cell phones
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPINION Note dated 11/24/2022: It’s a great disappointment and hardship for New Mexico that this awful individual Grisham regained the governor position in 2022. Many New Mexicans and Americans around the country feel this is like old regurgitated cardboard, or rechewed cud, or rehashed B (or C) movies. I am sure this will make yet more Republicans want to leave the state of New Mexico, which, with characters like this in charge, is descending yet further into a third world country. My opinion is that Native American females are circled around this individual, manipulating the energy and her approaches. You need to think of them like witches, then the lightbulb goes on. To me, they seem to be latching onto, and getting inside, Grisham’s energy, creating an energy bubble. They also might be energy vampires. Pay attention to which Native Americans (including Navajo females) are with Grisham in public news photos. Next, Grisham is linked to a group of sinister governors and attorney generals around the nation who are doing the same kinds of bad things. They look, sound and smell alike, because they are. They get lumped together by Republicans as “leftists”, which is a good approximation, but that simple label does not do justice to everything these look and sound-alikes are into. It’s a complex association of China, Russia/former Soviets, Marxism with socialism, Communism and rebellion aspects, La Raza/Unidos with Mexican, Latino and Caribbean aspects involving Marxists, racial pride and cartels including a desire to raise the Mexican flag over old US territories once held by Mexico in history; Radical Islam and Middle Eastern thugs. Grisham along with Balderas, Lujan and the supreme court justice are all linked to a Mexico-first approach that is destroying New Mexico and has a negative influence on the rest of the United States. It includes Catholic-centered or linked ethno-religionism coupled with old 15th and 16th century royaltyism. There is a conquistador domination-submission approach still with many Hispanics, including those in New Mexico, to this day, and it is largely inherent in cartel culture abuses. There is a type of Hispanic cronyism which completely ignores American legal systems for proper conduct and fair play. New Mexico should be seen as a weak link in the United States Union and a very real growing threat to national security. It should be taken seriously and something should be done about the state before it is too late, which it mostly already is. People need to be Americans first in New Mexico like in every other state of the union, and not treat it as its own special country. Much of the state pride comes from historical revisionism, including the ridiculous idea of making Queen Isabella a saint. That old Spanish queen was a major part of the Spanish Inquisition against Jews and should be seen as a criminal and tyrant, not a spiritual deity of any kind. In addition, New Mexicans take the old Spanish-Catholic unity as something to feel pride in to the point they themselves act like royalty when dealing with white Americans. This ethno-religionism-royaltyism tries to get whites to “show respect” to them, be deferential and to be victims and doormats. This bad behavior extends into the Native Americans in the state, particularly those with racial and cultural ties to Hispanics. Hopefully someone can litigate and get Grisham out of office as soon as possible. Grisham is mundane, centered on minority interests only and is one of several bad New Mexican politicians which aid and abet reverse-racism in the state of New Mexico. She acted like royalty over the COVID-19 event, dictating to New Mexicans as if she were Queen Isabella herself. New Mexico does not need someone like this in the state’s highest position, nor does the rest of the country. To get her out of office, you will also have to focus on the Native American cartels circling her, influencing her and keeping her in power. In summary, the problem with the government in Santa Fe and anywhere where Native Americans (including Navajos) have government positions in New Mexico is that they are all, without exception, reverse-racists. They are deliberately excluding white American New Mexican residents from their activities and plans for New Mexico. There are only a few remaining pockets of white political leadership around the state; even San Juan County, once a safe harbor, has succumbed to the reverse-racism. The government in Santa Fe and that coming from the Navajo Tribe repeatedly takes on an “us against the US” approach and in legal action. Whites in the state are finding more and more contemptuous attitudes from Hispanics (including various strands of Spanish descent including New Mexico-based ones as well as out-of-New Mexico Latinos and Chicanos). Most of the people answering the phone from Santa Fe based government are Hispanic sounding, including branches across the state, like in Albuquerque and Las Cruces. They deliberately give most (in some cases, all) of the jobs to Hispanics and Native Americans. Many of the government jobs in San Juan County are now almost entirely taken up by Navajos. Fifteen years ago, San Juan County most certainly was not like that. There has been a vicious and relentless takeover of the area. New Mexico is one of the most racist states in the union and it is the likes of Grisham who help make it that way. SEXUAL HARASSMENT CHARGE AND SETTLEMENT Fox 2021/10/12 New Mexico governor's sexual harassment settlement more than twice as big as previously known. By Jessica Chasmar https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-mexico-governor-sexual-harassment-settlement-twice-big Excerpt: New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's campaign paid her sexual assault accuser $150,000 in settlement payments — more than double what her campaign acknowledged earlier this year. Reports in June said the Democrat's campaign paid at least $62,500 to James Hallinan, a 2018 campaign spokesman who claimed the governor once dropped water in his lap and then grabbed his crotch at the home of state Rep. Deborah Armstrong during a https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-mexico-governor-sexual-harassment-settlement-twice-big Political Fireball 2018/12/28 After Alleged Groin Grabbing, Governor Grisham No Longer Sexual Assault Advocate? https://politicalfireball.com/2019/12/28/groin-grabbing-governor-grisham-no-longer-sexual-assault- advocate-after- allegations/ Santa Fe New Mexican 2021/10/11 Former campaign staffer who accused Lujan Grisham of harassment receives more money By Daniel J. Chacón https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/former-campaign-staffer-who-accused-lujan- grisham-of-harassment-receives-more-money/article_05ebf846-2aa8-11ec-9df4-ab2c3f58f718.html Impeach Petition Change dot org Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham John Daniel started this petition to State Representative Zachary J. Cook https://www.change.org/p/zachary-j-cook-removal-of-governor-michelle-Luján-grisham-from-office To the Honorable Legislators of the state of New Mexico, In accordance with the Constitution of the state of New Mexico, Article II Bill of Rights, Section 16; Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, or giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. To be sure, there’s no colloquial misuse of a legal term: The term “treason” as defined in this context “enemies,” for example, must be countries against which Congress has formally declared war or otherwise authorized the use of force. To be sure, there’s no colloquial misuse of a legal term: The term “enemy”, as defined in this context means; A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. A hostile nation or its armed forces or citizens.. A thing that harms or weakens something else The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has "authorized the use of force” by deploying the National Guard to the southern borders of New Mexico as to protect its citizens from illegal entry and or illegal activities of our enemies. The governor of the state of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan-Grisham, has overruled this authorization of the President and ordered the removal of the National Guard. By doing so, Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham has deliberately and recklessly aided our enemies in illegal entry to the state, committing illegal activities and endangering the safety of its citizens. Therefore, by this reason, let we the people of the State of New Mexico bear witness and decree that Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham be impeached from office on grounds of Treason and we affirm this decree by signing of this petition. Related Topic - Another Democrat Problem-Racketeering, Money-Laundering Probe Fox 2021/07/31 Connected information in terms of new mexico politics Racketeering New Mexico state Dem leader resigns amid racketeering, money-laundering probe She has "unequivocally" denied the allegations By Brie Stimson https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-mexico-democrat-williams-stapleton-resigns-amid-racketeering- investigation Hydrogen Production MRT 2021/10/04-05 New Mexico governor thanks oil and gas, cheers hydrogen plan. By CEDAR ATTANASIO Associated Press / Report for America https://www.mrt.com/news/article/New-Mexico-Governor-thanks-oil-gas-cheers-16508920.php Whistleblower against CYFD Pinon Post 2021/06/26 Whistleblowers file lawsuit against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s CYFD. By John Block https://pinonpost.com/whistleblowers-file-lawsuit-against-gov-lujan-grishams-cyfd/ Gun Rights Group Sue Ammoland 2020/04/11 Gun Rights Groups Sue New Mexico Gov., Challenging Emergency Order Ammoland Inc. By Alan Gottlieb https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/gun-rights-groups-sue-new-mexico-gov-challenging-emergency- order/#axzz79C7akJBc New Mexico State Fair Class Action Suit Class Action Suit-Consider the Consumer Consider the Consumer https://considertheconsumer.com/class-actions/new-mexico-state-fair-class-action-lawsuit-against-governor- lujan-grisham-2021-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-for-all-attendees 4-H Joins Class Action Suit KOB 4-H parents join class action lawsuit against Gov. Lujan Grisham, NMDOH https://www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/4-h-parents-join-class-action-lawsuit-against-gov-lujan-grisham- nmdoh/6223265/ Businesses sue over Fees KRTN Radio 2020/05/21 New Mexico Businesses file Lawsuit against Governor Lujan Grisham and Administration over Illegal Fines Imposed on Businesses. BY BEV EDDY https://krtnradio.com/2020/05/21/new-mexico-businesses-file-lawsuit-against-governor-lujan-grisham-and- administration-over-illegal-fines-imposed-on- businesses/#:~:text=Republican%20Party%20Of%20New%20Mexico%20Organizes%20and%20Backs,actions %20bankrupting%20businesses%20and%20unjustly%20punishing%20New%20Mexicans Federal Lawsuit over Health Orders KOAT 2021/08/23 Federal lawsuit sues New Mexico governor over current health orders https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/federal-lawsuit-sues-new-mexico-governor-over-current-health- orders/ar-AANC9Ge Many are speaking out against the current health orders put into place in New Mexico on Tuesday. On Friday, a federal lawsuit was filed against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Dr. David Scrase, the Secretary for the Health and Human Services Department. The class-action lawsuit was filed by two women, one a 4-H parent the other a nurse. They both claim the state's vaccine mandate for certain workers violates their rights. The nurse is suing because she claims she and thousands of other nurses will lose their jobs if they don't take the vaccine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/federal-lawsuit-sues-new-mexico-governor-over-current-health- orders/ar-AANC9Ge Federal Lawsuit Over Pay KOAT 2021/05/28 Federal lawsuit filed against Gov. Lujan Grisham over pay https://www.koat.com/article/federal-lawsuit-filed-against-gov-lujan-grisham-over-pay/36573457# Republican GOP Announces Legal Action against Governor KRWG 2020/05/15 Republican Party of New Mexico Announces Legal Action Against The Governor By RPNM • https://www.krwg.org/post/republican-party-new-mexico-announces-legal-action-against-governor Private messaging apps on work cell phones Parents Security Online https://parentsecurityonline.com/parent-kids-lujan-grishams-staffers-have-private-messaging-apps- on-work-cellphones-local-news/ NM Restaurant Association sues governor over indoor dining KOB NM Restaurant Association sues governor over indoor dining https://www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/nm-restaurant-association-sues-governor-over-indoor- dining/5793165/ Eddy County sues Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for unfair emergency orders Current Argus Eddy County sues Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for unfair emergency orders Mike Smith Carlsbad Current-Argus https://www.currentargus.com/story/news/2020/05/08/eddy-county-board-commissioners-vote-sue- nm-governor/3095209001/ COMMENTS But seeing a few other males complain about similar issues involving Grisham, I ask: Note 2021/10/13: My first instinct was the story about sexual groping of a male was unlikely. Is it possible Grisham is working with lesbian Native American and Hispanic or Lation women? Do they have a power thing against men that shows up as sexal groping of men? Has Grisham been checked for drug or alcohol usage? THE PROBLEM WITH GOVERNOR MICHELLE GRISHAM as of Novemeber 2020 election Commentary and Opinion Grisham is part of the “calling card” lingo-spouting minorities using government to further certain narrow agendas for minorities in the state of New Mexico, while working with a similar network of like-minded governors, politicians and minorites across the nation. Grisham is a very dangerous woman. She is one of several malicious governors who supported the Black Lives Matter movement and supports a government overreach program during COVID-19, both of which are likely connected to something more globally oriented toward a new world order type of approach. Grisham is not representing the interests of most of the other half of the state of New Mexico, a mix of whites, racial mixes and various raced conservatives who really and truly dislike her approach. For the Navajos, Hispanics and other minorities who prefer her approach, they have enabled yet another despotic form of government in the United States. Grisham repeatedly spouts off about racism in New Mexico. This is such a crock. The real racism in New Mexico is reverse discrimination as more and more minorities take management and hourly positions with the attitude of not hiring whites once they get in the door. Som articles listed below show Grisham’s constant whine over “racism” and the need for “justice” and “systemic change” - all of the lingo associated with Black Lives Matter and the whole sinister leftist/minority Big Brother enterprise currently attacking our country. This is its own type of racism and hate mongering. For those of us left high and dry in New Mexico: shame on Grisham, shame on her. I am getting pieces of the anger the “high and dries” feel in the state, but I know I am not seeing all of it. My feeling is there is a conspiracy to shut people up and to stalk people around town, through the police system and online. I also feel it is likely there has been some kind of program attacking whites and certain non-players in the state, something in the deep state and very hidden from view. I feel they also use access to cell phones, emails and letters to get inside white families and they use psychic and/or psychotronic attacks to convince other family members to think like they do - like the infiltrated Democrat party. I feel part of this is a Hispanic Catholic ethno-religious authority thing. Grisham’s approach seems in cahoots with, or at least in line with, the New Mexico Attorney General Balderas who also leaves half the state high and dry as he and his Hispanic AG office focuse on minorities and come at complaints with a tainted Hispanic (also Mexico) cultural approach which does not look, feel or act like the United States. People who just want to be Americans have to run up against this stuff constantly dealing with the New Mexican government which tries to pretend its approach is better than that of the broader USA. Behind all of this is a twisted elitist wanna be Hispanic royalty thing where they pretend they are just somehow better and wiser than the United States. What this really means is that people’s civil rights are being subjugated left and right in New Mexico. WIthout question, the American system is better than anything New Mexico is dishing out on its white inhabitants. I also suspect New Mexico follows and spies on people who try to shift residency and get out of the state for good. I suspect it is a secretly abusive state with much of what goes on very hidden. We need more proof and evidence that Hispanics, minorities and religious extremists have been targeting and attempting to control the lives of certain New Mexico residents. White who are married to Navajos and HIspanics might need to pull back and look at their situation with more objective eyes so as not to be fully gullible or taken in by the civil rights movement in the state. New Mexico is a can of worms because people either do not get it and just don’t see what is actually going on or they are part of the corruption. There is a certain kind of oblivious personality that just walks through the middle of this stuff and does not see it and they get pulled into it without fully realizing their own complicity with an ugly system. How to wake these oblivious types up seems to be part of the battle, because without people seeing the problem as it actually is, we cannot gather up enough people to fight back. Just know in the state of New Mexico there are some very unhappy people, very dissatisfied with the state’s government, many of these people are up in San Juan County New Mexico, but there are others. Let us be clear: there is NOT racism in the state of New Mexico - there are just too minorities now for it to take any real effect anywhere except the few remaining quite small pockets of centered white population here and there. Most of the state has a solid share of minorities in each city and town, and in many cases, those towns are mostly minorities. The real problem is reverse discrimination and the unwillingness of minorities to hear the other side of the story, and their endless sense of being part of a Race Grievance group. What really is happening in the state of New Mexico is a CULTURAL issue - a difference in approach - which can, and often does, have a racial connection. Americans with their pragmatism, directness, liking of facts and data, and a desire for truth and fair play do not like the state’s Hispanic encomienda system which has a lot of cronyism and nepotism attached to it. This is a cultural, not racial, issue. In addition, the nepotism issue extends to “tribal” or “religious affiliation” in a way that makes it harder for non-players to get in the door. Other than certain groups like the Irish Catholics, Americans generally don’t spread their family members all across town as a political and job-grabbing unit as do the Navajo- Hispanic or Navajo-Mormon complex in San Juan County and various parts of New Mexico. That is a cultural issue. You walk into Target in Farmington and feel many of the Navajos working there are a large family unit, people not just tribal, but more immediately related. They stand around looking too chummy together for it to be anything else. Some Hispanic Catholics try to force Catholicsm on people. Males do it one way, females do it another way. That behavior is really obnoxious, but they feel they know more than other people how to get in touch with God. As such, it is a type of statewide cult. It is absolutely conceivable these minorities would work together to cheat in a census or an American election. It is completely possible because the anti-American, anti-white thing is so prevalent across the state. Many would literally lie, cheat and steal to win. You cannot trust the election centers in the state. With the strong minority and liberal population in New Mexico, it is likely Trump did not pull enough votes even if New Mexico had been a more honest state, but the Hispanic and tribal thing in New Mexico is too strong to take things at face value. Many whites have gotten burned out on the whole thing. It’s very tiring to call Santa Fe and only hear Hispanics working in the government when you actually do want to be living in an American country, not a surrogate or extension of Mexico. For people who want a different kind of American experience, New Mexico is not the place for that. This is why you see whites around the country very, very angry with the Hispanic populations. You want America, not an extension of Mexico, but Mexico or the Navajo Reservation comes to you and takes over your area. Now what do you do? If you complain, they call you racist. But then ou look over at the blacks, they are doing the same thing, you read up on American Muslims of any color and they are doing it, too. There is no wonder people see a conspiracy behind these sprawling, agressive and bullying populations all sound like calling card, lingo-driven new world order types. You keep telling them: “Hey I don’t want this kind of life, this is not my way of doing America, this really stinks.” And they say, “Well, you are racist.” And it goes around and around. And Governor Grisham is right in the middle of it. Grisham’s Sinister Calling Card Legacy; some related anti-American government like “New Mexico Sues Trump”; Lawsuits, etc Albuq. Jrnl 2020/06 Gov. Luján Grisham to hold news briefing on racism systemic injustice https://www.abqjournal.com/1463093/gov-Luján-grisham-to-hold-news-briefing-on-racism-systemic- injustice.html Santa Fe New Mexican 2020/06/04 Governor announces new Council for Racial Justice. By Robert Nott. https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/governor-announces-new-council-for-racial- justice/article_36bcf31c-a6a6-11ea-aa51-17573c7f0ebf.html Updates: 2022/11/24; 2022/11/21; 2021/10/13 editing and additions; 2021/09/25 PAGE STARTED--Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham-Grisham
MICHELLE LUJAN-GRISHAM POSITION: Governor of New Mexico see below and governors in Stop Black Lives Matter Opinion o 2022/11/24 o Other Comments Sexual Harassment Charge/Settlement Impeach Grisham Petition-Change dot org Hydrogen Production Whistleblower-CYFD Gun Rights Group Sues NM State Fair Class Action Suit o Class Action Suit-Consider the Consumer article o 4-H joins Class Action Suit Businesses Sue over Fees Federal Lawsuit over Health Orders Federal Lawsuit over Pay Republican GOP legal action against Governor Private messaging apps on work cell phones NM Restaurant Association sues governor over indoor dining Eddy County sues Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for unfair emergency orders Related Topic another Dem leader racketeering
Resources and Input Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels and System Corruption
Leaders NM M. Lujan-Grisham Problems, Issues
LEADERS (Negative) Joe Biden o Biden General Info o Biden Impeachment Kamala Harris Lloyd Austin, Sec Def. Denis McDonough, Sec VA Mark Milley, Jnt Chfs Chair Alejandro Mayorkas, DHS Ronny Jackson, TX Ilhan Omar, MN Alexandria O-Cortez, NY Maggie Hassan, NH Letitia James, NY Veronica Escobar, TX Ben Ray Luján, NM Mich. Lujan-Grisham, NM Lori Lightfoot IL Past/Receding-need Investig. Nancy Pelosi, CA Former House Speaker o 1 Introduction o 2 Articles o 3 Comments o 4 Links List Hector Balderas, NM Anthony Fauci Kate Brown, OR Barack Obama See Also Catholic Connection Joe Biden Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi Denis McDonough Anthony Fauci Mark Milley Ben Ray Lujan Gavin Newsom Measures for USA Cluster of Leaders
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