served in the State House from 1975 through 2012. He was elected as Speaker beginning in 2001, serving until his death in office.[3] His legislative district, the 46th, was composed mostly of Santa Fe.[4] He is the father of U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján. Ben Luján was born to Nestora and Celedon Luján on July 12, 1935 in the Nambé Pueblo. His brothers were Ramos, Gustavo and Nestor; and sisters, Olivama and Josie.[5] Their father was a sheepherder and was one of the first laborers recruited for the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos.[5] Luján's family were Hispanos of New Mexico, descendants of colonial settlers in the area long before it was part of the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Luj%C3%A1n Spectator 2021/07/23 New Bill Would Endanger Online Platforms Spreading ‘Misinformation’ And open them up to lawsuits over content hosted on their sites. By CAELAN ELLIOTT https://spectator.org/bill-endangers-online-platforms-spreading-misinformation/ Daily Times https://www.daily-times.com/story/news/local/2020/09/05/Luján-introduces-bill-study-scams-targeting-native- americans/5728475002/ Updates: 2022/11/21; 2021/09/27 updates, editing; 2021/09/25 PAGE STARTED--Ben Ray Luján New Mexico Represenstative
BEN RAY LUJAN Position: New Mexico Democrat Senator since January 3, 2021 Problem with Senator Ben Ray Lujan Legislation Lujan supports, or related types Background Links LIst Articles Letter from Luján 2021/09/07 Misc Problem with Senator Ben Ray Luján: His favoritism toward illegal aliens: These are included in the 2021/09/07 letter as things he supports: Keep Families Together Act; Dreamers and Farmworkers, The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 Overly centered on race relations - ie, proudly discussing he is a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and an alumnus of a Hispanic-Serving Institution, joined the first-ever Senate Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Caucus for the 117th Congress. Mr Luján is not working for the general American public, and most certainly not the white residents of New Mexico. HIs views and approaches in these matters are too narrow. Comes from wealthy political family in which father was in a major position in the House as Speak for manyyears - he likely does not truly understand the poor or middle class which abound in New Mexico There are signs he could be one of New Mexico’s Hispanics seeking a return to pre-1850s US-Mexico borders: Hispano background Strong favoritism toward immigrants and illegal aliens Ethnic and racial pride in being Hispanic, not working for all Americans Works collaboratively with similar types of politicians Might have cartel connections Watch his disclosed funding Some New Mexicans speak out clearly against him, including Hispanics; they don’t trust him, don’t think he does much for them he does not get as much attention as Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham, and probably should be investigated more He did not get into the Senate by much “Luján launched his Senate race against Republican opponent Mark Ronchetti. On November 4th, he emerged victorious with 51.6% of the vote. https://iqlatino.org/2020/meet-ben-ray-lujan-the-newest-latino-u-s- senator/”
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LEADERS (Negative) Joe Biden o Biden General Info o Biden Impeachment Kamala Harris Lloyd Austin, Sec Def. Denis McDonough, Sec VA Mark Milley, Jnt Chfs Chair Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS Ronny Jackson, TX Ilhan Omar, MN Alexandria O-Cortez, NY Maggie Hassan, NH Letitia James, NY Veronica Escobar, TX Ben Ray Luján, NM Mich. Lujan-Grisham, NM Lori Lightfoot IL Past/Receding-need Investig. Nancy Pelosi, CA Former House Speaker o 1 Introduction o 2 Articles o 3 Comments o 4 Links List Hector Balderas, NM Anthony Fauci Kate Brown, OR Barack Obama See Also Catholic Connection Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi Denis McDonough Anthony Fauci Mark Milley Ben Ray Lujan Gavin Newsom Measures for USA Cluster of Leaders
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