Military Criminality-6 Overall Crime, Books, Commentary (here) Start Here Books
Sexual/Hazing* Gangs/Graffiti Commentary
*Sexual Hazing Topics
Recruiter Sexual Abuse Marine Drill Sergeant Abuse Bases Most at Risk
Republican leader Martha McSally’s alleged military rape by Air Force leader etc…
In 2018, 20,500 service members were sexually assaulted or raped including 13,000 women and 7,500 men. The rate of sexual
assault and rape jumped by almost 40% from 2016 to 2018, and for women veterans, the rate increased by over 50% to the
highest level since 2006.
Facts on Military Sexual Trauma and Statistics - Hill & Ponton
News Observer
2017/11/17 More than 16 sexual assaults are reported each day at military bases. BY BRIAN MURPHY
2017/11/17--https: /www newsobserver com/news/politics-government/politics-columns-blogs/under-the-
Excerpt: More than 6,150 non-domestic adult sexual assaults were reported to the U.S. military from October 1, 2015 to
September 30, 2016, according to a new report by the Department of Defense. Nearly 400 of them were reported at North
Carolina’s major military installations. There were six North Carolina bases included in the report — Camp Lejeune (169
reported cases), Fort Bragg (146), Marine Corps Air Station New River (32), Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (27),
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base (13) and Pope Army Airfield (10). Near Photo: From left, Judge Advocate General of the
Army Lt. Gen. Dana Chipman; Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno; Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey; and Legal
Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Brig. Gen. Richard Gross, arrive on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday,
June 4, 2013, to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on pending legislation regarding sexual assaults
in the military. SUSAN WALSH A
2017/11/17--https: /www newsobserver com/news/politics-government/politics-columns-blogs/under-the-
Denver Post
2004 Digital Newsbook Series
Note from PF: although this series is dated now, it is still a critical and informative piece of research.
Time dot com
2017/12/12 Why Military Women Are Missing from the #MeToo Moment BY ANTONIETA RICO
Excerpt: Women in the military have been speaking out about sexual harassment and assault for decades, from Tailhook in
the early 1990s to Marines United earlier this year. And for decades the American public has ignored our voices, allowing the
military brass to pay lip service to eradicating the problem of sexual assault in the ranks, and failing to hold them
accountable when, as scandal after scandal shows, sexual predators in the military continue to harass and assault with
impunity…Earlier this fall the Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) surveyed more than 1,300 service women about the
impact their military service had on their mental health. The survey identified military sexual trauma (MST) as the number
one factor negatively affecting their mental wellness. Following the survey, SWAN brought together service women and
women veterans from all branches and eras in a Summit in D.C. that further explored the survey results. The service women
who attended included a 71-year-old Navy vet who shared with us that after multiple rapes and assaults the only way she
could finish out her enlistment in the 60s was by numbing herself with alcohol on a daily basis until her contract was over.
Not a lot has changed since then. As recently as this week, we at SWAN continue to field calls and emails from women who
tell us they were discharged after being raped or women currently serving who tell us they are scared of reporting their
rape…Once women leave the service, they do not leave the military sexual trauma behind. In our survey, just over 60 percent
of women indicated that military service negatively affected their mental health (most often tied to MST) and recent data
bears out that fact: women veterans have higher rates of depression than non-veteran women and a shocking 250% higher
suicide rate than civilian women. Even as women veterans are trying to access veteran health services, they report being
harassed by their fellow veterans in VA facilities.
2017/12/12--https //time com/5060570/military-women-sexual-assault/
Abuses of the Erotic: Militarizing Sexuality in the Post-Cold War United States
By Josh Cerretti
Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame
By Michael Scarce
Military Sexual Trauma: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
edited by Carolyn B Allard, Melissa Platt
Sexual Harassment, Assault, Hazing
Monsters among us: veteran serial killers Eric Dehm
2017 article earlier rapes
'I said no 20 times', military rape victims speak out
Between 2007 and 2016, the Department of Defense collected more than 6,000 reports of sexual assault and sustained
People might check out this website for more comprehensive military related corruption information (for info only, PF is not
endorsing one way or another):
Role Playing: An Issue in Military Sexual Abuses?
Note from PF: keep your eyes open for any cases that might have a “sexual role playing” connection; this allegedly has come
up around the Army’s Scott Hockenberry rape case. Although too few stories to tell at this point (I have seen two so far, incl.
this one), we need to be on alert as to whether such things are going around the military, esp. in rape cases. See:
See also
2018/12/19--https //ww .navytimes com/news/your-navy/2018/12/19/attorney-navy-officer-accused-of-rape-was-engaged-in-
Various Assault Cases Across Different Divisions of the Military
North Carolina
More than 16 sexual assaults are reported each day at military bases
2017/11/17----https //www newsobserver com/news/politics-government/politics-columns-blogs/under-the-
New York Times
2019/09/10 Men military sexual assault Photographs by MARY F. CALVERT Text by DAVE PHILIPPS
https //www nytimes com/interactive/2019/09/10/us/men-military-sexual-assault.html
Bases [Possibly] Most at Risk
Military times
2018/09/21 Sexual assault: Here are the bases where troops are most at risk Tara Copp
https //www militarytimes com/news/your-military/2018/09/21/sexual-assault-here-are-the-bases-where-
Men most victims sexual assaults/rapes [at least] in 2011
New York Daily News
2011 Majority of sexual assaults and rapes committed in military in 2011 were against men By Heidi
https //www nydailynews com/news/national/majority-sexual-assaults-rapes-committed-military-2011-
Stripes dot com
2018 Study reveals Navy installations carry most risk of sexual assault, but not why
https //www stripes com/news/study-reveals-navy-installations-carry-most-risk-of-sexual-assault-but-
2013/05/15 Why is there so much sexual abuse in the military?
https //www
Excerpt: This week, we are talking about the very serious topic of sexual assault in the military. Just
yesterday, the Army announced that a soldier who coordinated the Sexual Assault Prevention Program at
Fort Hood [Note from PF: there seems to be some of this in Oklahoma, too-see Military Criminality/Active
Duty] is under investigation for, of all things, abusive sexual contact of subordinates. That came a week
after the Department of Defense released numbers on sexual assaults in the military. The numbers are
high. Some 26,000 such assaults were reported by service members. That number is up dramatically
from where they were just a year ago.
Republican Arizona senator alleges former rape by Air Force leader
Military Times
2019/03/06 Arizona senator reveals she was raped by a superior officer while in the Air Force. By Leo
Shane III
https //www militarytimes com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/03/06/arizona-senator-reveals-she-was-
WASHINGTON — Arizona Sen. Martha McSally, a former Air Force colonel and one of the first female
combat veterans elected to Congress, revealed she was raped by a superior officer during her military
career but kept the attack secret out of fear of reprisal.McSally, a Republican lawmaker who has been an
outspoken voice on issues of equality of women in the ranks, served in the Air Force from 1988 to 2010.
She was the first military woman to fly in combat after the military lifted rules barring them from those
pilot posts, and provided close-air support during operations in Iraq and Kuwait as part of Operation
Southern Watch. She did not say when the assault occurred or who her attacker was, but did say she did
not discuss it with anyone until years later.
Air Force Times
2019/03/24 Why McSally is right and wrong about military sexual assaults. By Paula Coughlin
Excerpt: Rape in the armed forces has been in the limelight before, dating back to my own public
complaint of sexual assault at the infamous 1991 Tailhook Convention, which painfully ended my naval
career. In the Pentagon’s most recent annual report, nearly 15,000 service members report having been
sexually assaulted. Horrifically, most victims were assaulted more than once, bringing total assaults to
over 41,000 per year, or 112 per day. Put into perspective, we are losing a battalion a week to this crisis.
These statistics sabotage enlistment and re-enlistment of qualified members. Mission-ready manpower
is diminished when the threat of assault in the military is far greater than the civilian world, with little or
no recourse. You can’t sue your commanding officer for rape. In fact, you might be tried for adultery.
https //www militarytimes com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/03/06/arizona-senator-reveals-she-was-
The Salt Lake Tribune Archives
2012 Utah women among 19 suing over military sexual assault. By Kristen Moulton
Department of Defense estimates just 6% of those who commit sexual assault in the military do any time
in jail.
Recruiters Sexual Abuse
CBS News
2006/08/19 Sexual Abuse By Military Recruiters
https //www cbsnews com/news/sexual-abuse-by-military-recruiters/
Excerpt: More than 100 young women who expressed interest in joining the military in the past year
were preyed upon sexually by their recruiters. Women were raped on recruiting office couches, assaulted
in government cars and groped en route to entrance exams.A six-month Associated Press investigation
found that more than 80 military recruiters were disciplined last year for sexual misconduct with
potential enlistees. The cases occurred across all branches of the military and in all regions of the
https //www cbsnews com/news/sexual-abuse-by-military-recruiters/
Marine Drill Sergeant Abuse
2019/05/15 The Marine Corps is still struggling to stop drill instructors from abusing recruits By Ryan Pickrell
https //www businessinsider com/us-marines-still-struggle-with-drill-instructors-abusing-recruits-2019-5
Norman Transcript
2018/05/08 U.S. military eyes child sex-assault solution. By Justin Pritchard and Reese Dunklin
2018/05/08--https //
Pentagon report shows spike in sexual assault reports at Air Force Academy
(Originally from notes)
The main point when considering gangs in the military is that things can become a whole lot rougher and uncertain
with them there. They can be messing with things in a variety of ways. Common sense should tell you that it might be
easier for the enemy to influence or buy off a gang member who has racial issues or certain anti-American
In going over the list of rapes both on and off bases, and also involving people who are ex-military, people need to
consider whether the perpetrat or was a gang member. Gang membership, past or present, should be considered a
possible variable.
The military has always included people with criminal pasts, often with the hope the military will straighten them out,
and often it does. However, certain tendencies might best be seen as infecting the military. How do you clean it up
and out? What has been tried already, what worked? What did not work? It goes without saying that gang-infected
sectors which normally require top security clearances are compromised spaces. Beyond those areas needing top
security, just being around these people in day-to-day operations might be a matter of watching your back. On the
other hand, things can go the other direction in the sense of “brothers” - there is no doubt someone who has been a
gang member might have learned certain types of loyalty and brotherhood which make him one of the fiercest allies.
They might have valuable real world and street-wise skills which help in keeping an eye out in tough neighborhoods in
Iraq, for example, or around fellow soliders giving off a certain bad vibe; these soldiers might end up helping in ways
that someone from less tough areas could not imagine. We have to take each situation individually and not blanketly
assume all current or past gang members are the ones harming and raping their fellow soldiers, but it can be one
issue. Just as possible are generational military people whose families were raised in a harsh military environment of
hazing and rapes, so they try to pass it on to all new recruits; in this case, it’s the military people, not the gang
members, doing the rapes. You have to look at each case individually but also look for trends.
There are many parents past and present who would like to know the answers behind what really happened to their
children who joined the military. Those people deserve real answers. Many times it is in fact the grieving parents who
do the leg work, the digging, the anguished legal action.
from notes 2020/01/27-28 In terms of bad stuff inside the American military, consider the following:
Gang presence in the United States military
https colon //en dot wikipedia dot org/wiki/Gang_presence_in_the_United_States_military#Gang_graffiti_in_Iraq
Excerpt: Part of list of contents: 2
Notable cases 2.1
White power skinheads 2.2
Gangster Disciples
Norteños 2.4
King Cobra Boys 2.5
Gang graffiti in Iraq
The last: Gang graffiti in Iraq
Excerpt: U.S. gang-related graffiti has shown up in Iraq since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003. Among the
largest American street gangs represented in Iraq are the Gangster Disciples, Crips, Bloods, 18th Street,
Norteños, Black Disciples, Sureños, Latin Kings, TAP Boyz, Tiny Rascal Gang, Vice Lords, and Black P. Stones,
which originated in some of America's most violent and impoverished neighborhoods.[20][21] There are also
reports of Black Power, African Nations, Aryan Nations, Aryan Brotherhood and Ku Klux Klan gang graffiti in
https colon //en dot wikipedia dot org/wiki/Gang_presence_in_the_United_States_military#Gang_graffiti_in_Iraq
Military Rapes from Notes Current Commentary 2020/02/03
Pay attention to all rapes and murders of every kind across all of the military branches, including the Army, Air
Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard; gain access to all records and start charting the information across
various determining variables, looking for trends and isolated events
Pay attention to real or hyped information on gangs in the military; where there is a verified presence of
gangs, be on alert to: rapes, hazing and gangstalking
In all news stories of any kind, watch for hype and the idea of Making the Other Guy Look Bad, one of the first
sections suggested to be read in the Far Zone arena of the sister website River Gold
Before going further with Military Criminality, includes domestic violence, sexual abuse, rapes, and extreme
violence (from severe beatings weapons use with murder)….let’s remember some key points involving
national security.
First, always keep at top-of-mind awareness that things in the news might not be as they seem. There are
several indications that our media can let us down and misinform us. Please see the Media section on this
website. One example from that section includes Pamela Geller, someone who has indicated several news
groups and article writers have omitted information or lied to the public. They also apparently gave more
emphasis to her opponents rather than giving her side of the stories a fair rendering.
There are also indications that the pro-American side of events have been known to be downplayed, with
inumbers of attendees inadequately reported or downright omitted. She says there were vast numbers of
people who came to oppose the 9/11 area mosque that had been proposed, yet this fact was omitted from the
major news outlets. It appears that more than one news group has misinformed the public like this.
Geller has a strong Israeli connection and is a New York born and bred Jew, Her views are often counter to
the Islamic contingencies she has stood up to, so she suggests they pull various strings to keep her messages
from getting out to the public. Her agendas were clear: she wanted to stand up to the verbal attacks against
Israel and Jews by offering an alternative viewpoint. Her ideas and information have been misconstrued not
only by Islamic radicals per se, but also the various groups that aid and abet them.
The significance of this issue can be missed if Americans assume it is distinctly a Jewish problem. It is also an
American problem. It is also a cosmopolitan issue, involving all races, religions and genders. Dishonest news
impacts all of us.
Using the above example involving Pamela Geller, we can extrapolate from her experiences to understand
that yet other news stories might not be rendered authentically, as well. One tactic seems to be to Make The
Other Guy Look Bad…and Weak. In this case, the other guy is the United States. Enemies both within and
outside the USA are trying to use every trick in the book to make our country and its major players look bad.
Islamic groups have indicated they want to destroy the USA from within.
Police Factor is not suggesting all major news groups and their writers are corrupt. It seems some of the
writers are sincere. Some of the most sincere writers, in fact, might put their lives on the line to get at the
truth to the point they are killed or vilified. In voicing concerns about media yappers, we are not wanting to
denigrate or downplay the efforts of any and all sincere media voices and outlets. We want to give the good
writers their due, but also acknowledge that something quite terrible has been increasingly stifling the news
in our country.
With media yappers hooked into these anti-American agendas, our news can be messed with in a number of
different ways, along with our heads. News can become a form of psyops directed at the American people -
and their allies - to confuse them and alienate them from their government, military and police. One of the
ways to do this terrible thing is to use the news to make the country look sick, weak and incompetent. This
includes giving strong highlights to military and police related crimes in such a way that we feel it is
everywhere, with all people, all the time. Then people think, if it’s a huge problem, nothing gets done, we
must have a bad country, we need a new country. We always need to remember that if the news is in the
hands of people who don’t like us, the whole thing can be very skewed.
We don’t want large numbers of military people going around killing and raping people, or losing their sense
of center to the point they blow up. We need to understand that some of these situations might be being
tweaked underneath the surface by “invisible fingers” of enemy hands in one way or another. One of the best
ways, perhaps, to counter such invisible activity designed to make our veterans act out in unpredictable and
violent ways is to try to connect the dots and see if something additional is going on in their lives. To throw
out one possiblity, consider enemy provided drugs + video game shows with subliminal messages + so-called
“friends” who are actually enemies around the veteran = he finally goes off and shoots himself and several
others. In other words, there could be repeated steps being taken around targeted active and post-duty
personnel. In this sense, the enemy seems like a friend, drugs seem like a way out of the problem and people
are being given messages from various directions as a form of surround sound - subliminal tapes, CRG’s and
the media. After it is constantly repeated, people tend to internalize the messages despite any original
thoughts to the contrary. It is a form of attrition by repetition.
People could be creating a crime scene and then pasting a targeted veteran or police person to that crime.
There can be set-ups and also replacements. Replacements would be where a mafia exchanges the real
criminal for someone else, let’s that person take the rap in the media and works a number of deals along the
side. Some of it could be extortion, some of it bribes. This could be happening among the so-called white guy
cop/black/Hispanic/minority victims stories…but it also could be happening to targeted members of our
military, both active and non-active duty. Similar types of media-driven stories might surround people who
are being used as stooges for a variety of reasons, in other words.
Where the cases are legitimately portrayed, and we are in fact dealing with military-related crimes, then of
course they must be taken very seriously and appropriately responded to by the legal system. We want to
reduce the bad attitudes toward women, for one thing. We don’t want non-judicious acts directed against
Muslim persons in the military, either. We can be concerned about why a Muslim is working in the American
military, but a concern should not be elevated to the level of hazing, cruelty, abuse or murder. We can ask if
the stories told are as it was, but if it was, then appropriate legal action does of course need to occur. Since
there are games being played with information, it is vital that the American military provides us with the
truth. Truth can be messed with by “players” - CRGs - people linked to Civil Rights Groups with anti-American
agendas. You get a few of these types in upper management, and they can be influencing “the truth” inside
and outside of the military. One way to catch them at their games is to connect the dots and watch for
general tendencies. A pro-minority approach often comes with a certain tone and habitual arguments. If as
good investigators we follow that tone to its source, we might find a rat’s nest of CRG’s messing with our case,
our news, fair play for all and more. Start tuning into that tone. Know it when you hear it.
A form of friendly fire
On the US military: hazing and rapes can be seen as a form of friendly fire, although there is nothing friendly
and kind about it; in this sense, our own people harm or kill our own; it destroys lives and morale; it eats the
military from the inside out; it has long-term devastating effects even after military service is over. Military
leaders are said to not have taken the concerns seriously enough over a long period of time, with rape victims
not listened to or responded to properly. Yet we need to give those military leaders credit for doing the right
thing when a rape is reported; we must not jump to conclusions that all military leaders are corrupt or inept in
these matters. It is devastating to have so much negativity directed at the very groups that are dying
protecting the country overseas. Let us all apply honest and common sense these matters; not out to vilify
the military, but to try to help it clear out the things that interfere with its best performance. Also, we don’t
want hard working and embattled soldiers - people who have had to deal with extreme situations overseas -
further victimized by criminal acts within their ranks. They deserve better than this.
Non-American Coalition Partners
Watch for rapes spurred by working alongside Iraqis, Afghans and Others in Coalition Teams
The other issue here is rapes which occur when working alongside groups from other countries, like Iraq and
Afghanistan. Rapes can and do occur on both sides, Iraqi and American. There is, for example, a rape and
murder case indicated in the Iraq/Crimes section on this website. Also watch for Making the Other Guy Look
Bad and Switching (Iraqis or Afghans did it, Americans take the rap.)
Penetration Into, Influencing Prisons
However, the issues of Iraqi penetration into American prisons probably has not been given enough pubic
attention, although much was written on the corruption and widespread abuse at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. How
much maltreatment was directly from Iraqi persons supposedly working with Americans probably gets lost in
the shuffle; we an ask how much of it was actually American in those prisons and how much of it was
something else?
Other Places Where Predators Prey on the Vulnerable - Hypothetical Case of American Iraq-Based Hospital
In addition, let’s say an American soldier was treated at a hospital in Baghdad manned by a variety of groups.
What if while getting so-called medical help, he was also raped and victimized? He is in there for an EFP
explosion related injury, but things are so crazy, he gets abused just for being at the hospital at the wrong
time and place. As an American soldier, he is supposed to be on top and the good guy, but while his arm and
leg are torn up, he has little protection and gets “it” from so-called staff and others hanging around the
hospital at the time he is supposed to be getting what is primarily American military medical treatment.
Humiliated and also made to believe this is the lot of the American soldier, he doesn’t push for his civil rights
in the matter. Part of the game is to make Americans feel like losers and so much “shit”, which eats at a
person’s self-worth. In other words, along with the bad deeds are words and energies that get inside you,
inside your head and psyche. This non-physical abuse can keep a person from speaking out or standing up for
himself later.
Although this hospital rape/abuse scenario is imaginary at this point, you can sense how something like this
could happen in Middle Eastern combat zones involving American soldiers.
More on Coalition, Mixed Country Teams
The fact Americans were training and working with Iraqis that were being infiltrated by insurgents can explain
how something like this could happen, but it also can come from the differences in cultures. For example,
Iraqis long under Saddam’s reign might have developed low grade tendencies. How many American soldiers
raped by Iraqis supposedly working with them have not spoken up, or have not had their concerns
appropriately handled?
Coming Home Not Trusting
The fact many Americans come back from Iraq unable to trust anyone can account for the Iranian, Al-qaeda
and mixed government leadership loyalties backstabbing Americans left and right even while the Americans
were trying to clean up messes all over the country. There is no wonder American veterans from Iraq don’t
trust anyone, but not trusting alone will not help solve the problems. People need to come forward with any
remaining unrevealed or unreported rapes and other forms of maltreatment both from other Americans and
those Iraqis who were supposed to be working with them. In addition, Americans were often asked to work
with insurgents who had formerly fought Americans in a bad way. Criminals were let out of prison and
funded to work with Americans. This put soldiers and their leaders in compromising situations and muddied
the waters of “us” and “them.” Insome cases, we saw some improvements when the enemy decided to work
with us. But the muddied waters could lead to increased risks for American soldiers, a loss of morale and
more. Although there were sincere Iraqis working alongside Americans, and these people cannot be
forgotten or overlooked, or unnecessarily lumped in with the others, we need to be aware of those Iraqis who
were playing ruthless games around the Americans. It is a complex subject.
As such, then:
Pay attention to all rapes of every kind across all of the military branches, including the Army, Air Force, Navy,
Marines and Coast Guard; gain access to all records and start charting the information across various
determining variables, looking for trends and isolated events
Pay attention to real or hyped information on gangs in the military; where there is a verified presence of
gangs, be on alert to: rapes, hazing and gangstalking
In all news stories of any kind, watch for hype and the idea of Making the Other Guy Look Bad, one of the first
sections suggested to be read in the Far Zone arena of the sister website River Gold
Updates: 2020/05/24 time dot com-2017/12/12 article by Rico added
Overall Crime (Mil Crim-6)
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Policing, Borders, Drugs, Cartels
and System Corruption